Halfway There

Halfway There

Soulwaves Insertions Meditations and MusicHalfway There

As we come to the end of June, I thought it a good time to take a stock check and a bit of a breather.

So, the second book in the Soulwaves Anthology came out in January and the third book is emerging slowly – only slowed down by a house move, which in itself has allowed the story to germinate and go places I wasn’t expecting.

What I am most pleased by is, even though I unexpectedly moved house, the publication of the meditations, music and lectures inspired by the numbers, and each Insertion, has remained on track.

How I do it

Each moonth, I create a new ambient track that goes live on the New Moon. I then extract the ambient layer and use that as the background to the guided meditation that comes out on the Full Moon but I listen to it while writing the script to really tune in. The following New Moon, in the Insertions Lecture, I explore the significance of the number from the previous moonth, with a guest or two.

The series meditations and ambient music tracks now last well over an hour each and the lectures over four hours. Each moonth, I am being more experimental and expansive with music and exploring more esoteric themes in the meditations – some of which I have never shared before.

… and there’s more.

Each day I publish a Just for Today meme, illustrated by Siri Opli – in the Soulwaves Facebook Group and on Twitter. Then a moonth later, I split them in two and record two new Just for Today-style meditations (using the relevant ambient music) which go live on Insight Timer. You can also listen to them in previous blog posts.

… and what’s more, you can now get a trial access to my new creative portfolio for 3 days.

Soundwise Access Options
Back in the Groove

Back in the Groove

Back in the Groove

In retrospect, taking two ‘moonths’ to relocate and get back into the writing groove is quite short. So now I am installed in my new writing room/music production space – just a little tidying up to do as you can see from the piccy above.

In the meantime, I managed to keep up with the production of the moonthly ambient tracks, meditations and lectures all inspired by Soulwaves : Insertions. The daily Just for Today’s also spawn two new meditations for Insight Timer a moonth.

As it happens, and this is no surprise, a break from writing has lead to a new perspective. I had already planned that the Duadex would go to some places I had never been before. The chapters are being serialised again via the Soundwise app … along with my usual moonthly outpourings.

What would happen though it I went to places wilder than my wildest dreams?

… subscribe below to find out !

New Content

I have now got a 350Mb direct fibre connection to the Interweb – uploads and downloads are so fast !

and here’s a few things that floated up from my iMac into the cloud this moonth, from the Below to the Above you might say …

… onwards and upwards.