A Pause for Thought

A Pause for Thought

Just when everything was going so well with our refurb project, our builders discovered a layer of asbestos between the walls of the ground floor and the roof joists. Apart from an unexpected emptying of our bank account, it’s put the project back by a good moonth.

Fortunately, the hard part of the project and construction of the new extension was virtually finished before this happened. It means, once the asbestos is removed by the end of July, it is more like a conventional project with 1st fix, 2nd fix, decoration, followed by a phase move back in.

A big hiccup like this though pulls the rug from under your feet. The delay means that we will only just be in for Christmas so we are looking for a short term, out of season holiday let from October. We also made the decision that the motorhome is going as, after living in it for five months, we think we will want to see the back of it.

Hopefully, selling the moho will more than fund the asbestos hiccup and still allow to decorate and furnish the interior of the house as we envisaged it.

It does however make you take stock and check in on what you are doing elsewhere in your world.

The Path To OverstandingThe Path to Overstanding
Although the noise of band saws and hammers has meant it’s been tough to keep up with the recordings, I still have managed to hit every delivery date – aided my Sister Moon, of course. I am about two months ahead with the writing of the scripts and 2-3 weeks ahead with recording and production.

More importantly, I can see the end of this section of the path now and I am chuffed that I have expanded upon, and contemporised, the seven levels of initiation in the classic Cube of Space. More importantly, I have created an 8th and 9th level of initiation which, as far as I know, is a first in the recent history of humanity.

Onwards and Upwards !

Insight Timer Premium Content
I hear that launch is imminent, this month even, so my current 8 bits of premium content will go live soon. There will be a lag but it means that monthly income should start to increase from September onwards. This is important as it funds my creative output. By the end of the year, I’ll upload a new track each month to build a considerable archive of metaphysical wisdom

In the interim, each month I create and upload a new ambient track and a new guided track that I upload to the app with free access.

Keeping Plates Spinning !

Soulwaves The Duadex ShadowPlans for 2024
Plans are forming for next year.

First and foremost, the Path to Overstanding audios will be converted to a print and ebook.

Second, I’ll be starting a new project to create a fully immersive audio version of my novel, Soulwaves : A Future History. At 100 chapters long, I will create 10 parts each of 10 chapters and upload one a month to Insight Timer Premium. My muse and inspiration for this is the radio version of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

After 10 months, I will then segue straight into the serialisation of the third book in the trilogy, The Duadex. Incidentally, the 1st part of which is already written and recorded, so writing can start in Spring after the Book to Overstanding is being readied for publication.

Keep Scribing !

Plasmatic Effervescence

Plasmatic Effervescence


The Cycles of Life

So this week was the first moonth in many years that I missed publishing a blog on the New Moon. This is just a couple of days late.

There is no particular reason but that I forgot but that I forgot as external events overtook my usual rhythm of creative production.

I had to take a few days out last week at the funeral of an old friend from University. He had been dying for sometime and he very bravely and candidly wrote about it. Actually with the slightest nudge from me, he produced three books of philosophy and poetry in his last two years of life. They are linked from the images above, all thoughts from a dying tosser.

I had the honour of being able to read one out at his funeral and I share one with you here which is the only one I managed to get him to record.

So this mindfully short blog is dedicated to my good and old friend, Nick John Kyneston Bushell – may your light shine brightly from Above and may you come back down to the Below soon.

A Magnum Opus

A Magnum Opus

Boring ebookWhen you embark on an unknown path, you can guarantee a few things will occur. Firstly, you might get lost or stuck. Secondly, you might find new places, bump into new people and stumble across new opportunities. Thirdly, you may end up somewhere you never imagined.

I am fortunate and blessed that the second and third of these eventualities has fallen into my lap. To date, I have managed to deliver all the planned materials (and a few surprises to me) for the Path to Overstanding.

I knew that about now, seven moonths along the Path, things were about to open up considerably for me and those wandering along the Path with me. I had no idea however quite how significant the unfolding would be.

I have just started an exposition of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. It is one of the Master Recipes that I planned to share as it contains all 22 of the Flavours of Thought (and some more still). 

The problem I have always had with studying it is how complex it has been made by those holding its keys. Study of Hebrew, Gematria and all sorts of arcane and obfuscating language form a huge barrier and steep learning curve for those who would like to benefit from the secrets held in this magical glyph.

I am fortunate that years of experience with meditation is actually the key to embracing its wisdom. So I am embarking on tuning in directly to the emanations of the Tree itself – there are 10 of them. As I do so, I am writing and recording brand new meditations so others can follow my steps. At the same time, I am aiming to un-obfuscating the language.

All in all, it is turning out to be much more of a magnum opus that I had ever imagined. I have always loved Paul Foster Case’s book, The Key to the Wisdom of Ages. It has been put to me by those Above, that what I am writing is the Keys to The Key to the Wisdom. I like to think of it as the “Keys for Dummies”.

So on this New Moon, the first batch of content is delivered which explores what is referred to as The Master Pattern. It’s only the first unveiling. There is more to come including no less than me revealing The Tree of Overstanding which is like the Tree of Life on steroids. It goes way Above and way down Below to dimensions not usually touched explicitly by the conventional Tree of Life.

Go to my home page for subscription options, or to take the first step for free …

If you want to dip your toes in the water first, there’s a couple of events I should draw your attention to. 

On the 7th Sept, at 2pm UK time, fellow Tarot enthusiast and Insight Time meditation guide, Keziah Gibbons, will be interviewing me about how the Tarot found me.

Register for free here …

On the 21st Sept, again at 2pm UK time, I am running my second workshop on Insight Timer where I reveal what Overstanding the Tarot is all about.

Register for the workshop here …

Branching Out

Branching Out

Ted ChiangThis moonth was one of those times when the changes were rung in. The catalysts were an actual holiday, a revelation and bad back that led to a gift from on high and stroke of good fortune.

A death in the family also got thrown into the mix. It was both expected and welcome, so a release and relief all round.

These types of events though do make you stop, evaluate and come up with a new way of doing things.

The Holiday : Soul Notes

While I was away, I stopped creating for a while and read another writer’s work. Specifically a book of short stories called Exalation by Ted Chiang. This video explains what resulted :

The Path To OverstandingThe Revelation

Also while on holiday, I wrote some more materials for the Path to Overstanding. A huge revelation and realisation came my way about how our self-aware and unconscious minds interact with the superconsciousness. As I mention in the Path to Overstanding, when the Tarot evolves, we evolve. The process of creation is like picking yourself up by your own bootstraps.

The revelation is part of next moonth’s materials and is exclusive to subscribers … as some steps are required before and after you take the ramifications of this revelation on board.

John Howson HairdresserThe Back

So my bad back came on quickly on a day we were clearing father-in-law’s room. He had passed away after being trapped in a stroke-ridden body for nearly four years. With lockdown, he felt doubly trapped in a care home where we couldn’t visit him or, due to profound deafness, even talk to him.

So RIP John Joseph Leon Howson, hairdresser to the stars :: 28/02/1930 to 13/05/2022.

The back was like someone whacked a cricket bat across your lower back. I am having treatment and working through it. Perhaps John’s passing was a sign to slow down and stop now after providing care for 12 years and more. 

Before he passed, we were already planning to be away in the motorhome for most of June. We had decided on France so we could get back quickly if needed. So I was already working on strategies whereby I could create solely from my iPad, while on the road.

So a USB-C mic was purchased so I can record my meditations while I am away. My best find though was an ambient music generator called Wotja which means I can ‘compose’ complex, layered soundscapes while away.

Being slight confined with the bad back means both tools have come into play already. There’s a short example below of what I’ve been creating …

You’ll find more Wotja-generated tracks on Insight Timer …

Plotting and Pantsing

Plotting and Pantsing

Channelled WritingAre You a Plotter or a Pantser?

Last month I came across this question for the first time and had no idea what it meant at first. I came across it in an author’s forum which gives a small clue. It asks if you, as an author, plot your book in detail and then write it in linear sequence. Alternatively, do you just make it up as you go along?

It made me think about my approach and, at first, I thought I am a wearer of the pants. On reflection, I thought, “No I do have a plot, most of the time at least.”

Then the answer came to me. The question itself is flawed in my opinion and suggests than you can only choose one as your approach. Rather than an EITHER/OR approach, what I have done most recently gives the best of both worlds, by plotting and outlining a course AND/BOTH flying by the seat of my pants!

Soulwaves Soulwaves : A Future History

With my first novel, I had the main plot line nailed down for many years (15 or so) but not the very ending. The last and 100th chapter only came to me when I was writing chapter 98 or so.

The main plot chronicles the years from 2058 to 2109, when all life on earth is wiped out. That by the way is not a spoiler as it’s not the end or point of the book.

What lifted the main plot line was interspersing and intertwining the linear narrative, based in The Density, with a viewpoint from an other-worldly perspective from what I called The Void. This gives both depth and context in both space and time. The implication is an age-old concept that there is more to heaven and earth that we can possibly know and understand. The second plot line was completely ‘pants’!

By way of exploration, this ambient track takes readers to a place where they can actually experience what it’s like to be in The Void and observe the goings on in The Density.

Return to the Void

by Töm Evans | from the Soulwaves Ambient Album

Soulwaves Insertions iPadSoulwaves : Insertions

So this second book is bound in length by the number 12, with each short story inspired by the numerology of each number from 1 to 12. This then spills over to the 12 ambient tracks and the meditations inspired by each short story.

The overarching plot tells both the pre- and post-history of humankind. In a Cloud Atlas kind of way, some characters appear and re-appear down the timelines – as is the way with things.

Chapters 1 to 6 and chapters 11 and 12 were planned, in outline only, and plotted from the outset. Chapters 7 through to 10 only appeared in meditation on the days I’d planned in my diary when they were coming to meet me. So this book is mostly 2/3rds plotted and 1/3rd ‘panted’.

When it comes to the ambient album and the meditations, the ideas for them only start appearing after I delivered the previous track. Listeners experience how they build on each other and get more complex and audacious at the same time. Like the third book in the series, they are exclusively available to subscribers.

Have a listen to Insertion 1 : The Scroll and see if you can spot which elements I plotted in advance and what might have arrived ‘off the top of my head’.


The Scroll

by Töm Evans | Insertion 1

Soulwaves The Duadex ShadowSoulwaves : The Duadex

With the third book in the anthology, I am 75% in pants mode, running along with a loose 25% framework of a plot. As it is largely based millions of years into the future, on planets with weird and wonderful life forms, too rigid a plot would strangle the wilder fantasies and flights of the imagination.

The book is being serialised, in a Charles Dickens manner, as an audiobook exclusively to subscribers but I am thrilled to share one of the more bizarre chapters publicly here for the first time.

I hope these three different samples of my work show you how you can plot and pant at the same time. This mixed and selective approach, at the very least, works for me.

Active Channelling

For most of my non-fiction works, there is a rigid, mind-mapped structure which is populated with scribings done in the meditative state. Some call this channelling.

In my free course, How to Channel Your Book, I explain the difference between passive and active channelling. On reflection, active channelling is the plotting AND pantsing state. The only difference being that you bring an external intelligence and guiding hand into the mix. If you listen to The Duadex, you will hear concepts which have not from me but through me. The latest chapter that I’ve shared here, on where the first 12 Duadexes get delivered, is a good example of that.

Get access to the How to Channel Your Book course here



by Töm Evans | Chapter 16 of The Duadex

Back in the Groove

Back in the Groove

Back in the Groove

In retrospect, taking two ‘moonths’ to relocate and get back into the writing groove is quite short. So now I am installed in my new writing room/music production space – just a little tidying up to do as you can see from the piccy above.

In the meantime, I managed to keep up with the production of the moonthly ambient tracks, meditations and lectures all inspired by Soulwaves : Insertions. The daily Just for Today’s also spawn two new meditations for Insight Timer a moonth.

As it happens, and this is no surprise, a break from writing has lead to a new perspective. I had already planned that the Duadex would go to some places I had never been before. The chapters are being serialised again via the Soundwise app … along with my usual moonthly outpourings.

What would happen though it I went to places wilder than my wildest dreams?

… subscribe below to find out !

New Content

I have now got a 350Mb direct fibre connection to the Interweb – uploads and downloads are so fast !

and here’s a few things that floated up from my iMac into the cloud this moonth, from the Below to the Above you might say …

… onwards and upwards.