My Magical Week

The days of our week are pretty arbitrary. Only humans use them and they are based on the names of gods as explained in this short video.

As they are arbritary, as per the example in the video, we can hijack them for our own individual use. So, I’ve come up with a yet another way to run my week using a different tack and leaning that I will adopt each day.

Note that I won’t spend all the day on each tack, just the core. This is mainly because each morning I meditate and write. Late afternoon and early evening, I will network and schedule exploratory conversations and podcast interviews.

In addition, I modulate phases of my projects with the seasons and the Moon phases. So my daily theme might take on a different flavour at various times of the year and each ’moonth’.

For the coming months, here’s what my new weeks look like and I throw down the gauntlet for you to re-define yours 🙂

My Magical Week

Mends Day : each Monday I have reserved three healing slots for clients between 11am and 6pm. I will also be mindful to mend and repair things that need attention in my life and world.

Tools Day : Tuesday is the day I spend all day building new tools for personal transformation and spiritual development. The aim is to build my customer portal into a huge repository of wisdom – I call it The Adytum, it’s quite possibly the world’s first De-mystery School

Weeds Day : Wednesday is another client day. Between 11am and 3pm, I have scheduled 3 client unblocking sessions to weed out those internal gremlins that stop us being magnificent.

Surge Day : Thursday is my day to spend on marketing. I have two slots for podcast guests and love to learn how to get more and more out of my CRM and ecommerce system, InfusionSoft.

Free Day : Friday is my treat. It’s the day I spend writing my fiction. Note that I write and create most days but this is where my creative spirit is set free to explore, dream and expand.

Sitter Day : Saturday and Sunday are somewhat transposable but this is generally the time to sit around, relax and socialise.

Sunny Day : again this might happen on Sitter Day but being outside gardening or walking the dogs is a big component of the week. To dogs of course, every day is a sunny day, a sitter day and a free day. Perhaps they know something that we don’t.

Related Links

Time-based Therapy – what I do on Mends Day

Living Timefully – one of the outputs from Tools Day

Creative Unblocking – what I do on Weeds Day

The Zone Show Podcast – a Surge Day Activity

Amazon Author Page – what happens when my soul lights up on Free Day

The Adytum – where it all ends up

Your Business Manager in a Box – how I deliver it all

Seven Secrets of Temporal Alchemy

alchemy clockSome years ago, time began to take on an unusual quality for me.

On a past life regression course I attended, I spontaneously found myself with the ability to see through time. I found I could see past and future lives in peoples’ auras. I’ve since discovered virtually everyone can do this too.

I’ve experienced time slips including jumps forwards by some minutes and jumps backwards some seconds. Time it appears not to be as fixed as is thought. Times certainly are a changin’.

I found these phenomena curious and, as an engineer, I felt urged to come up with practical applications … all of which I find myself teaching these days.

1. Channelling Your Future Self

There is a version of you in the future who knows what you are about to do and what you plan to create. If you are a writer, or any creative type, you can tap into this version of you to get the words you are about to write.


2. Time-based Therapy

If a person has an illness or any trauma in the present, when we learn to see through time, we can ’see’ a version in the past without the dis-ease and also see into the future where the damage is repaired. Especially when combined with an energetic healing modality like Reiki or with chiropractic manipulation and massage, we can use this different-ability to cure all sorts of issues like rashes, allergies and even traumatic and degenerative diseases in bones and muscle.

3. Rejuvenating

We can use the technique of seeing through time to ’image’ a younger version of ourselves. When we ’soften’ time in this manner, we can replace the current version of us with a younger model. Sounds a bit Doctor Who-like? Well nothing we can imagine can’t be done.

4. Ending Temporal Tugs of War

One of the symptoms of living in our space-time with memories, and the ability to perform self-talk, are mental illnesses such as bipolar and schizophrenia. When the thoughts of a person in the now are over imprinted with bad memories from the past or imagined demons from the future, they become pulled mentally from pillar to post. They are caught in a temporal tug of war. Fortunately as thoughts are things, they are can be annulled and cancelled out in the same way matter and anti-matter might interact. Note that cataclysmic explosions don’t result but anullment and escape from repetitive and destructive thought forms.

5. Getting the Lottery Results

If winning the lottery is in your future timeline, you can get the numbers. As most people don’t win the lottery, this doesn’t work for most of the time. In case you are wondering, I don’t bother trying as there are bigger, non-financial riches to be had with a spot of temporal alchemy. Note that it’s a paradox of living in the duality that everything is preordained and we also have the free will to change everything.

6. Getting More Done

When we learn to ’soften’ time, the rate that it passes by takes on an ethereal quality. What seems to happen is twofold. Firstly, time stretches so everything you need to do gets done within the time available. Secondly, all external events begin to happen at the perfect time. This saves bags of time worrying and planning. It leads to the last and greatest secret.

7. Allowing Things to Arrive

It is becoming accepted in all but the most dogmatic of scientific cirlces that our thoughts affect the material world around us. This means we can have a thought and it will manifest. The issue then is making sure we have the right thoughts so we don’t manifest the wrong things.

The way around this is to first set up what is known as a meta-strategy, i.e. The best possible thing that you could achieve while on the planet. Armed with that strategy, and make it a big one, meditate on it daily and simply watch as events around you conspire to make it happen. The result of letting go is to be lead to a life beyond your wildest dreams. Sometimes resistance really can be futile 😉

Want to awaken the temporal alchemist in you?

Take the Living Timefully self study course

If you are an advanced time traveller, find out about becoming a Living Timefully Practitioner

And if you are suffering from a dis-ease or a temporal tug of war, try a spot of Soul Part Integration sprinkled with a helping of TBT

It’s About Time

Flat EarthOne of the most useful aspects of living in a three dimensional world, with a forward arrow of time, is that everything doesn’t happen at once.

The gravity that sucks us to the Earth prevents us floating off into space and keeps us, for the most part, on the ground where the air is breathable and the temperature is largely tolerable.

All in all, we live in a controlled environment which is just about ideal for life-as-we-know-it but, just imagine if …

  • What if we could annul the force of gravity?
  • What if we could tap into the future?
  • What if it was all an illusion?
  • What would happen if the ‘rules’ all changed overnight?

Another good couple of questions to ask is why I might even pose the questions above and have I lost my marbles?

Well, over the last few years, I have personally experienced all of the above phenomena:

  • I have fully levitated once and partially levitated on another occasion.
  • I have lost count of the number of ‘future memory’ events I have experienced.
  • I can demonstrate to anyone, either face to face or even over Skype, how to see through the illusion of time.

As an engineer, I have done a considerable amount of [empirical] research into these phenomena and, in some cases, worked out how we can utilise them repeatedly for real world use – all apart from the levitation ‘trick’ as yet that is.

Here’s just a few things we can do when time slackens off a little:

  • Get more done in less linear time.
  • Obtain words we have yet to write.
  • Tune into light bulb moments on demand.
  • Make huge leaps forward in scientific research and discovery.
  • Go back to the point an illness or dis-ease started and heal it in the present.
  • Go to a future point in time when an illness or dis-ease has resolved and heal it in the present.

What’s more these are not imaginary flights of fancy. I use all these techniques daily if not weekly and I know they are not some special gift that only a select few can tap into. The ability to do all of this and intrinsic to us all.

So why blog about this now?

Well, in my efforts to understand all of this, I have researched a fair amount of esoteric literature and connected with some people on the planet at the real cutting-edge of ‘things’. It appears we are on the cusp of a planetary shift not experienced since we “Got The Word”, or self-awareness, a million or so years ago.

It appears things will be changing and that this change won’t be initiated by governments or religions but by a collective raising of our awareness. This shift will be initiated by Us!! The signs and symptoms are all around, like:

  • Collapse of financial systems.
  • Increasing secularity.
  • The attraction of social media.
  • Increasing awareness of issues at a planetary level.
  • Funding from ‘the crowd’ taking over from debt creation (i.e. lending) from the banks.

The Opportunity

As far as I am ‘aware’, very few ‘humans’ had much to do with the last Big Shift when self-awareness became incarnate. This time however, there’s an opportunity to get involved to both experience it and have a hand in where it leads. For a few thousand years now, humans have perhaps possessed a unique ability to shape their environment and alter their own evolutionary path. Our increased longevity, in the Western World at least, is a testament to this. Our ability to reach for the stars and look back at our Pale Blue Dot of a planet has given us amazing context for who we are and our place in the Universe.

From various sources, I have come to the conclusion that we are on the brink of a Planetary Ascension. This is the next phase of evolution for Mother Earth, Lady Gaia. At the same time, higher level spiritual intelligence will incarnate in us (and other life forms). In the same way, “pre-word” our ancestors could not imagine sharing internal thoughts in the form of spoken word, this will lead to a whole new set of experiences and different-abilities for us.

A Clarion Call !!

So how do you get to play with what’s about to unfold?

For rapid preparation and immersion into the delights of the forthcoming ‘dimensional shift’, I have created a self-paced, self-study course called Living Timefully

It is delivered to your In Box over a period of 10 weeks and delivers all these benefits :

  • You will learn how to make your mind go quiet.
  • You will find out how to get more done in less time.
  • You will know how to tap into future memories.
  • You will realise how time really is an illusion, albeit a pervasive one.
  • You will invite serendipity into your life.

To create as much time as you need and get more done, start Living Timefully

Living Timefully

Five Mindful Time Management Hacks

Time Yin YangHave you ever been in that special zone where everything happens magically and in the perfect order? The tasks at hand seem to get done easily in the time available.

Have you ever had a day when things don’t go according to plan? The world seems out to get you and you feel like you are pushing water uphill.

These two states of being are of course opposite ends of the spectrum and might inspire you to thing you had better improve your time management. Now the vast majority of time management systems focus on better prioritization and minimalisation of interruptions. This is a Good Thing.

There is however a completely lateral way of getting more done in less linear time and that’s to change the speed and nature of your thoughts so you become more productive and creative.

The perceived passage of time is affected by our consciousness, attention and awareness. We can make use of this phenomenon when approaching creative tasks to changing our relationship with time at a fundamental level.

Here’s five mindful hacks to get more done in less time – together they introduce a new way of being and doing – that of timefulness!


Hack #1 : Breathe Like a Baby

The life expectancy of a giant tortoise is around 120 to 140 years and an elephant lives for around 80 to 90 years. While our own life expectancy is increasing, in the Western world at least, go back 150 years and it was between 50 and 60 years. Now here’s the thing. A tortoise breathes around 4 times every minute. An elephant breathes around 8 times every minute and we breathe around 12 to 15 times every minute.

So the first tip to changing our relationship with time is to breathe more slowly. To begin we need to use our diaphragm and to do belly breaths. This of course is how a baby breathes. We’ve just got out of the habit.

Now you don’t have to do it all the time but just doing 7 to 9 deep and slow breaths at the start of the day is enough to slow things down. You can also do it before any creative task or if you have been stressed. It works especially well if you are running late for a meeting. By breathing more slowly, we ‘expand’ time.

What’s even more magical is that this technique works in groups too or when working one to one with clients. This technique costs nothing to try and it’s even possible that we can lose weight this way while increasing our life expectancy

Hack #2 : It’s Mad Not to Meditate

Before I started meditating about 10 years ago, I thought it was both a waste of time and that there was no way I could make my over-active mind go quiet. Nowadays, if I miss my morning meditation, I actually have a worse day.

It might sound counter-intuitive but by taking 10-20 minutes of ‘me time’ each day, you claw it back in bucket loads throughout the day. You become less stressed and notice serendipities. So one chance encounter can save you hours in searching for just the ‘right thing’. It’s also reckoned the health benefits alone make it worthwhile and that each minute you spend in meditation gets added to your potential longevity.

Meditation too is not about sitting in a dark room in the lotus position chanting “Om”. A walk in nature or a park is a great tonic too. Be sure to look up though as this takes the mind out of its internal chatter

Hack #3 : One Thought at A Time

The normal human mind can only have one thought at a time. So just think about what you are thinking about right now and the thing you are thinking about gets replaced with the thought you are having about that thought.

Just pause for a moment, read the above sentence again and just check the validity of this notion.

Armed with this knowledge about the way we think, this gives us the most amazing insight when it comes to our time management. If we are focused on anything else other than the task in hand, time will slip away from us.

Accordingly, these are the three main bandits time:
• Fretting over the past
• Worrying about the future
• Thinking about something else other than what you are working on

So the key to making the most of our time is to ‘get in the zone’ and focus solely on what you are doing right now. When thoughts other than the ones we want to think arrive, a simple way to make them go away is to ask them about their purpose. Great enlightenment comes from this simple task.

Hack #4 : One plus one can equal three

It is an urban myth that the left brain is logical and the right brain is creative. Both sides of our brains are involved in both activities. When it comes to time, it is now thought there is a significant difference in how each hemisphere interacts with it. It appears that the left hemisphere (for most of us) sits inside space and time and that the right hemisphere sits everywhere and ‘everywhen’ else.

When we are ‘in that zone’ what is happening is that both hemispheres are working at the same time. The left brain handles the detail while the right brain holds the whole of the work ‘in mind’.

If we get bogged down with ‘left brained’ self doubt, our productivity drops significantly. If we sit dreaming about fame and fortune, our work doesn’t get done either. To get both brains working together, just breathe through alternate nostrils five times before embarking on a creative activity.

Hack #5 : Inner Mind Time

If you have ever regretted not trusting your gut, here’s why. It is now known our gut mind, which contains more neurons that a cat’s brain, operates about 5 to 10 seconds ahead of our conscious mind. It is an active mind center involved with decision making and getting us to pay attention to what is important to us. This might be an oncoming car as we are about to step off the sidewalk or something on a web page we are scanning.

So by forming a new relationship with out gut mind, we not only save time but we can be ‘ahead of time’ too. Our gut likes to be talked to and consulted. Say ‘Hi’ to it a few times a day and ask for its advice. You will make friends with an old and faithful companion.

So, by being mind-full not mind-less, and by engaging fully with both of our brain hemispheres and our inner mind centers, we get into that space where our productivity soars. The other collateral benefit of using these techniques is that we generate an intention field which seems to stop all interruptions coming in. What’s not to like?

Create as much time as you need and get more done

Start Living Timefully

Living Timefully

Why Most People Are 10% Efficient

The normal human mind is only capable of having one thought at a time. Just think about that sentence for a moment to validate this.

Note of course that there is nothing normal about the human mind. As far as we know, it’s the only bit of self-aware matter in the Universe. It’s also capable of reprogramming itself in an instant.

So with this strange ability to only think one thought at a time, if our mind wanders away from the task we are focusing on, our efficiency will drop. This basic aspect of our consciousness leads us to the real reason we become inefficient. When our mind wanders, our productivity drops accordingly.

So think about your thoughts in a typical day. Some of them will be mulling over past events. Perhaps you’ll think about conversations that could have gone better. If someone crossed your boundaries, you can spend hours agonising about it. You might of course be harking back to pleasant times like an enjoyable meal, a fabulous holiday or how you met the love of your life.

Alternatively you may be planning and rehearsing a speech or conversation for a day or more ahead. You may be thinking of what to cook for supper or longing for the weekend to arrive more quickly and the working week to finish. To add to all of this, there are all those pesky interruptions, diversions and distractions.

As a picture says 1000 words, this pie chart tells the story. You can also make your own up based on a typical day – a most illuminating exercise.


Such mind meanderings are of course normal and nothing to worry about per se. What goes on in our mind however can affect our physical and mental well-being. If you find they are dragging you down, one of the many ‘talking therapies’ might help.

If such thoughts are merely affecting your creativity and productivity, there is a simple way to get back in the groove. All we have to do is to learn to meditate and take some ’me time’ out every day. When I first did this 10 years ago, I thought I could never make my over-active mind go quiet. I was a busy guy too and didn’t have 10 or 20 minutes to waste every day. Nowadays if I don’t meditate, I have a worse day. When I do take some ‘me time’, I find the serendipities generated save the time back in spades.

There are two types and levels of meditation too, with one leading to the other. The first method relies on use meditating on a thing like the breath, a flame, a sound or a mantra. Just like counting sheep at night, this has the effect of numbing our thoughts into submission, by one thought replacing the last and so forth.

With the second method, we meditate on each thought as it comes in and ‘talk’ to it. We can ask it where it came from and why and ask it politely to go away or to be quiet. While this might sound like the internal ramblings of a mad person, it has remarkable results when applied in our waking days. It’s known as the Quantum Collapse of Thought.

If our mind wanders off focus with thoughts of the past or the future, we can use two simple strategies to get our minds back to the task in hand. For thoughts of the past, we can thank and acknowledge them for the lesson they have brought. For thoughts of the future, we can ask them to remind us later of their message at at time which is just perfect.

This simple thought clearance procedure works a treat and costs nothing to experiment with. Just try it for a few days and report back here by way of comment how you get on. If you have an alternative technique, let us know too.

After a few weeks of practicing this procedure, you’ll find you become luckier too!

What’s not to like?

If you want to speed up this process, take my new course, learn how to enter the meditative state with your eyes open and watch your efficiency and productivity sky rocket !!
Start Living Timefully

Living Timefully

7 Ways to Get More Done in 2014

More Time in 2014How was 2013 for you? Did you get everything done you wanted to get done?

How would you like to get more done in 2014?

Well time isn’t as fixed as you might think :: when we change our mind, we change our time. Here’s seven simple ways to change your relationship with time.

One : Ending Procrastination
It is amazing how creative we can be at not getting on with the task in hand. When it comes to doing what we really should be doing, or what we would love to do, we invent excuses galore to not-do-it. In all cases, this sort of behaviour is a symptom of a deeper malaise. When we procrastinate creatively, we are masking and hiding an underlying fear. It might be a fear of failure or even a fear of success. It could be fear of the unknown or a fear of being ridiculed. Often, it has roots back to an earlier event where the wheels came off our bus.

Remove the fear and the creative spark gets redirected where it is needed.
Two : Getting in Sync
Our man-made calendar and the 9 to 5 working week, when combined with 24×7 electric lighting, has resulted in us losing connection with natural cycles. Morning people just can’t produce as well in the afternoons. Each month, the Moon orbits our planet and has a massive impact on the creative cycle. Spring-time is the perfect time to leap into action and autumn is the perfect time to harvest.

When we go with the temporal flow, we stop pushing time uphill.
Three : Kronos and Kairos
The Greeks knew this but only recently neuroscientists have re-discovered that we have two minds of time. For most people, the left brain sits inside space and time; simultaneously the right brain lives everywhere and ’everywhen’ else. Energise both hemispheres by going for a good walk, or cross crawling, or give them a task they work on together and time takes on an ethereal quality.

It is just like magic because all magic tricks are only magic until we know how the trick is done.
Four : It’s Madness not to Meditate
It is thought that every minute spent in the deep meditative state extends our longevity by an equal amount of time, or more. Not only that but our well-being and vitality improves so we lose less time being ill, or just under the weather and under-performing. What’s more, when we take 10-20 minutes of “me-time” out every day, we get it back in spades with the serendipities and chance encounters we experience by being more tuned in.

Perfect opportunities come in when we least expect them too – and always just-in-time.
Five : The Intention Field
Thoughts don’t become things, they are things. Every thought we have generates an intention field around it that sends ripples out through the collective mind that bounce back at us. Simply by engaging both hemispheres on a task, we send out a signal that we are busy. You will find the phone doesn’t ring when you are really zoned on a task in this manner.

The intention field gets generated automatically and requires no energy but a particular kind of breath – and we all have to breathe anyway.
Six : Whole Mind Thinking
Our consciousness is sited all over our body and only concentrated around major nerve ganglia. As we have billions of neurons in our brains, for most people upon awakening, our inner dialogue naturally shouts the loudest. As a result, we assume our head is where all the ‘action’ is when it comes to matters of consciousness and awareness. This has the tendency of masking signals from other important nerve centres, specifically those in our heart and our gut. From an evolutionary perspective, these mind centres are older and in some ways wiser. They also operate a few seconds ahead of our conscious awareness and they are always, always right.

When we get our head, heart and gut in alignment, we become unstoppable.
Seven : Letting Stuff Arrive
Rather than thinking we have to turn up, when you apply the six hacks above all together, all we have to do is to allow things to arrive. Life stops being a chore and we begin to enjoy a charmed existence.

Also what turns up is better than our wildest dreams and always perfectly timed.

Why live timelessly?

Start Living Timefully

Living Timefully