by Tom Evans | Jan 29, 2025 | Scribing
Well the last moon orbit, mostly in January, was an interesting ‘moonth’ that augured in the arrival of a ‘new reality’ for me.
As I planned, the Outer Sanctum of the Adytum is now fully populated, open for business and taking students on board. For the next moon orbit, I will let it solidify and stabilise before tackling the creation of the Inner Sanctum.
As it happens, the materials for the Inner Sanctum largely exist, so again it will be all about creating videos and the structure of the path for acolytes. I’ll start laying the pathway after the next New Moon.
For the last ten years, I have mostly been creating audio assets mostly in the form of meditations, music and stories. The creation of the Adytum has given me a new found confidence talking to camera – without hesitation, repetition or hesitation – as well as skilling up in video edited. By way of example, see the scope of what I’ve published in the Outer Sanctum here …
On top of the creation of this new school of contemporary alchemy, a gift that came my way just before the end of the year was to be invited to host a show on the new metaphysical channel, New Reality TV.
Now the Outer Sanctum is complet, I’ve started to record episodes for my Practical Alchemy show and I plan to interview a guest a week going forward. Catch up on what’s already live and streaming.
by Tom Evans | Oct 2, 2024 | Timing
By now, I was hoping to be announcing the release of my new course to help authors write their books using channeling. The cosmos had different ideas as the first chapter for a book I didn’t plan to write appeared in entirety in a dream on the morning of Sunday the 8th September.
By the 20th of September, the first draft of the book was finished. It’s a 12,000 word novella called Time Restored. Let me explain why this needed to come out first.
The course I am planning will be now called Channeling for Authors. It’s a much revamped version of a course I created over ten years ago called How to Channel Your Book. Many of the exercises in the book are the same but I of course had to update it as the landscape of the publishing industry has changed somewhat since then. Publishing is even more in the hands of the author these days.
The course already includes guidance on how to write in the trance state so you end up entrancing your reader. I wanted though to include a new module in the course on how to write nested loops that hook your reader in such that they have to read the next chapter.
Since it started channeling in, so many bizarre coincidences have popped along and it is really like the book is being both told and shown to me.
What better example could there be but a book all about time loops? You can listen to the first chapter here … see if you can spot the loops opening.
I am also using Insight Timer intially to serialise the book, in the Charles Dickens tradition. The first chapter is published on Friday the 4th October and then a chapter a week until the end of the year. It’s also an experiment in encouraging people to invest in IT Premium as the first chapter will be free and the rest exclusive to subscribers. I have three other books lined up already, early in 2025, for this treatment if it works.
Hogwarts for Adults
So the course for authors will be available by the next New Moon, on the 1st November. What also put me a little behind was that I had an abortive experience with two platforms but have now zero’ed in on Thinkific. The main reason for using this platform is that I am now to release many more courses and finally build an esoteric school which I have been dreaming of for many years, if not planning for many lifetimes.
It’s a kind of ‘Hogwarts for Adults’ and will be called The Adytum. It will launch with 10 or so modules, including Channeling for Authors, over the /course of 2025 and build into an archive of esoteric knowledge, made exoteric.
I have a busy but enjoyable moonth coming up ahead. Watch this space for more details.
by Tom Evans | Nov 4, 2021 | Illuminating
Hiatus Time
The good news is that the knee operation went well and I am making a good recovery. The prognosis is good. The healing though is slow and steady : a nudge from the Universe to slow down and take stock perhaps
Being grounded for a while makes you think, especially when I can’t sit at a desktop computer and consume myself in the usual busy-ness.
But this enforced hiatus gives one time to think and re-evaluate. My first ‘activity’ post-op was hosting of the next Insertions Lecture in the series. This one explored the number 10 and the concept of there being more levels of awareness open to us than we take for granted. One of the topics we discussed was the Scientific Method which roughly flows like this :
- Step 1 : Observe
- Step 2 : Hypothesis
- Step 3 : Model
- Step 4 : Test
We mused on where intuition sat in the scheme of things and only afterwards did it occur to me there is space in our world for the Intuitive Method which flows like this :
- Step 1 : Receive an intuition
- Step 2 : Do nothing, just observe
- Step 3 : Spot coincidence/sign to back up/confirm intuition
- Step 4 : Thank those who are looking over and after you
- Step 5 : Repeat
The lecture is available via Soundwise … subscribe to the lectures here
So, bearing these steps in mind, this month I am launching a new initiative which came in as an intuition.
The Seeds of Alchemy
I still have much more esoteric knowledge to share than I have done so already. So next year, 2022 will see be revisiting the Tarot again and currently I am working with the artist, Siri Opli, on a new deck. I’ve written seed words to which she is illustrating. Next year, you will be able to purchase the deck from Siri and I plan to write a text book which expands upon the Tarot as it is currently known.
Accordingly, the deck will have some ‘new’ features. The first is 23 Major Arcana keys, rather like the Osho Zen deck. The second is that each Minor Arcana has 15, not 14, cards. This puts the 8 or infinity card at the centre numerologically. The third new feature is the most significant. The Minor Arcana will have five, not 4, suits.
The fifth suit is that of Overstanding. The four standard suits are a reminder that we are 9 dimensional beings having an experience in the physical plane. This new suit allows us to access the 11th dimension and sit above the four Planes of Being (as explored in my book of the same name).
Does this all sound like the anaesthetic went to my head? Well not really as it was all in place pre-op. I’ve just now formulated a plan. By the end of 2021, I will have recorded five new meditations, each based on the five suits of the new deck. You can get access to them via my Soundwise app – they will appear in the Just for Each Day Soundcast. Then, in the New Year, I will create a series of 23 meditations each inspired by a Major Arcana key. These will switch on your magical powers.
Access the Just for Each Day Soundcast here
Or, for better value, subscribe to my Tom’s Tomes bundle
You will also find the recent IT Live on the Seeds of Alchemy on the free Soulwaves podcast …
p.s. I mentioned an Insight Timer playlist in the podcast, these have stopped working so the ‘seeds’ meditations will come out as a course and Soundcast in the new year.
by Tom Evans | Apr 30, 2015 | Illuminating
Now I am no economist or financial expert but my understanding of the current system of money is that, for many, it is based upon the creation and maintenance of a Spiral of Debt.
What this means is that some people who have money, or access to it, make more and more money by lending it to people who don’t have enough of it.
If the people it is lent to use it to create or build more wealth from it and therefore are using it to ease cash flow, then this is a Good Thing. If however it is being used to make ends meet, it’s a Not So Good thing.
Touch wood, I have always been fortunate when it comes to having enough cash. As I mention in my new book, New Magic for a New Era, I was born into a relatively poor family and was one of seven kids to Irish Catholic, but hard working, parents. Since I left home, I have never been short of cash but do not profess to be loaded, just replete with all I ever need.
I am not qualified, or minded, to change the financial systems of the world or to share the secrets of how to win the lottery or to manifest a million dollars. I can however, with some congruence, share the secrets of how to allow all the cash you need, and more, pop along into your life just when you need it.
I’ve distilled the secret of how I do it into a self study course called Abundant Thinking which reveals the secret behind the alchemy of money generation.
My aim and intent for this course is to generate an Abundance Spiral which counteracts the current financial model. When used on an individual basis, it brings both money and all kinds of other benefits to your world. When used collectively, we make ‘change’ of a different kind.
Watch this short video to find out more …
How to Start Thinking Abundantly
The Abundant Thinking course is available for the relatively small investment of just £33 – you can get it here today !!
The number 33 is important as are the terms and conditions. There is no early bird discount nor a money back after 7 days offer (your statutory rights of course apply under the EU Distance Selling Regulations).
These measures are reflective of an old energy system based upon fear. This course will change and enhance your energy level so you can elevate yourself out and away from such devices. Within a week of taking this course, you will get a return on your investment equal to or greater than £33. It may be though not in cash but in wealth and health generation of a more priceless kind.
As I want as many people as possible to benefit from this program and I realise that, for some, even £33 might be a bit too much to spend right now. For this reason, there is an even lower investment you can make to dip your toe in the water of a more magical world.
For just £3.33 (for Kindle) or £9.99 (in print), you can get my new book, New Magic for a New Era which includes a chapter on money. Just reading this chapter will change your energy and begin to create a new flow in your life. Note that there is magic just in the numbers!
What’s more, by merely buying the book, you qualify to get access to my course on the Magic of Meditation (worth £12) for free …
… and don’t take my word for it, some feedback from people who are on an Abundance Spiral
“I seem to have more money in my bank account than I’ve had in a very long time. Synchronicities are showing up like crazy! I feel more grounded and healthy in mind and spirit than ever!”
“One week in after listening to it and clients are turning up out of the blue and sending me money before I even start working for them.”
“Understanding how money and my thoughts are interlinked has changed my world-view at a fundamental level. Thanks Dickens for the Micawber Principle!”
by Tom Evans | Jul 11, 2014 | Timing
Some years ago, time began to take on an unusual quality for me.
On a past life regression course I attended, I spontaneously found myself with the ability to see through time. I found I could see past and future lives in peoples’ auras. I’ve since discovered virtually everyone can do this too.
I’ve experienced time slips including jumps forwards by some minutes and jumps backwards some seconds. Time it appears not to be as fixed as is thought. Times certainly are a changin’.
I found these phenomena curious and, as an engineer, I felt urged to come up with practical applications … all of which I find myself teaching these days.
1. Channelling Your Future Self
There is a version of you in the future who knows what you are about to do and what you plan to create. If you are a writer, or any creative type, you can tap into this version of you to get the words you are about to write.

2. Time-based Therapy
If a person has an illness or any trauma in the present, when we learn to see through time, we can ’see’ a version in the past without the dis-ease and also see into the future where the damage is repaired. Especially when combined with an energetic healing modality like Reiki or with chiropractic manipulation and massage, we can use this different-ability to cure all sorts of issues like rashes, allergies and even traumatic and degenerative diseases in bones and muscle.

3. Rejuvenating
We can use the technique of seeing through time to ’image’ a younger version of ourselves. When we ’soften’ time in this manner, we can replace the current version of us with a younger model. Sounds a bit Doctor Who-like? Well nothing we can imagine can’t be done.

4. Ending Temporal Tugs of War
One of the symptoms of living in our space-time with memories, and the ability to perform self-talk, are mental illnesses such as bipolar and schizophrenia. When the thoughts of a person in the now are over imprinted with bad memories from the past or imagined demons from the future, they become pulled mentally from pillar to post. They are caught in a temporal tug of war. Fortunately as thoughts are things, they are can be annulled and cancelled out in the same way matter and anti-matter might interact. Note that cataclysmic explosions don’t result but anullment and escape from repetitive and destructive thought forms.

5. Getting the Lottery Results
If winning the lottery is in your future timeline, you can get the numbers. As most people don’t win the lottery, this doesn’t work for most of the time. In case you are wondering, I don’t bother trying as there are bigger, non-financial riches to be had with a spot of temporal alchemy. Note that it’s a paradox of living in the duality that everything is preordained and we also have the free will to change everything.

6. Getting More Done
When we learn to ’soften’ time, the rate that it passes by takes on an ethereal quality. What seems to happen is twofold. Firstly, time stretches so everything you need to do gets done within the time available. Secondly, all external events begin to happen at the perfect time. This saves bags of time worrying and planning. It leads to the last and greatest secret.

7. Allowing Things to Arrive
It is becoming accepted in all but the most dogmatic of scientific cirlces that our thoughts affect the material world around us. This means we can have a thought and it will manifest. The issue then is making sure we have the right thoughts so we don’t manifest the wrong things.
The way around this is to first set up what is known as a meta-strategy, i.e. The best possible thing that you could achieve while on the planet. Armed with that strategy, and make it a big one, meditate on it daily and simply watch as events around you conspire to make it happen. The result of letting go is to be lead to a life beyond your wildest dreams. Sometimes resistance really can be futile 😉
Want to awaken the temporal alchemist in you?
Take the Living Timefully self study course
If you are an advanced time traveller, find out about becoming a Living Timefully Practitioner
And if you are suffering from a dis-ease or a temporal tug of war, try a spot of Soul Part Integration sprinkled with a helping of TBT