A Time of Bifurcation
Two Tracks
I am writing this blog on the morning of the seventh day of Ukraine invasion by Russian forces. Some people have decided to go down a track which may have grave consequences for the whole of humanity, not least more imminently for the people of Ukraine and the wider Baltic regions. Their raisin d’être seems to be fear of potential threat when actually opportunities for co-creation and collaboration are alternative options.
Western Powers will do what they can, short of engaging in war themselves, to apply pressure on Russia to desist and retreat – or at least stop with the full annexation of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions.
Somewhere down the line, a bifurcation has occurred. As many people on Spaceship Earth are seeking ways to reach post-pandemic unity and usher in an age of planetary stewardship, others are dragging the world back to pre-1939 ways of thinking and doing.
This by the way is as political as I get in a blog … mainly as I do not profess to have any answers or expertise in political and military matters.
What I do know is that we are at a point of bifurcation and, at the very least, the days for partisan, elitist and corrupt politics in the West has to stop for us to have any chance of global peace. At the same time, the crushing fear held by dictators must be replaced with true love for humanity. The massive chasm between the behaviours of the Russian and Ukranian presidents are an example of the rift that has to be healed … hopefully before too many more on each side lose their lives for no logical reason.
My Own Bifurcation
The reason this blog is about bifurcation is that I find myself at a point when there is potentially an imminent split in my own focus. On reflection, both sides of this split however are in harmony as they have the same aim – that of awakening of consciousness.
The bifurcation lies in where people are at in their journey. Clearly, some people on the planet are hell-bent on courses where death and destruction are inevitable consequences. This naturally grabs news headlines and peoples’ attention.
I estimate that the vast majority of the world population would just like an easier life, without hardship and strife.
I have been passionate about sharing content freely, even before I was invited to publish on Insight Timer in 2015. I can testify that what goes around, comes around and that the freemium model works.
For a while now, the app has delivered some premium content in the form of courses. This provided an income that has helped me and many other guides to a position where we can afford to creat more and more content. This is the ‘going around’.
So as I am just on the point of launching and expanding on my own premium offering, I am delighted that I have been invited to run a workshop for Insight Timer. I hope it’s the first of many.
It will be delivered in April over three sessions and the subject is Attention Management – a new way of approaching time management indeed. Watch this short video for more and here’s the link to book your space:
My aim in delivering this workshop is that you will get your investment of time and money back many times over. As such, this type of event represents a bridge from purely freemium to premium.
Note that my output on Insight Timer is aimed at those on the cusp of awakening.
The Path To Overstanding
My new ‘premium’ offering is aimed at those who would like to ‘awaken’ to a whole new level. The word ‘premium’ is italicised as it’s really not expensive – starting at less than $5 a month. I want this information to be accessible and affordable to many. The fees just help me to cover hosting and administrative costs.
Since I first published my first non-fiction books back in 2009, I have been focussed on making the esoteric – what is complex and somewhat obfuscated – into the exoteric, namely understandable and accessible.
My latest premium offering is the culmination of that journey. Back in 2009 and 2013, I wrote two books – namely Flavours of Thought and Planes of Being – which are, respectfully, deconstructions of the Major and Minor Arcana of the Tarot. I always knew there was a third book and indeed that I might also design my own deck.
So, as previously signposted in this blog and elsewhere, the deck will see the light of day this year and has been beautifully illustrated by Siri Opli. It’s called The Tarot of Overstanding and is an evolution of the Tarot as it is known.
In parallel with its release, I am writing the book that accompanies it and serialising in audiobook format via my Soundwise app. It’s augmented by three other Soundcasts – Meditations on the Keys, a new ambient album called Arcanum and a series of exclusive conversations called Uberstandings.
It will contain and explain all the esoteric wisdom I have come across over the last 15 years and also include information that I am receiving from off-worldly intelligences. It is literally mind-opening.
It’s available exclusively to subscribers, optionally along with my other recent Soulwaves-based metaphysical content.
Find out more here …
… on The Path to Overstanding
Let me wrap up this blog by sharing some freemium content written by Henry Longfellow back in 1855 and so relevant to these bifurcated times.
Smoking of the Peacepipe

Walking Well
For as long as I can remember, I have had a painful right knee. I’ve had various treatments and fixes over the years but nothing has really worked and now I am down to bone on bone. Even if you aren’t medically trained, I think you can see the problem in the banner above – the knee on the left is my right knee.
By the time this auspicious New Moon of the 6th October 2021, I will have one of these implants inserted – an insertion of a different sort perhaps.
So why share it in this blog? Well, my first ever overnight in a hospital bed is a reminder of my mortality but it also represents a turning point. I have literally limped along for most of my life and achieved a fair amount. I am wondering where I might go once I can walk well again for the first time since my childhood.
Naturally, the operation is the just first step. There will be a recovery and recuperation period with physio. Like all these life resets though, there is an opportunity to get other parts of the house in order.
One of these has been inspired by an amazing happenstance. When I found the extraordinary surgeon and biomedical engineer who can perform this procedure on my knee, Professor David Barrett, I also chanced upon his ex-surgical practitioner, Mery Zanutto. I love it when adversity leads to fantabulous serendipity.
Apart from knowing lots about knees, and confirming this procedure is the right one for me, Mery is one of life’s polymaths with many strings to her bow, see www.meryzanutto.com
And I am so proud Mery has already added another string to that bow, she is now a meditation guide on Insight Timer and her first track is entitled Walking Well – listen to it and others here www.insighttimer.com/meryzanutto
Don’t you just love it when that happens? What goes around so comes around.
Last Moonth’s Output
So the usual Insertions ambient track, meditation and lecture are all available via Soundwise. A whole gamut of stuff has appeared on Insight Timer, too much to list but you can find it all here.
What I am really excited and chuffed about though is formalising my offer that many meditation guides have adopted and that’s using my ambient music as backgrounds to their meditations.
So there’s a new Soundcast that I will add to monthly where you can sample them and when you subscribe, you’ll get a link to a page with the direct download page.
Note that there is a small annual subscription but if you subscribe to the whole package, it’s included.
Subscribe to all my premium content for just $79.99 (paid annually)
Next Moonth’s Output
As I am going ‘under the knife’, I’ve got the whole of October’s Soundwise content recorded and scheduled for publication. I have to tell you that I have taken the brakes off and I am revealing alchemical magic that even surprises me. Hold on to your hats.
I am also really thankful to Siri Opli who is posting the daily Just for Today’s. We are creating a Minor Arcana deck with two differences – 15 cards per suit and five suits no less. This time the tables are turned as I have written them already and Siri uses the words to inspire her art.
While all this is going on, I’ve paused the writing of the Duadex for a while – listen here for why.
Hiatus Two

Four Million Listens
Just less than six years ago, I was approached by Maddy Gerrard of Insight Timer and asked if I wanted to upload some free meditations.
I didn’t think that much of it as I’d never heard of them but I did. I uploaded a meditation called Be Calm. A month later, Maddy emailed me and asked had I seen the feedback. I hadn’t as I didn’t know the app had that feature. Over 6000 people had listened and they loved the British accent and my left field approach.
Six years later, the app has gone from strength to strength and my career has taken a new direction too. Thanks to the experience and credibility given to me by Insight Timer, before lockdowns, I was regularly hosting live meditation sessions inside businesses. Now it’s still happening but over Zoom and the like.
Amazingly through, the app now provides a regular income which means I don’t have to trade time for money quite as much as I used to. This in turn means I have more time to produce content to upload to the app. This now includes ambient music, audiobooks and podcasts as well as meditations.
This all of course boosts listens and listeners – what goes around, comes around – listen to my portfolio here
Are You Ready to Be the Change?
So each and every day between 1000 and 2000 people listen to a meditation of mine. Each month I host an Insight Timer Live where around 500 people show up. All of this is done without me leaving my home.
On the 23rd July at 2pm UK time, I will be sharing the keys on how to open up this kind of possibility for you too.
What I’ll be covering :
- Finding your niche (mine is awakening)
- Developing and honing your craft
- How to write trance-inducing scripts
- The techie stuff
- Finding your audience
- Sticking at it
- Getting to revenue
- I’ll also be making a very special free offer to all attendees to help get you started …
… join me here at 2pm UK time on the 23rd July
What’s Happening Next Moonth?
Next moonth will see the usual exclusive output being published for my Soundwise subscribers – another Insertions Ambient track, meditation and lecture PLUS two new Just for Today meditations PLUS the serialisation of my latest book, The Duadex.
Insight Timer have asked me if I could provide some meditations to help in the workplace, so they will be in production and going live in August. In the meantime, I’ve got some other surprises lined up for publication on Insight Timer in July.
Watch and listen to this space!
Becoming Fear-less
Beams of Peace
In this delightful podcast, I am chatting to fellow Insight Timer meditation teacher and the progenitor of Peacebeams, Jane Murray.
Note that this podcast contains a meditation at the end, so pull over if you are driving.
- The notion of a Peacebeam
- Combining kindfulness with mindfulness
- The new currency of KinderPay
- Putting planetary resources on the balance sheet
- KinderPay working alongside traditional currencies
- The importance of forgiveness
- Leaving the legacy of a kinder world
- The interaction between love and gravity
Links from the podcast:
Beams of Peace

Three Million Listens
A ‘moonth’ ago, I wrote a slightly morose blog, as if it might have been my last one.
In uncertain times, I took actions as if there might be no tomorrow. Another moonth on and we can now see some of the trajectory, a sneak peek at a way out and a glimpse at a new world that might appear on the other side. Perhaps we will travel less, fret less, pay NHS workers more, value family and friends even more.
What is somewhat heartwarming is that without me creating anymore content at all, I have already left a significant legacy behind. This moonth, my listens on Insight Timer passed 3 million.
It’s clear too that I have much still to deliver … below is a collation of my new output since the last blog and, if anyone is wondering, this level of output consistently over five years is how you get to 3 million listens.
Opening Up in a Lock Down
So in the last blog, I said I aimed create a new ambient track called Ocean’s Rise, a new guided meditation as well as at least two more podcasts. The so called ‘lock down’ meant that rather more than this popped out.
You can listen to Soul Entanglement here, as well as the follow on guided meditation called Soul Talk that wasn’t planned … and see what else came along below.
Soul Entanglement
Soul Talk
Three More Ambient Tracks
Siren’s Call features the voice of Norwegian artist, Siri Opli – along with some dolphins – calling our hero from the book, Shen, across the sea to her. The dolphins are calling from a planet 55 light years away.
Oceans Rise was an amazing co-creation where Piers Ward, my guitar teacher, asked some ‘questions’ to which Belén Prado, my native American flute teacher, provided some answers. I acted as producer to create an ambient background for their amazing music to sit in. Listen to the result here.
Lagrange uses a pseudo-surround sound effect to swirl from both left and right as well as to the front and back. A must listen with headphones on and a return to a solo performance.
The Art of Winefulness
I have had the notion of writing a book on winefulness for some time. It occurred to me that a guided meditation would provide a welcome bit off light relief during these times.
I have also collated and curated ten meditations to help people get through lock down whilst also opening up.
Enlightened Conversations …
The Zone Show podcast is well and truly out mothballs. This moonth has seen two conversations with Insight Timer meditation guides, Keziah Gibbons and Pablo Arellano.
Keziah Gibbons gives us a Tarot reading for our time and Pablo Arellano explains how music opens the door to enlightenment.
A Message for Our Time
The Note Whisperer
What’s Happening Next Moonth?
So next moonth, assuming we are all still here, I plan to create more ambient tracks, more meditations and to do more podcasts.
… but something else is stirring, I have oodles of esoteric information which has not really seen the light of day that initiate a new way of being.
My soul has told me that Now is the Time !
Join the Soulwaves Facebook group to keep up with what’s going on …
Postscript : Soul Entanglement and Soul Talk Watercolours
Since drafting this blog, the artist Siri Opli has just created these two art works inspired by these two meditations – both watercolours available from www.siriopli.com