Steeling Yourself

Steeling Yourself

When it comes time for extending yourself massively, you really need a strong support behind and underneath you.

Again, life is mirroring my art. In my metaphysical serialisation, the Path to Overstanding, the flavour of thought of extension features highly, as those walking the path with me expand their awareness and consciousness.

By way of physical contrast, piles have been sunk down by six metres and a massive steel frame is now sitting on top of them, poised to support our new ‘living space’.

In the front garden, a large hole has been dug to accommodate a 5000 litre rainwater harvesting tank. It is insurance against a warming planet to ensure we can water the garden and flush toilets.

Adding to all of this, at the end of the month of May, I am steeling myself to living in the motorhome for four to five months. To make this more palatable, we’ve acquired an air awning to give us extra space to hang out.

For most of this period, we will be close to our house so we can monitor progress. Most importantly, I’ll have my audio studio back in action so I can continue content creation. I am also hoping to get some reading and writing done. New locations often inspire new directions and openings.

On this front much is happening each month (and moonth) :

  • I write a daily Just for Today, inspired by the amazing artwork of Siri Opli
  • this gives me the script for the following month’s meditation which I upload for free on Insight Timer
  • where, shortly a huge archive of my back catalogue will be published under the new Insight Premium offering
  • I also try and upload a new ambient track each month but have held back on any Live events until the Autumn
  • in parallel with all of this, and sync’ed to the Moon Phases, I create four new assets for the Path to Overstanding – namely serialisation of the book, a meditation on a key, music inspired by the keys and an uberstanding conversation

All in all, a busy year and one that I am steeled for …

Going Wild

Going Wild

It’s taken a while but at last our motorhome has a motor. So for most of this month, we are travelling around the UK with not much of a plan but to follow our instinct and find the Indian Summer.

So we’re heading North, popping in to see some old friends, taking in the Lakes, the Lowlands of Scotland, the Northumbrian coast and Yorkshire Dales – and hopefully no Fiat Dealers or tyre garages.

In a change to my usual moontly schedule, all of September’s creative output is already ‘in the can’ and ready for release along with the Moon Phases.



Last Moonth’s Output

As you might expect, the creative engine is still steaming along. Last moonth saw a a mix of a new musical direction, a new and very exciting direction for the Zone Show podcast and the publication on Insight Timer of some archive samples from Soulwaves, The Big Ü and Managing Time Mindfully …

Raga Beats

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path

Global Shift NOW!

by Tom Evans with Ervin Laszlo | The Zone Show

What’s Happening Next Moonth?

Soulwaves Insertions is with the editor and proof reader. The cover design also starts later this moonth too – with book production and audiobook recording scheduled for October.

After a bit of a gap, I hope to be back producing some more ambient music too – the Native Amercian flute might even get an outing !

… there’s also a couple of interesting podcast guests lined up too !!


The Road to Nowhere

The Road to Nowhere

So we are now the owners of a motorhome, kind of – she was called Bunty von Burstner. Unfortunately our first planned two week trip was cut short and ‘she’ is back with the dealer as ‘she’ kept going ‘fawlty’ – if she comes back next week, we are renaming her Basil as a result!

This blog was to go live while we were on our first jaunt – two or so weeks around the Cotswolds and Welsh Borders. It’s a reminder that, in life, there is no route, no plan, no need to get anywhere at anytime. Our ‘road’ has taken us back at base, awaiting news Basil has been repaired. Words have been had with the dealer and we are paying attention some other issues at home that required some TLC.

On a more positive note, seven of twelve short stories of the Soulwaves Prequel/Sequel have now been written that have gone many places already in space and time. This leaves the door open to make the next five go to even wilder places still.

Musically too, the synths will be playing very much a background role and the guitar coming to the fore – watch and listen to this space to see what emerges in the next blog.

Tom Evans AudiobooksLast Moonth’s Output

So this last moonth is one where I was aiming to slow down, what with the new motorhome, a few day trips out and all that !

But not only did I write those seven short stories for the Soulwaves prequel/sequel but I also created two more ambient tracks, one guided meditation, an off-the-wall podcast and published two audiobooks from the archive. My audiobooks now have their own playlist.

Incidentally, the ambient tracks now number 13 and the whole playlist is over 3 hours long and where I aimed to be at the end of 2020. Some good has come from the lock down!

Slowing down is obviously the new speeding up.

Voiding Karma

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path

The Great Attractor

by Tom Evans | Soulwaves


by Tom Evans | Soulwaves

Talking Loud and Clear

I’ve also been blessed with some amazing conversations this past moonth …

Tom Evans Talking About Soulwaves with Dr Darian Parker

What’s Happening Next Moonth?

So assuming we get back on the road with Basil, I plan to use my trusty iPad for writing the next 2 or 3 stories and my guitar for recording melodies to go on top of new ambient layers – hopefully all inspired by the change of location leading to a change of perspective.

One of these new perspectives is to use classical tracks slowed down as the ambient layer provided by a great site called Chordify which allows the MIDI file to be downloaded – a new creative boost …

… also wondering how weird and way out I can make the remaining short stories !

A Summer to Love

A Summer to Love

Lyseo MotorhomeThis moonth sees an emergence as the easing of lock down begins. Some decisions have been made.

No more private clients or 1-2-1 work for me, just creation of books, meditations and course materials – and the odd online talk. The Zone Show podcast is also changing its model too away from interview format into being an audio-blog equivalent of this blog.

One of the reasons for such a change, is that my partner and are picking up a motorhome tomorrow – and we are going travelling. The plan is to wander around bits of the UK we’ve never been to this year and then over to Europe next year – with the aim of seeing the midnight sun a year from today, the 21st June 2021.

Soulwaves : Insertions

Soulwaves InsertionsAs is often the way, the idea for the next book came along unexpectedly. I wasn’t planning to write anything at all until at least 2021 but the Universe had other plans.

In the tradition of many a futuristic author (Isaac Asimov, Ursula le Guin, Ted Chiang and Charlie Brooker), this will be a compendium of short stories.

Soulwaves Insertions is a book of 12 tales about some of the ways the Council of the Light venture into the Density. The stories are both prequels, sequels and concurrent to Soulwaves.

While it stands alone from Soulwaves : A Future History, it can be read before or after it, as it fills in some of the gaps.

My plan is to publish it 13 ‘moonths’ after Soulwaves came out this year, on the first Full Moon of 2021 – and that the full book of The Duadex, referred to in this short story, and the end short story of this collection, comes out on the first Full Moon of 2022 – if we are all still here !!

You can listen to the first tale here called The Scroll – and I already have three more chapters written/downloaded. This won’t take as long as Soulwaves did!

The Soul-full PathLast Moonth’s Output

So this last month has seen four ‘new’ bits of content appearing on Insight Timer – a new guided meditation called Soul Warmth and two new ambient tracks for the Soulwaves Album.

And now the next book is coming my way, each moonth I am going to release, from my back catalog, either a whole audiobook (if short) or section of a book for free on Insight Timer. Leaving a legacy and breadcrumb trail is the best way by far to step into a life of abundance and freedom. It also helps the next books to come along.

So enjoy my first foray into philosophical writing called This We Know, somewhat coincidentally written entirely on a two week holiday in Devon in 2012.

Soul Warmth

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path


by Tom Evans | Soulwaves

Guiding Lights

by Tom Evans | Soulwaves

What’s Happening Next Moonth?

Next moonth will see the release of another guided track called Voiding Karma, the next ambient track entitled The Great Attractor and the release of the next audiobook from the archive, This We Are – which is the sequel to This We Know.

More importantly and significantly, we will be making the first forays out into the world in our new motorhome. New locations result in new perspectives.

So I am planning to write some more of the book and new meditation scripts. I may also be recording ‘out in the field’ too as my trusty Yamaha SLG100 will be coming with us.

Watch and listen to this space!