Adapt and Thrive

Adapt and Thrive

This last moonth has been one where flexibility has had to be the key. The next few moonths are poised to be similar in flavour.

The reason being is that my main two initiatives for 2024 are in a state of flux, with uncertainty around their aspects and timing.

So I have prerecorded two introductory shows for the new Soulwaves channel on Ethereal TV. Their launch date of June seems to have slipped, which doesn’t surprise me at all as it’s a massive undertaking on their part, not least with herding many cool cats. If I am honest, I prefer doing interviews outside the summer months anyway when I prefer to be outside! So I am not rattling that cage and am happy for it all to run its course.

Slightly more unsettling but also potentially really good news is that Insight Timer are changing the way that they remunerate teachers. As this is my main revenue stream, as I am loyal to them for the opportunity they gave me, I will have to adjust and potentially augment some of my plans.

I was planning to put all of my Magnum Opus on to the app and have already re-published the first part of my trilogy, the book Flavours of Thought, on the app. I was about to upload the companion book in an eight part mini-series, Recipes for Fresh Thinking, and have two recipe-themed courses up already with a third lined up for July.

My intuition is to hold off doing any more. Partly as they are not getting the traction I had hoped for but mainly as my intuition is to re-publish and re-purpose the second part of the trilogy, Planes of Being.

The third and most expansive part of the trilogy is The Path to Overstanding. This was going to be tricky to upload as it has so many materials as attachments and Insight Timer do not allow them to be appended to courses. What they are about to launch though is our ability to sell events and mentoring services through the app.

This means access to The Path to Overstanding could be repurposed as a subscription-based monthly mentoring programme. I already have it hosted on MySoundwise and can augment access with live sessions that themselves will get uploaded, thus augmenting the level of Overstanding.

So for a moonth, I plan to do nothing apart from observe and post my current mix of free meditations and music, the serialisation of the audiobook version of Soulwaves and courses.

By way of fitting example, let me share a guided visualisation with you here, that I just happened to upload last moonth … funny how art emulates life !

And you can see the interview with the CEO of Insight Timer, Christopher Plowman, on the ringing in of these changes here

The Tarot of Overstanding

Overstanding Pentaclea change of plan

I spent my 59th birthday at the funeral of my best friend from school. It was a sad and poignant day but also a celebration of his life and impact.

At the time, I had published 15 books but I had never finished the draft of a novel that I penned before any of them. This book was about the future history of Earth and allowed me to explore themes a bit too wild and whacky for a non-fiction book. On the way back on a long train journey, I decided that I should really get it published by my 60th birthday, just in case.

Despite my laudable ambitions, the Universe had other plans for me and another book and project got in the way. I met an Earth angel in the form of Laurence Udell. At first he wanted me to mentor him to write his opus. It ended up that we wrote and published what became my 16th book together. It is called The Big U and I am really proud of it.

When the project came to conclusion though, I got into writing Soulwaves : A Future History. It turned out my first draft was pretty amateur and I ended up re-writing it and publishing a 100,000 word novel from the ground up. The central character was changed and I brought in other actors in the Density and perspectives from the Council of the Light in the Void. This collusion proved significant and it took me to explore themes which are literally out of this world.

The novel was published on the 1st New Moon of 2020 and gave rise to a series of soul-full meditations and a whole album of ambient music, which you can tune into in my SoundWise portfolio.

Shortly after publication, the world was thrust into lockdown and, like many, I found myself with time on my hands. In Spring 2020, I began to write of a set of short stories called Soulwaves : Insertions. They were published on the first New Moon of 2021, 13 moon orbits after the seed novel. 

Following this event, on each subsequent New Moon, I have released an ambient track inspired by the corresponding Insertion. On each Full Moon, a guided meditation on the associated numerology has been released. At the time of this post, I have completed 11 of the 12 and not missed a deadline. I am rightfully proud of this timeliness and the quality of this output.

So earlier this year, I started serialising the third book in what had morphed and grown into the Soulwaves Anthology. It is a direct spin off of the 12th Insertion and called The Duadex.

It’s progress was interrupted by an unexpected house move and much needed knee surgery. Now both have been done successfully, I can move on at a pace. However, again the Universe has other plans. I have drafted the next few chapters of the Duadex but the Muse is not with me. This is a project for next Spring.

This is not failure of a writer succumbing to writer’s block. Rather it is a recognition that there is a time, rhyme, reason and season for everything.

the tarot of overstanding

In the summer of this year, I architected a new Tarot deck with 23 Major Arcana and four suits of the Minor Arcana of 15 cards each, not 14.

The talented artist, Siri Opli, began to illustrate them and we serialised them daily on Facebook and Twitter. This task is nearing completion and it would be done now had something rather new and potentially mind-blowing had not come along.

In meditation, the idea for a fifth suit came in. It gives an over-arching context for the other four suits and indeed the Tarot itself. It is called The Suit of Overstanding.

I am aware of decks like the Osho Zen with 23 Major Arcana. I am unaware of any decks with more than four suits for the Minor Arcana. I may be wrong of course.

Anyhoo, this new project is calling me and I have been ‘asked’ to project manage the production of the deck and to write a companion book for the deck also called The Tarot of Overstanding.

Several years ago, a medium gave me this message.

Finish the Trilogy First this is of the utmost importance:

  • Do it with fervour – he must do this first because of that which about to come before him – we say must because – this is the writing that will support him on both the physical and mental planes to be able to succeed and overcome irreverent blight.
  • This is the one that wins self acclaim and silences critics. 
  • This is the opener of doors he doesn’t know exist.
  • Tell him – finish the trilogy FIRST.

He has manifested a tangible Tool capable of being used by many in places of school and thought.

This is no insignificant project. Born of Love from The Divine. The Original Source is US – the Tarot is JUST his ‘gateway’ his ‘door’.

I wrote the first two books, Flavours of Thought and Planes of Being, a decade ago. The third book in this particular trilogy is something different. The Tarot is not fixed in stone and nobody owns it or can hold a patent or trademark over its wisdom. It is a font of collective guidance for which I am one of its baton carriers and guardians.

I am in debt to Paul Foster Case and the Builders of the Adytum, with whom I have studied for many years. I stopped training with them earlier this year as I realised it was stopping something new and revolutionary coming along. This book indeed.

So, the scribing of Sian’s tale will take a back seat and I’ll get back to it in Spring. She can wait as she’s not born yet.

This year, I’ll complete the Insertions project and, in 2022, I will launch three new Soundcasts. Indeed, by the end of this year, in the Just for Each Day Soundcast, you will be able to hear five meditations inspired by the five suits. You can hear the first of them below.

The first Soundcast will be the audiobook version of the Tarot of Overstanding. A introduction will probably appear before the year is out

The second Soundcast will be an ambient album inspired by each key of the Major Arcana.

The third Soundcast will be a set of guided meditations similarly seeded.

When the Tarot evolves, we evolve. I hope you are ready for the ride.


Seeds of Thought

by Töm Evans | The Tarot of Overstanding

Down to Business

Down to Business

The Business of Mindfulness Insight TimerIf you read my blog last month, you will have seen I hit yet another milestone on Insight Timer – this moonth, something else equally remarkable happened.

They approached me to see if I had any meditations that would be suitable for businesses as they are launched a new subscription called Insight Timer @Work.

I had loads already on the app and then uploaded a few more. Then, towards the end of the month, they asked if I consider doing a course. So in just two days, I created a 10 day course and it went live on the third day – which I then found was somewhat of a record. As I was using the principles I teach in another course, The Art of Timefulness, perhaps no surprise.

It’s a ten day course split into two halves. In the first five days, I introduce the basic concepts of meditation and mindfulness but in a business context. The second half of the course contains five meditative techniques you can use to be more creative, productive, innovative, attractive and lucky. The course is equally applicable for micro-businesses and multinationals.

What’s not to like?

Discover how to use mindfulness in the workplace here …

Read more about Insight Timer @Work here …


Three Paths

I’ve known for a whole that while it’s a good thing to always be creating loads of content, you can leave people behind and make it hard for them to keep up with you. Especially if you do something like create a whole 10 day course in just two days!

So, in an attempt to simplify things, a new header has sneaked on to my home page showing there are three paths you can take …

  1. Have fun with me : here’s where I share my latest outpourings in the form of fiction, new music and exclusive meditations – there is a small monthly subscription for this which helps keep me going
  2. Chill out with me : via Insight Timer, here’s where you can listen to my vast repository of free meditations (access to the courses require a premium subscription)
  3. Learn with me : all my pre-2020 courses and meditations that accompany my books can be accessed, again for free, here

July’s Creative Output

This was a bit of a bumper month for me :

New ‘Fun’ Content : exclusive to subscribers

  • Four new chapters for The Duadex : the third book in the Soulwaves Anthology
  • The seventh ambient track from the Insertions album : Septima
  • The seventh meditation based on the numbers : Supersensibility
  • The seventh lecture on numerology
  • Two new meditations in the Just for Each Day soundcast

p.s. the only way to get these is via subscription but you can now get three days trial access

p.p.s. subscriptions here really help me keep producing the free stuff below : what goes around comes around

Free ‘Chill Out’ Content : on Insight Timer

  • The Love Zone : another chapter from my audiobook, The Zone
  • The Happy Zone : another chapter from my audiobook, The Zone
  • Etherea : a one hour ambient mashup
  • Messages in Time (remastered with my own ambient)
  • Moments of Light (remastered with my own ambient)
  • Agreeing Together (a new meditation for IT @Work)
  • Seeing Together (a new meditation for IT @Work)
  • Breathing Together (a new meditation for IT @Work and you can listen below)

p.s. I am slowing down a little in August

Breathing Together

by Töm Evans | one of the new tracks uploaded to Insight Timer this month