by Tom Evans | Dec 11, 2015 | Timing
Quarter 4 : Five Temporal Takeaways
This is the last of four sneak previews of what’s inside my forthcoming book, Managing Time Mindfully, published on the 11th December 2015

Temporal Takeaway #1:
We can become hampered and restricted in how we operate in the present by what has occurred in the past. Past life regression is quick, safe and effective as a therapy and doesn’t require a belief in reincarnation for it to work.

Temporal Takeaway #2:
We are as able to tune into ‘future memories’ as we are to past memories. This is how imagination and prescience works.

Temporal Takeaway #3:
We are all natural channels and oracles. All the great artists possessed the ability to tune into divine inspiration.

Temporal Takeaway #4:
Light bulb, or aha, moments occur outside space and inside time. They are whole mind and body events.

Temporal Takeaway #5:
Time is as malleable a dimension as any of the three physical dimensions. The instrument with which we manipulate it is our mind.

by Tom Evans | Jul 11, 2014 | Timing
Some years ago, time began to take on an unusual quality for me.
On a past life regression course I attended, I spontaneously found myself with the ability to see through time. I found I could see past and future lives in peoples’ auras. I’ve since discovered virtually everyone can do this too.
I’ve experienced time slips including jumps forwards by some minutes and jumps backwards some seconds. Time it appears not to be as fixed as is thought. Times certainly are a changin’.
I found these phenomena curious and, as an engineer, I felt urged to come up with practical applications … all of which I find myself teaching these days.
1. Channelling Your Future Self
There is a version of you in the future who knows what you are about to do and what you plan to create. If you are a writer, or any creative type, you can tap into this version of you to get the words you are about to write.

2. Time-based Therapy
If a person has an illness or any trauma in the present, when we learn to see through time, we can ’see’ a version in the past without the dis-ease and also see into the future where the damage is repaired. Especially when combined with an energetic healing modality like Reiki or with chiropractic manipulation and massage, we can use this different-ability to cure all sorts of issues like rashes, allergies and even traumatic and degenerative diseases in bones and muscle.

3. Rejuvenating
We can use the technique of seeing through time to ’image’ a younger version of ourselves. When we ’soften’ time in this manner, we can replace the current version of us with a younger model. Sounds a bit Doctor Who-like? Well nothing we can imagine can’t be done.

4. Ending Temporal Tugs of War
One of the symptoms of living in our space-time with memories, and the ability to perform self-talk, are mental illnesses such as bipolar and schizophrenia. When the thoughts of a person in the now are over imprinted with bad memories from the past or imagined demons from the future, they become pulled mentally from pillar to post. They are caught in a temporal tug of war. Fortunately as thoughts are things, they are can be annulled and cancelled out in the same way matter and anti-matter might interact. Note that cataclysmic explosions don’t result but anullment and escape from repetitive and destructive thought forms.

5. Getting the Lottery Results
If winning the lottery is in your future timeline, you can get the numbers. As most people don’t win the lottery, this doesn’t work for most of the time. In case you are wondering, I don’t bother trying as there are bigger, non-financial riches to be had with a spot of temporal alchemy. Note that it’s a paradox of living in the duality that everything is preordained and we also have the free will to change everything.

6. Getting More Done
When we learn to ’soften’ time, the rate that it passes by takes on an ethereal quality. What seems to happen is twofold. Firstly, time stretches so everything you need to do gets done within the time available. Secondly, all external events begin to happen at the perfect time. This saves bags of time worrying and planning. It leads to the last and greatest secret.

7. Allowing Things to Arrive
It is becoming accepted in all but the most dogmatic of scientific cirlces that our thoughts affect the material world around us. This means we can have a thought and it will manifest. The issue then is making sure we have the right thoughts so we don’t manifest the wrong things.
The way around this is to first set up what is known as a meta-strategy, i.e. The best possible thing that you could achieve while on the planet. Armed with that strategy, and make it a big one, meditate on it daily and simply watch as events around you conspire to make it happen. The result of letting go is to be lead to a life beyond your wildest dreams. Sometimes resistance really can be futile 😉
Want to awaken the temporal alchemist in you?
Take the Living Timefully self study course
If you are an advanced time traveller, find out about becoming a Living Timefully Practitioner
And if you are suffering from a dis-ease or a temporal tug of war, try a spot of Soul Part Integration sprinkled with a helping of TBT
by Tom Evans | Nov 13, 2013 | Timing
Anne Jirsch is a London-born professional psychic with a large worldwide following. Her client base includes heads of industry, politicians and celebrities from the world of film, music and sport.
She is an internationally best-selling author of four books – ‘Instant Intuition,’ ‘The Future is Yours,’ ‘Cosmic Energy’ and ‘Create Your Perfect Future.’
Anne is a leading world pioneer of Future Life Progression and runs the only training school for FLP in the world with 250 practitioners in 8 countries. She is the Chairman of The Past & Future Life Society.
In this conversation on The Zone Show, we explore the healing and creative possibilities open to us in The Now when we explore our true relationship with the past and the future.
Anne also takes us on two guided visualisations – the first to cut the cords that hold us back and the second to help us create the perfect world collectively.
Find out more about Anne and her work and her writings
Anne Jirsch
Future Life Progression
Anne’s books on Amazon UK
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