So That Was 2012 !!
Well that was a bit of a year !!
Before launching into 2013 (and taking a well deserved holiday in the sun), I thought it worth wrapping up the year on this blog with a bit of a summary of the journey I’ve been on this year.
Strangely, the only thing I had vaguely planned was to write Planes of Being but even then at the start of the year, the title and theme of the book weren’t fixed … roll on 2013 !!
What happened in 2012
New Books
Planes of Being
This We Know – unplanned and written and published in less than a month
Which lead to the world we would/could know series of interview interviews
100 Years of Ermintrude for Kindle
Bending Time
Goals of Learning
Creating Meditative Audio Recordings
New services
Bending Space | The Cube of Karma
Soul Part Integration
Light Up Your Business
Guest Blogging
Creativity Portal
Publishing Talk Magazine
So what’s planned for 2013?
Well not a lot as I am so looking forward to all the serendipities unfolding …
but I have a series of workshops planned for the last Thursday of each month – check out these happenings
… a book to co-author with the fabulous Vicki Wusche
… at least two new courses for Udemy
and the writing of next year’s opus on how to move to the next level of human evolution