New Plans : New Perspectives
New Perspectives
It’s only just dawned on me that our recent house move played out over a whole moon orbit.
We started our move just before the April New Moon and this New Moon sees us in and installed with my new writing and music studio operational.
The location and views are amazing and it’s lead to a whole new perspective and focus. The plans that have been hatching over the last couple of years in particular have lead to me landing in the perfect place to manifest them more holistically and with enhanced grace and ease.
New Plans
A moonth off the usual rate and style of production has allowed a stepping back and starting up again and the gift of being able to see and ease into a new pattern.
So each moonth now looks like this :
- Every single day, post a Just for Today illustrated meme on Twitter & in the Facebook Soulwaves Group
- Each moonth these generate two new guided meditations for Insight Timer (effortlessly)
- Each moonth, there is a new ambient track inspired by an Insertion (the music used as a background for the meditations above)
- Each moonth, there is a new guided meditation inspired by an Insertion (again using the ambient background from above)
- Each moonth, there is live lecture on the numbers
- Each moonth, there will be a live meditation session via Insight Timer
- PLUS the Duadex will start to flow !
Related Links
- My Twitter feed
- The Facebook Soulwaves Group
- My Insight Timer portfolio
- Meditations at the Yurt
- Subscribe to my new content creation
New Content
Even in a moonth with limited broadband and time, there was still some content creation.
My main new project, the channelling of the third book in the Soulwaves Anthology, The Duadex, was put on hold. It’s starts again this moonth.
Have a listen to what I created between the packing and piles of boxes below …