The Last Thirteen Moonths
Thirteen Moon orbits ago, I finally published a novel that I started 15 years and 15 other books ago. Then, in the first lockdown, a book I hadn’t planned wandered along. It’s a set of shortish stories that are both prequels and sequels to that novel.
From today, Soulwaves : Insertions is available in print, ebook and audiobook on all the usual platforms.
And I am having a launch ‘party’ to celebrate which you can catch in the Soulwaves Group on Facebook – or on my YouTube Channel if Facebook isn’t your bag.
In the last thirteen moons, something more than just my first novel came along. It inspired a five hour album of ambient soundscapes and a four hour meditation series called the Soul-full Path.
This second book has a similar future vector.
The Next Thirteen Moonths
On each New Moon, starting today, I will release an ambient track which will form the Insertions Album – each track inspired by the numbers 1 to 12, as are the chapters in the book.
Each Full Moon will see the release of a guided meditative visualisation also inspired by the numbers 1 to 12.
And to wrap each ‘moonth’ up, starting with February’s New Moon, there will be a live lecture on the significance of each number and how we can use them in our lives.
Towards the end of 2020, I got an email from the CEO of an app called Soundwise. It is something I had been looking for. It gives me a unified platform where I can host audiobooks, meditation series, albums, courses and a podcast.
What’s more listeners can sample content for free, invest in an individual item or subscribe to my whole portfolio – and interact with me and other listeners too!
So I made my pre-2020 content freely available at the beginning of this year … it was this act that encouraged the arrival of the post-2020 content delivery mechanism.
There’s a couple of other activities that I have unified at the same time.
The end of 2020 saw the last Zone Show Podcast episode and Soulwaves : The Podcast is replacing it. Instead of conversations about the zone, we’ll be more soul-lead.
Also, for the last three and a half years, I’ve been co-creating and sharing daily memes called Just for Today, with artist, musician and guide Siri Opli. For the next 13 moon orbits, they will track the numerological focus of that moonth. This moonth will all be about Unification and they will be published exclusively in the Soulwaves Facebook Group. This is the place to hang out if you want to catch the ‘wave.
Related Links :
Subscribe to my post-2020 premium content
Join the Soulwaves Group on Facebook for updates and to connect with Like Minds