Walking Well

Walking Well

For as long as I can remember, I have had a painful right knee. I’ve had various treatments and fixes over the years but nothing has really worked and now I am down to bone on bone. Even if you aren’t medically trained, I think you can see the problem in the banner above – the knee on the left is my right knee.

By the time this auspicious New Moon of the 6th October 2021, I will have one of these implants inserted – an insertion of a different sort perhaps.

So why share it in this blog? Well, my first ever overnight in a hospital bed is a reminder of my mortality but it also represents a turning point. I have literally limped along for most of my life and achieved a fair amount. I am wondering where I might go once I can walk well again for the first time since my childhood.

Naturally, the operation is the just first step. There will be a recovery and recuperation period with physio. Like all these life resets though, there is an opportunity to get other parts of the house in order.

One of these has been inspired by an amazing happenstance. When I found the extraordinary surgeon and biomedical engineer who can perform this procedure on my knee, Professor David Barrett, I also chanced upon his ex-surgical practitioner, Mery Zanutto. I love it when adversity leads to fantabulous serendipity.

Apart from knowing lots about knees, and confirming this procedure is the right one for me, Mery is one of life’s polymaths with many strings to her bow, see www.meryzanutto.com

And I am so proud Mery has already added another string to that bow, she is now a meditation guide on Insight Timer and her first track is entitled Walking Well – listen to it and others here www.insighttimer.com/meryzanutto

Don’t you just love it when that happens? What goes around so comes around.

Last Moonth’s Output

So the usual Insertions ambient track, meditation and lecture are all available via Soundwise. A whole gamut of stuff has appeared on Insight Timer, too much to list but you can find it all here.

What I am really excited and chuffed about though is formalising my offer that many meditation guides have adopted and that’s using my ambient music as backgrounds to their meditations.

So there’s a new Soundcast that I will add to monthly where you can sample them and when you subscribe, you’ll get a link to a page with the direct download page.

Note that there is a small annual subscription but if you subscribe to the whole package, it’s included.

Subscribe to all my premium content for just $79.99 (paid annually)

Just get access to my ambient music for your meditations

Siri Minor ArcanaNext Moonth’s Output

As I am going ‘under the knife’, I’ve got the whole of October’s Soundwise content recorded and scheduled for publication. I have to tell you that I have taken the brakes off and I am revealing alchemical magic that even surprises me. Hold on to your hats.

I am also really thankful to Siri Opli who is posting the daily Just for Today’s. We are creating a Minor Arcana deck with two differences – 15 cards per suit and five suits no less. This time the tables are turned as I have written them already and Siri uses the words to inspire her art.

While all this is going on, I’ve paused the writing of the Duadex for a while – listen here for why.

Royalty-free ambience for meditations
Down to Business

Down to Business

The Business of Mindfulness Insight TimerIf you read my blog last month, you will have seen I hit yet another milestone on Insight Timer – this moonth, something else equally remarkable happened.

They approached me to see if I had any meditations that would be suitable for businesses as they are launched a new subscription called Insight Timer @Work.

I had loads already on the app and then uploaded a few more. Then, towards the end of the month, they asked if I consider doing a course. So in just two days, I created a 10 day course and it went live on the third day – which I then found was somewhat of a record. As I was using the principles I teach in another course, The Art of Timefulness, perhaps no surprise.

It’s a ten day course split into two halves. In the first five days, I introduce the basic concepts of meditation and mindfulness but in a business context. The second half of the course contains five meditative techniques you can use to be more creative, productive, innovative, attractive and lucky. The course is equally applicable for micro-businesses and multinationals.

What’s not to like?

Discover how to use mindfulness in the workplace here …

Read more about Insight Timer @Work here …


Three Paths

I’ve known for a whole that while it’s a good thing to always be creating loads of content, you can leave people behind and make it hard for them to keep up with you. Especially if you do something like create a whole 10 day course in just two days!

So, in an attempt to simplify things, a new header has sneaked on to my home page showing there are three paths you can take …

  1. Have fun with me : here’s where I share my latest outpourings in the form of fiction, new music and exclusive meditations – there is a small monthly subscription for this which helps keep me going
  2. Chill out with me : via Insight Timer, here’s where you can listen to my vast repository of free meditations (access to the courses require a premium subscription)
  3. Learn with me : all my pre-2020 courses and meditations that accompany my books can be accessed, again for free, here

July’s Creative Output

This was a bit of a bumper month for me :

New ‘Fun’ Content : exclusive to subscribers

  • Four new chapters for The Duadex : the third book in the Soulwaves Anthology
  • The seventh ambient track from the Insertions album : Septima
  • The seventh meditation based on the numbers : Supersensibility
  • The seventh lecture on numerology
  • Two new meditations in the Just for Each Day soundcast

p.s. the only way to get these is via subscription but you can now get three days trial access

p.p.s. subscriptions here really help me keep producing the free stuff below : what goes around comes around

Free ‘Chill Out’ Content : on Insight Timer

  • The Love Zone : another chapter from my audiobook, The Zone
  • The Happy Zone : another chapter from my audiobook, The Zone
  • Etherea : a one hour ambient mashup
  • Messages in Time (remastered with my own ambient)
  • Moments of Light (remastered with my own ambient)
  • Agreeing Together (a new meditation for IT @Work)
  • Seeing Together (a new meditation for IT @Work)
  • Breathing Together (a new meditation for IT @Work and you can listen below)

p.s. I am slowing down a little in August

Breathing Together

by Töm Evans | one of the new tracks uploaded to Insight Timer this month

Four Million Listens

Four Million Listens

Tom Evans on Insight TimerJust less that six years ago, I was approached by Maddy Gerrard of Insight Timer and asked if I wanted to upload some free meditations.

I didn’t think that much of it as I’d never heard of them but I did. I uploaded a meditation called Be Calm. A month later, Maddy emailed me and asked had I seen the feedback. I hadn’t as I didn’t know the app had that feature. Over 6000 people had listened and they loved the British accent and my left field approach.

Six years later, the app has gone from strength to strength and my career has taken a new direction too. Thanks to the experience and credibility given to me by Insight Timer, before lockdowns, I was regularly hosting live meditation sessions inside businesses. Now it’s still happening but over Zoom and the like.

Amazingly through, the app now provides a regular income which means I don’t have to trade time for money quite as much as I used to. This in turn means I have more time to produce content to upload to the app. This now includes ambient music, audiobooks and podcasts as well as meditations.
This all of course boosts listens and listeners – what goes around, comes around – listen to my portfolio here


Are You Ready to Be the Change?

So each and every day between 1000 and 2000 people listen to a meditation of mine. Each month I host an Insight Timer Live where around 500 people show up. All of this is done without me leaving my home.

On the 23rd July at 2pm UK time, I will be sharing the keys on how to open up this kind of possibility for you too.

What I’ll be covering :

  • Finding your niche (mine is awakening)
  • Developing and honing your craft
  • How to write trance-inducing scripts
  • The techie stuff
  • Finding your audience
  • Sticking at it
  • Getting to revenue
  • I’ll also be making a very special free offer to all attendees to help get you started …

… join me here at 2pm UK time on the 23rd July

What’s Happening Next Moonth?

Next moonth will see the usual exclusive output being published for my Soundwise subscribers – another Insertions Ambient track, meditation and lecture PLUS two new Just for Today meditations PLUS the serialisation of my latest book, The Duadex.

Insight Timer have asked me if I could provide some meditations to help in the workplace, so they will be in production and going live in August. In the meantime, I’ve got some other surprises lined up for publication on Insight Timer in July.

Watch and listen to this space!

Becoming Fear-less

by Töm Evans | one of the new tracks uploaded to Insight Timer this month

Crossing Over

Crossing Over

Soulwaves 3d printThis month sees a couple of new crossings over. One of them was planned and the other unexpected and accidental.

Crossing #1 : Non-fiction to fiction

The first planned crossing is from non-fiction author to post-dystopian cyberpunk novelist as the first draft, at 100k words, is now with the editor. It started 14 years and 16 books ago and I’m now turning th handle on the publication process. I am hoping ebook, audiobook and print book will leak out into the world between June and September this year.

To signify this first crossing, I have assumed the de plume Töm Evans, in memory of my Irish godmother Eileen who often called me “Thom”. This will be the fictional author name going forward – a kind of soft and subtle nom de plume which I hope doesn’t come across as being slight affected.

The book covers are also in production, featuring Valles Marineris on Mars and a special kind of non-spherical supernova – both key elements in the plot.

[inf_infusionsoft_inline optin_id=”optin_3″]

Mindfulness for Busy PeopleCrossing #2 : Selling Time to Providing Content

It’s the dream of any artist to make money while they sleep so that they can focus on their art. The arrival of my second course on Insight Timer seems to have helped me make that crossing, somewhat unexpectedly.

What’s more the feedback for my new Mindfulness for Busy People Course, surpasses even my expectations and has encouraged me to start thinking about the next course (and the next work of fiction)

“Some days I feel like you’re sitting next to me at the kitchen table, sharing a nice cup of tea, and musing on life. Each meditation is exactly the right thing I need to hear on exactly the right day. Bless you, Tom.”

“The title of your course jumped off the screen at me and I was hooked. As the saying goes, when the student is ready the teacher appears, so I thank you sincerely. I am on day six, and am loving this.”

“I know I’m going to sound funny saying this but it’s like this guided meditation course was made exactly for me. Every word was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. This path of meditation and awareness is still fairly new to me and it’s so easy to let the ego and negative moments in my life to take over. This course is exactly what my soul needs. Thank you Tom.”

“Dear Tom, you have one of the most amazing voices here on Earth. I’ve listened to you quite a bit and I’ve become familiar with the tone of your voice, which means that I am now instantly relaxing within seconds after starting any of your meditations.”

Change Your Mind Change Your Time

Normal human mind and thought processesThe normal human mind is only capable of experiencing one thought at a time.

If you think about the past or the future, your attention is diverted from what you are focussing on at any one time.

As our mind is prone to wander, this tends to make us naturally inefficient. With a constant barrage of both internal and external interruptions, it is not surprising that some people’s efficiency can be as low as 10%.

One of the benefits to recognising a problem is that we can begin to find a solution. When I first started meditating, I noticed very quickly that I was much more efficient on days when I treated myself to 10 minutes of Me Time. If I didn’t get around to meditating, some days I would be pushing water up a temporal hill.

  • What I learned was that the practice of mindfulness meditation didn’t so much make the inner chatter and distractions go away but it made it easier to deal with them. When we meditate daily, it becomes easier to remain in the meditative state through the day. This doesn’t necessarily mean we have no thoughts at all but we forge a new relationship with our thoughts.
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  • I discovered that it was an urban myth that the left brain was logical and the right brain creative. A more accurate model was that the left brain sat inside space and time, focusing on detail, while the right brain dealt with the Big Picture and sat everywhere and ‘everywhen’ else.
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  • I came across the art of Mind Mapping and learned how it induces the Whole Brain State, where left and right brains work in harmony. I learned this state can also be induced by some yogic breathing techniques. When we get in this state, time seems to stretch so tasks get done in the time we allocate to them. I called it EMT – or Extended Me Time.
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  • What’s more, when in the EMT state, we emit less thought forms so people external to us don’t pick them up and think to bother us. We create an Interruption Barrier.
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  • I learned that the source of procrastination were thought forms that mainly emanated in our lower mind centres. If I became a busy fool, creatively getting on with everything else other that the task in hand, it was because a fear was in operation. Occasionally, it was also because my gut mind ‘knew’ there was a better way, or more optimal time, to carry out the task. A quiet mind allowed me to tune in to this source of intuition – or inner-tuition – and to acknowledge the fear but to do it anyway!
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  • I learned too that neuroscientists had discovered that the gut mind operates ahead of time and this is a possible source of precognition. This I called IMT – or Inner Mind Time.
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  • I started to research the nature of light bulb and aha moments. These flashes of inspiration, that arrive in ‘no time at all’, are massive time savers and can be accessed on demand while in the meditative state. They come from inside space and outside time. When we experience one, we have entered OMT – or Outer Mind Time – and we awaken our prescient ability.
  • – – – – –
  • After a while, these practical benefits become second nature and another amazing benefit emerges. With a quieter mind, we become better able to spot serendipities, coincidences and opportunities. They were probably there all along but a busy mind meant we missed them. With reduced fear and more focus, external events soon arrive Just in Time and we begin to live a charmed and magical existence.

Before I found myself immersed into the world of mindfulness and meditation, I was always quite good making the complexities of high technology understandable by technophobes. I have applied the same mindset into what I call timefulness and have created an accessible 8 week self-study course, with 21 day meditation re-treat bonus, that will change your relationship with time. I am also teaching it live inside businesses and teaching teachers how to teach it.

If you want more time in your days and weeks, check out Mindfulness-based Time Management.

mindfulness-based time management