The Cycle of Projects

The Cycle of Projects

Soulwaves : InsertionsSo while the UK opened up, we managed to get a full three and a half week’s of touring in a working motorhome – with no recourse to call out the RAC.

And while I was away, I used the time to bring the Soulwaves : A Future History side-projects to a close while “Insertions” was being edited.

So the Soulwaves Ambient album is completed with the addition of a one hour ambient track called Parting the Veil …

… and the Soul-full Path guided series is brought to a close with the one hour guided track called The Paths of Return – see and hear them in this blog post

Both side-projects rock in at just under four hours long and there are links to listen to them in my new Soundwise App.

Both were written and planned while away and created on my return – and note that, in 2021, the 12 short stories in Insertions will be complemented and augmented by 12 ambient and guided tracks inspired by numerology …

… as one door closes, another opens.

The Soul-full Path

Last Moonth’s Output

So even though I was away, the creation and publication engine was primed ahead of my departure and back-filled when I returned … here’s about half of it.


by Tom Evans | Soulwaves Ambient

Above and Below

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path


by Tom Evans | Soulwaves Ambient

A Soul Incarnate

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path

Soulwaves : InsertionsWhat’s Happening Next Moonth?

So next moonth I am doing something I haven’t really done for any of my previous books – I am planning the launch for Soulwaves : Insertions.

If the wind is behind me and in the right direction, I’ll also do a beta release of the audiobook for pre-review to my Launch Crew.

I’ll also have a play with some musical ideas for the album and meditations plus there may be the odd podcast.

… I am also open for my soul to show me another way I hadn’t envisaged!

The Paths of Return

The Paths of Return

Paths of Return

The notion that we are following a Path of Return is an intriguing one.

For starters, it implies we are not so much heading somewhere in our lives but perhaps heading back from where we came from.

Along the way though is where the fun and excitement lies – as we share this journey on our Planetary Spaceship together – which is essentially a heaven on Earth.

With all eventualities that come our way learnings are to be had – some will be joyful and some not so. We can find out what not to do, what to do even better and entirely new ways to go about our days.

It’s said too that there are 33 Paths of Return. If this is true, it doesn’t mean there is only a choice of one of 33 paths to take. These paths can be combined and you can jump from Path to Path … at a moment’s notice.

This means there a 33 Factorial Paths of Return – that’s 33 x 32 x 31 x 30 and so on which is a number somewhere in the trillions. This is much more than the sum total of all humans that have ever been alive and may ever be incarnated. This means that nobody ever has to walk exactly the same path.

This is the script from the longest guided meditation I have ever created. It’s a hour long and you’ll find it on Insight Timer.

Note too that each of these 33 paths is a ‘meditation’ in itself, so take your time.

Paths 1 to 11

#1 : The Do Nothing Path
This is the path many take. And there is nothing wrong with it.
Spaceship Earth is a place to be savoured, experienced and enjoyed.
There is only one caveat to ensure you walk this path safely and sagely.
In pursuit of doing nothing in particular, aim to ensure your indulgences are not to the detriment of others or the planet.
Of course, daily meditation is one of the best ways ever to Do Nothing.
So right now, pay attention to the cycle of your breath and do absolutely nothing for a few moments.

#2 : The Path of the Busy Fool
You will have met people who cannot sit still.
Give it to a busy person they say.
Some people find the Doing Nothing path difficult to tread.
Some merge this path with the previous path and love being Busy Doing Nothing.
This is how paths can be combined.
A busy fool flits from project to project and never seems to sit down.
Attention, and even friendship, goes from one shiny thing to another.
Occasionally, they land somewhere they didn’t expect and find another path entirely.
An interesting and productive way to become busy is to busy yourself in your own thought stream.
Allow your mind to flit from thought to thought right now – where you may even discover an entirely new path awaits you.

#3 : The Path of Learning
We are introduced to the concept of learning from when we are born.
We learn how to attract our mother’s attention – how to smile, how to mimic others so that we learn amazing skills simply by absorption, like how to speak and walk.
At school, learning is all.
Some go to higher education and some learn to teach and to pass on their learnings.
Now there is a fabulous way to set goals which produces results beyond your wildest dreams and that’s to set goals based on what you would like to learn.
So just muse on what you would like to learn this week … now this month … and now this year, and so on.
You may like to pause and write them down.

#4 : The Path of Caring and Nurture
Some people spend all their lives caring for others – either family members or through a profession in the caring industry or healing arts.
Many are drawn to this calling and it is a life well spent.
To bring the best of your mind, body and spirit to this path, it is prudent to invest some of your time to caring for yourself.
Each day, take some me time out.
Each week, at the very least, treat yourself or allow yourself to be treated.
Take a few moments out now to relax and indulge yourself.
Just muse on what it is that you really care about.

#5 : The Path of Anger
There are many things around us in the world to make us angry.
This meditation was written in the 2020 lockdown and so many people are frustrated and quite rightly angry.
Trust in leadership is at an all time low.
Now it is said that Spaceship Earth has no captain and crew, only passengers.
If you are one of those angry passengers, perhaps it is time to direct that anger and upgrade yourself to a member of the missing crew, or even up into the officer ranks.
Unexpressed anger can lead to all sorts of issues with mental health, most typically despair and depression.
Expressed anger though can be the seed of change.
Any such expression should not be in the form of mere protest, but by stepping into the Path of Action.
Muse on what makes you angry and what you could do to change the world.

#6 : The Path of Fear
Fears are one of the biggest sources of procrastination.
They can lead us to following the path of the Busy Fool and becoming incredibly creative about not being creative. We can end up serving others before ourselves.
We must embrace of fears though as they act as our protectors and teachers.
As such we should thank them when they surface.
Fears tend to come in five flavours, or shades.
The Fear of Ridicule can stop us dead on our path. If we do nothing, we can’t make a fool of ourselves after all.
The Fear of Failure can make us turn around and head backwards down our path. If we don’t try, we can never fail.
We can be Fearful of the Unknown and stick to what we know and the known knowns. If we do this, we can miss out on the known unknowns, the unknown knowns and the unknown unknowns.
The Fear of Success often lurks in the shadows and the margins. If we are successful, we might be found out as an imposter or have to really show up in the world. We could end up in a stressful situation. By keeping our head below the parapet, nobody can take a pot shot at us.
Now what if you truly stood out and stepped into your magnificence? We can be fearful of where our magnificence might lead us.
Just muse for a while on what fears are blocking you on your path right now – and how you might steer a path around them.

#7 : The Path of Resistance
We can be joyfully strolling down what we think is our true path only to find a curved ball is lobbed our way – or even a gaping sink hole appears in front of us and blocks our way.
When this happens, the initial reaction might be to retreat and give up.
An alternative and much more productive strategy is to thank any such resistance and adversity for coming along.
Imagine if you designed a new helmet that any such curved balls simply bounced off or a portable, expanding bridge that could safely span any hole in your way.
You could market and sell these metaphorical solutions and help others on their path.
Just muse for a while on the opportunities that lie in any adversities you are facing in your life right now.

#8 : The Path of Guilt
When our path begins to unfold magically in front of us, the ability to self-sabotage can sometimes surface.
We can be guilty that we are walking in grace when others might be having a harder time.
We can also harbour guilt around not so right actions we may have taken in the past.
Just as for anger, holding on to guilt is like holding a hot coal in your hand and not getting rid of it.
So just imagine you are safely standing on a cliff top. Scrunch up any guilt you may be holding, along with anything that angers you too.
Now throw it out to sea as far as you can and allow it to be consumed by the sea of the collective consciousness.
The sea will love it, care for it and transmute it for you.

#9 : The Path of Action
Some people are on a mission – perhaps to change the world or build an empire or amass a large bank account, along with all the trinkets it brings.
From when they get up in the morning until when they go to sleep, they don’t stop.
They fit so much into their days.
They are here to change the world and some of them are super heroes, and even super human.
If the Path of Action is for you, then the Buddhist concept of the Eightfold Path provides a very useful set of pointers.
When you take action, be mindful …
… of holding the Right View
… of maintaining the Right Resolve and Intention
… of using the Right Speech, both when talking out loud and ‘in loud’.
… and of course taking the Right Action but also taking it at the most perfect time and in the most subtle ways
… and of pursuing the Right Livelihood, that is the right career and endeavour that maximises your impact
… and while you are making waves, be sure to take the Right Amount of Effort, not too much and not too little
… this involves three other aspects …
First applying the Right Concentration
Second using the Right Mindfulness about your why, what and how
Thirdly, all your right actions must be wrapped up the Right Samhadi – this is the reason you are here and why you came to be.
This is Your Path.

Eightfold Noble Path

#10 : The Path of Acceptance
Accepting our path is a breath of fresh air coming our way.
We stop struggling and go with the deck of cards we have been dealt.
This doesn’t mean the cards we are dealt with can’t be shuffled and even reversed from time to time – or swapped out for a completely new deck.
Accepting our path and fate means we can truly start to get on with and embrace life.
Any sense of struggle evaporates as all adversity becomes opportunity.
The notions of right and wrong are replaced with the idea of all being perfect.
Sit with this notion for a while.

#11 : The Path of Serendipity
The Path of Acceptance soon gets consumed and replaced by the Path of Serendipity.
Here, all we require turns up just when we need it.
Sometimes good fortune arrives before we need it or appreciate how we might utilise it.
All that is important, for whatever does turn up at our door is to maintain an attitude of gratitude at all times.
Just muse for a while on all the serendipities that have shown up in your life so far that have lead you to be listening to these words right now.
Muse also on what you might like to show up in the near future.


Paths 12 to 22

#12 : The Path of Invention
Some people are born inventors.
Thomas Edison was one.
Apocryphally, he tried 10,000 different materials out in the search for a long lasting filament for his lightbulb.
When challenged on this, he said he now knew something more about 9999 of these materials that might come in useful later.
The word invention comes from the Latin ‘invenire’ which means to discover.
When you set out on the path of the inventor, you are driven by the excitement of new discoveries.
What powers invention is the breath, the source of in-spiration – we can literally vent in ideas.
To do this, imagine the in breath starts below your navel and travels up to and out of your crown and the out breath starts above your head and comes past your third eye and out of your mouth.
Just try that for a few in and out breaths.

#13 : The Path of the Artist
Some people are born artists, some are made.
From time immemorial, humans have made marks in the sand and on rocks.
We have an inner drive to capture what impresses upon our mind’s eye.
Sometimes this is not literal but figurative. Sometimes this is purely imaginal.
Anyone who treads the path of an artist is in service not just to themselves but to all humanity. You capture a thought and a moment in space and time.
Take a few moments right now to doodle with pencil and paper what lies in front of your eyes – or what appears in your Third Eye.

#14 : The Path of the Scribe
The calligraphers of old were the record keepers.
They kept records of the wages for workers as well as of the tales of old.
Previously stories were passed on verbally.
This meant stories could change and morph in the telling.
When the first stories were written down, they were sealed in clay and sometimes chiselled in stone so that many were still readable thousands of years later.
The Path of the Scribe comes with much responsibility and also a sense of fun and adventure. What do you want to pass on to your ancestors? Both real and imagined.
Indeed, imagine writing down messages for reincarnated versions of you to read in the future.
What do you want to tell the You of the future?

#15 : The Path of the Orator
Some are blessed with the power of mellifluous speech.
They possess a voice of milk and honey.
This makes the sound of their voice, and what they have to say, pleasing to the ears of others. The content might be educational, inspirational or entertaining.
Some orators are also scribes and many scribes are orators.
Some orators only like to speak words from other scribes.
There is much cross over between the written and spoken word.
Some like to listen while others like to read.
Some orators also sing or incant the words of scribes.
Allow the thoughts in your mind’s eye to sing out right now.

#16 : The Path of the Performer
Oration is of course one form of performance.
So is playing a musical instrument, competing in sport, acting on stage or using the body as an artwork in dance.
Performers truly stick their head above the parapet, especially when performing live.
The soul is bared for all to see.
We can see our lives as an act and play too.
From when we get out of bed each morning, each day is a performance.
Be mindful of your posture, your words and your doings.
Be content in your being.

#17 : The Path of the Architect
Edifices come from the minds of architects.
These days architects don’t just build houses and cathedrals.
The device you are listening or reading these words on has been designed by hardware and software architects.
The skill of an architect lies in being able to hold a whole vision at the same time that they understand the detail around the smallest of component parts.
All constructs that are built to last have one thing in common and that’s strong foundations.
All constructs that are revered have an embedded beauty – conforming to the Golden Ratio – they are pleasing to the beholder.

#18 : The Path of Collaboration
The paths for the artist, the scribe, the orator, the performer and the architect are rarely solo pursuits.
Collaboration is required so that specialist skills can be brought to bear.
To be successful in your artistic endeavour, it is vital to know the sweet spot of your talent and when and where to bring in other specialisations.
Something special comes from this. We end up just loving the things that we do.
When you love what you do, you will never do what looks like work again.
Seek out your collaborators today.

#19 : The Path of Co-creation
Some collaborations result in creating objects which are greater than the sum of their parts.
So 1+1 can equal 3 or more and 1+1+1 can sum to 7 or more, and so on.
The route to finding your co-creators is not one that you should seek to find.
It is prudent to allow this path to find you.
Those that walk this path with you must be on a similar karmic trajectory, otherwise they will soon leave your side.
You must share values, utilise the same modus operandi and seek similar outcomes.
Just muse now on what you would love to create and what skills are missing from your portfolio. Allow them to appear organically by walking the Path of Serendipity for a while.

#20 : The Path of Leadership
You can be walking down your path only to notice you are walking it by yourself and way out in front of others.
Even if you didn’t desire to be so, you find yourself walking the Path of Leadership.
This can be a lonely path but it can also be rewarding if you allow others to walk with you.
Leading by example is paramount.
Do what you say and say what you do.
Also be open to handing the baton to others from time to time.
Be mindful that we can also be lead by the messages from our soul and future selves.

#21 : The Path of Sharing
The Path of Leadership is really the Path of Sharing.
Not only do you share your vision and experience but also your wealth in all senses.
Walking this path requires confidence and the ability to trust.
We must be comfortable that those we share with freely may well not reciprocate.
We must be open for any such reciprocation to come from those who also walk this path with the same, or greater, level of trust.
This level of unrequited trust leads to the convergence of those walking this path at the same time.

#22 : The Path of Legacy
Which ever paths you elect to walk down, you cannot step forward without leaving a trail behind. This trail is your legacy.
When walking this path, it’s a good idea to step on and off the path of the artist, scribe, orator, performer or architect.
When others then follow you, they can learn from your constructs and from your example.
They even emulate the very leaving of the breadcrumb trail.
This path is one you have almost certainly trodden on already.
Reflect on what you have already left behind.

Paths 23 to 33

#23 : The Path of Profundity
As you become experienced walking the first 22 of the Paths of Return, the remaining 11 paths take you to previously unimagined places, heights and even greater depths.
You are about to walk where few, if any, have ventured before.
So stop listening now if you are not ready for the ride of your life and ready to discover what it is you really came here to do.
On the path of profundity, we seek the meaning in the other paths we have been following.
Rather than seeking to find the meaning, the seeking itself is where the deeper insights are found.
Just muse on that for a few moments.

#24 : The Path of Philanthropy
Sometimes we have to look at the etymology of a word to gain greater understanding.
This gives us the root meaning and allows us to expand upon it and allow it to evolve – so ‘phil’ – means loving and ‘anthropos’ means mankind.
So philanthropy means the love of humankind.
So on this path, we do all we can to help and assist our fellow humans.
This though should not be limited or driven by merely giving money away.
Neither should it be limited just to humankind but it must embrace the whole biosphere, and Mother Earth herself, without which we humans would simply not exist.
Philanthropy too starts with loving ourselves first – not narcissistically of course – but loving ourselves so we are in a better place to love others.
This is a special path as it spirals around and around and up and up.

#25 : The Path of Inner-tuition
After a while, when we get experienced at following the signs and our nose, the path winds itself to unusual and unforeseen places.
As I said, this is because few, if any, have been there before.
There is no guidebook or map for this path as it is down to you to create it for others to follow.
The only guide is your intuition – which is better expressed as inner-tuition.
You become your own guide, teacher and mentor, taking instructions only from your soul – as you follow the Soul-full Path.

#26 : The Path of Alchemy
Alchemy is the science and art of transmutation.
This is where something is forged from another substance.
This is not about merely creating gold from lead but more about creating something from what looks like nothing.
In these eco-times, up-cycling something new from the discarded or unwanted is a good example.
A true alchemist taps into the raw energy of the Void in order to create matter and waves in the Density.
Just muse on what that means.

#27 : The Path of Neutrality
This path initially may appear to be the same or similar to the first path – that of Doing Nothing.
It is however subtly different as it is doing nothing while paying close attention to what happens when you ‘actively’ and consciously do nothing.
Everything, and I mean every single thing, becomes a sign – what you see, hear and feel – especially with your super-senses of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience.
The very subtle signs come by way of our thoughts and dreams – the thoughts to pay special attention to are those that are not necessarily our own.
This is one of the best applications of mindfulness meditation.
Try it now.

#28 : The Path of Karma
For the avoidance of any doubt or misunderstanding, karma is not a record or ledge of all good and not-so-good doings in our lives.
Rather karma is the sum total of our learnings and experiences.
If you like the notion of reincarnation, this covers all your lives to dates.
So, on the path of karma, every thing is a learning and an experience.
Do neither and your karma does not accrue and advance.
Alternatively learn something new every day.
Experience something, someone or somewhere new each day and
karma increases in proportion.
Start now.

#29 : The Path of Reflection
Imagine you come across a mirror on your path.
What do you see?
Is it yourself?
If so, are you pleased with what you see and how others may see you?
Or do you perhaps see what is around and behind you?
Or do you see what is in the mirror as being the true reality – and your Inner Self?
Reflect on the reflection and the very nature of reflection.
Somewhere in the mirror, you will find true reality.

#30 : The Path of Contemplation
The Path of Reflection leads naturally to the Path of Contemplation.
This is sometimes seen as the domain of the recluse – the monk contemplating their navel in a remote cave half way up a mountain.
Just imagine you are in a crowded environment though and you are contemplating what you see, hear and feel.
Does contemplation require silence or is it possible to contemplate the noise?
What sounds lie behind sound and what can you see between the cracks we think of as reality?
What purpose underlies what you think of as your purpose?
If I went on, what else would I be prompting you to contemplate?

#31 : The Path of Grace
Imagine you are floating along your path and it is strewn with rose petals.
Your feet glide with no resistance, just stirring up fragrance as they stir up the petals.
Walking the path of grace is blissful for us as it is for those who we meet along our path.
It is pure delight.
We breeze through life, stopping where we fancy and going where the whim takes us.
We are not so much wandering though but full of wonder.
Rather than wondering how to walk this path, just start walking it.

#32 : The Path of Altruism
This is the path of Unconditional Love where we give for others with no consideration for ourselves – other than that when we walk this path, we will never be without.
This is a tricky path to tread as ego-full and messianic thoughts can bubble to the surface.
This is not the path of a saviour but the path of example.
Some do not want to be saved or to heed any messages.
Just do and just be and remember that altruism starts at home and with the self.

#33 : The Path of Enlightenment
To walk the path of enlightenment is really the summation of all the other 32 paths.
None of the other 32 paths is the wrong way but really a set of paths that lead you to this path.
This path is easy to follow.
If you turn around and look back down this path, you will see there were periods of your life when you were somewhat in the dark. You may have even caused others to experience some darkness. This is called Endarkenment.
All we have to do to move closer to Enlightenment is to walk away from Endarkenment.
This process never ends.
In fact, when you hear what you might think of as the ending bells in this meditative exploration, what you are hearing are the Starting Bells.
Spread the Word.

LATEST NEWS :  From 2022, there is a new way to walk the path with me, take the first step on the Path to Overstanding for free here …

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Going Wild

Going Wild

It’s taken a while but at last our motorhome has a motor. So for most of this month, we are travelling around the UK with not much of a plan but to follow our instinct and find the Indian Summer.

So we’re heading North, popping in to see some old friends, taking in the Lakes, the Lowlands of Scotland, the Northumbrian coast and Yorkshire Dales – and hopefully no Fiat Dealers or tyre garages.

In a change to my usual moontly schedule, all of September’s creative output is already ‘in the can’ and ready for release along with the Moon Phases.



Last Moonth’s Output

As you might expect, the creative engine is still steaming along. Last moonth saw a a mix of a new musical direction, a new and very exciting direction for the Zone Show podcast and the publication on Insight Timer of some archive samples from Soulwaves, The Big Ü and Managing Time Mindfully …

Raga Beats

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path

Global Shift NOW!

by Tom Evans with Ervin Laszlo | The Zone Show

What’s Happening Next Moonth?

Soulwaves Insertions is with the editor and proof reader. The cover design also starts later this moonth too – with book production and audiobook recording scheduled for October.

After a bit of a gap, I hope to be back producing some more ambient music too – the Native Amercian flute might even get an outing !

… there’s also a couple of interesting podcast guests lined up too !!


Back to First Base

Back to First Base

After two abortive road trips, and the vehicle spending over two weeks back at the dealer, our motorhome journey has been eventful and had more downs than ups. We’ve found though that the local Fiat garage can fix it and give us support, so fingers crossed a resolution is in sight.

While it may feel we have gone nowhere, you will not be surprised that much has happened. The circle we have been around is more like a spiral as the 12 short stories that form the prequel/sequel to Soulwaves are now in first draft and I had this feedback from my editor/proofreader …

As you saw from my review, I loved your previous book, Soulwaves.  It covered so many ideas and disciplines and, as an aside, I also loved the tactile velvety feel of the book.
I had an initial read of Insertions.  It’s very exciting.  Compared to Soulwaves you’ve taken this book to another level.  It’s complex and niche.

… this kinda gives me goosebumps and I feel my new creative direction is set. I am loving writing fiction and composing music to go with it. That said, as you can see below, the old forms of outputs are still being cranked out. I guess the Universe has other plans.

Last Moonth’s Output

Again, I can’t believe all of this has been written, recorded, produced and published …

Serendipity and the Soul

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path

Entering Service

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path

Being Connected

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path

What’s Happening Next Moonth?

Well we hope the motorhome behaves itself now and I wonder if it was just the Universe getting me to focus on other stuff.

So over the next moonth or so, Soulwaves : Insertions will be edited and refined and the cover design initiated …

… and there is at least one amazing podcast lined up with somewhat of a hero of mind and one of the greatest minds on the planet!

The Road to Nowhere

The Road to Nowhere

So we are now the owners of a motorhome, kind of – she was called Bunty von Burstner. Unfortunately our first planned two week trip was cut short and ‘she’ is back with the dealer as ‘she’ kept going ‘fawlty’ – if she comes back next week, we are renaming her Basil as a result!

This blog was to go live while we were on our first jaunt – two or so weeks around the Cotswolds and Welsh Borders. It’s a reminder that, in life, there is no route, no plan, no need to get anywhere at anytime. Our ‘road’ has taken us back at base, awaiting news Basil has been repaired. Words have been had with the dealer and we are paying attention some other issues at home that required some TLC.

On a more positive note, seven of twelve short stories of the Soulwaves Prequel/Sequel have now been written that have gone many places already in space and time. This leaves the door open to make the next five go to even wilder places still.

Musically too, the synths will be playing very much a background role and the guitar coming to the fore – watch and listen to this space to see what emerges in the next blog.

Tom Evans AudiobooksLast Moonth’s Output

So this last moonth is one where I was aiming to slow down, what with the new motorhome, a few day trips out and all that !

But not only did I write those seven short stories for the Soulwaves prequel/sequel but I also created two more ambient tracks, one guided meditation, an off-the-wall podcast and published two audiobooks from the archive. My audiobooks now have their own playlist.

Incidentally, the ambient tracks now number 13 and the whole playlist is over 3 hours long and where I aimed to be at the end of 2020. Some good has come from the lock down!

Slowing down is obviously the new speeding up.

Voiding Karma

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path

The Great Attractor

by Tom Evans | Soulwaves


by Tom Evans | Soulwaves

Talking Loud and Clear

I’ve also been blessed with some amazing conversations this past moonth …

Tom Evans Talking About Soulwaves with Dr Darian Parker

What’s Happening Next Moonth?

So assuming we get back on the road with Basil, I plan to use my trusty iPad for writing the next 2 or 3 stories and my guitar for recording melodies to go on top of new ambient layers – hopefully all inspired by the change of location leading to a change of perspective.

One of these new perspectives is to use classical tracks slowed down as the ambient layer provided by a great site called Chordify which allows the MIDI file to be downloaded – a new creative boost …

… also wondering how weird and way out I can make the remaining short stories !

A Summer to Love

A Summer to Love

Lyseo MotorhomeThis moonth sees an emergence as the easing of lock down begins. Some decisions have been made.

No more private clients or 1-2-1 work for me, just creation of books, meditations and course materials – and the odd online talk. The Zone Show podcast is also changing its model too away from interview format into being an audio-blog equivalent of this blog.

One of the reasons for such a change, is that my partner and are picking up a motorhome tomorrow – and we are going travelling. The plan is to wander around bits of the UK we’ve never been to this year and then over to Europe next year – with the aim of seeing the midnight sun a year from today, the 21st June 2021.

Soulwaves : Insertions

Soulwaves InsertionsAs is often the way, the idea for the next book came along unexpectedly. I wasn’t planning to write anything at all until at least 2021 but the Universe had other plans.

In the tradition of many a futuristic author (Isaac Asimov, Ursula le Guin, Ted Chiang and Charlie Brooker), this will be a compendium of short stories.

Soulwaves Insertions is a book of 12 tales about some of the ways the Council of the Light venture into the Density. The stories are both prequels, sequels and concurrent to Soulwaves.

While it stands alone from Soulwaves : A Future History, it can be read before or after it, as it fills in some of the gaps.

My plan is to publish it 13 ‘moonths’ after Soulwaves came out this year, on the first Full Moon of 2021 – and that the full book of The Duadex, referred to in this short story, and the end short story of this collection, comes out on the first Full Moon of 2022 – if we are all still here !!

You can listen to the first tale here called The Scroll – and I already have three more chapters written/downloaded. This won’t take as long as Soulwaves did!

The Soul-full PathLast Moonth’s Output

So this last month has seen four ‘new’ bits of content appearing on Insight Timer – a new guided meditation called Soul Warmth and two new ambient tracks for the Soulwaves Album.

And now the next book is coming my way, each moonth I am going to release, from my back catalog, either a whole audiobook (if short) or section of a book for free on Insight Timer. Leaving a legacy and breadcrumb trail is the best way by far to step into a life of abundance and freedom. It also helps the next books to come along.

So enjoy my first foray into philosophical writing called This We Know, somewhat coincidentally written entirely on a two week holiday in Devon in 2012.

Soul Warmth

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path


by Tom Evans | Soulwaves

Guiding Lights

by Tom Evans | Soulwaves

What’s Happening Next Moonth?

Next moonth will see the release of another guided track called Voiding Karma, the next ambient track entitled The Great Attractor and the release of the next audiobook from the archive, This We Are – which is the sequel to This We Know.

More importantly and significantly, we will be making the first forays out into the world in our new motorhome. New locations result in new perspectives.

So I am planning to write some more of the book and new meditation scripts. I may also be recording ‘out in the field’ too as my trusty Yamaha SLG100 will be coming with us.

Watch and listen to this space!

Springing Forward

Springing Forward

The Flower of LifeAnother moonth later and spring has sprung. naturally with me, a whole bunch of new content has also emerged, which I’ve put into one place down the bottom of this blog.

For many, lock down I am sure has been stressful. For me, apart from not getting out as much, it’s been ‘business as usual’. I should clarify, it’s been more business than usual, of a higher quality, with less time spent at my workhorse of an iMac.

There’s been more time for research and reading, listening to music and other meditations, watching films and DIY … even a spot of golf.

The Path of Return Main Banner

This new moon sees the launch of something I have been working on for all of this life, if not quite a few life times before. It is a 13 step programme for human evolution.

Take Step Zero : Voiding Karma for free to find out what it is that I have been gifted …

… discover The Path of Return

To know more about what it encompasses, read this message I recieved many years ago from a very gifted channel, it said …

He has manifested a tangible Tool capable of being used by many in places of school and thought.

This is no insignificant project. Born of Love from The Divine. The Original Source is US – the Tarot is JUST his ‘gateway’ his ‘door’.

Tell him it IS US Martina – The Divine Ones.
It is a Tool of Spiritual Law
A tangible Tool.

Let him confess the Truth to himself first and find his path and way for living with it, this will ALWAYS be his comfort and solace ALWAYS.
He writes the word of The Most Divine enrobed
By the names of the ‘doorways’ to Us.
Let it be known to him
That which he receives IS from The Divine.
He is free to “package” at will and need
But for his own heart
and love
tell him
WE are with him – it IS US – it IS ‘I’.

His manifestation of Our word has and will touch many far and wide.
He has not yet seen his full worth or truth.
His words and actions are of The Divine – THAT is why he is “different”
like you – even from “The ‘different’ ones” there.
He has pondered long and hard to find
His place
His point
His aspect
It has caused him much worry and consternation –
“Where do I ‘fit in’”
The truth is – it is HE who has had to “make that place” – because –
‘it’ has never been there before.
“Different even from the ‘different ones’ “ Yes like you Martina.
His die is cast
And plans underway to melt those glaciers and meet
The new frontiers of his life and way there
He has broken new ground
And do all that is necessary
To allow himself the freedom to enjoy the journey, he IS allowed to “enjoy” as a man and a Spirit.
He must have the ability to enjoy as a human in order to achieve balance on all levels.

His life and state a human/person
Must be “allowed”
All that being “human” encompasses.
Do not be allowing ONLY the Spirit,
Without the human element,
The spirit does not grow
And burn so brightly.

The ‘Tool’ to be used in places of work
Places of learning
At ALL levels
To be encompassed into a
School of Thought –
Which is in fact
NOT NEW because it
Is of US.
It is The Packaging which is NEW – AND

It has been packaged as a product
Which is easily accessible
And USABLE by many –
To enable self learning
Development and
Growth through

Understanding is The Key
Attained on the physical
Begets it on the Spirit
And vice versa.

“Understanding” is The Key
To Removal of Blocks
On ALL levels.

He has done so well in The Way he has packaged THE KEY.

A new man with a new tangible package both
Aptly placed
For THIS time there

This is what he is. This is who he IS.
This is what he has got.

The Soul-full PathLast Moonth’s Soul-full Output

Here’s the latest two Soulwaves-inspired ambient tracks and the latest guided meditation.

Note you can access the whole series of both ambient and guided tracks in the new Insight Timer playlists …

Permutation One

by Tom Evans | Soulwaves

The Veil

by Tom Evans | Soulwaves

Soul Qualities

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path

Podcasts this Moonth …

This moonth has seen three more conversations with three enlightened souls – Dr Anne Whitehouse, Vicki Wusche and Aditya Kumar from the My Seven Chakras podcast.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did …

Loving the Work That You Do

by Vicki Wusche

Pull Back Your Power

by Dr Anne Whitehouse

What’s Happening Next Moonth?

So next moonth, I am scaling down to producing just one new ambient track and one guided meditation each month and hopefully no more than two podcasts. You never know though if those who are pulling my strings have different ideas …

and I’ll definitely be producing more of the steps on the Path of Return.

Three Million Listens

Three Million Listens

April Moon PhaseA ‘moonth’ ago, I wrote a slightly morose blog, as if it might have been my last one.

In uncertain times, I took actions as if there might be no tomorrow. Another moonth on and we can now see some of the trajectory, a sneak peek at a way out and a glimpse at a new world that might appear on the other side. Perhaps we will travel less, fret less, pay NHS workers more, value family and friends even more.

What is somewhat heartwarming is that without me creating anymore content at all, I have already left a significant legacy behind. This moonth, my listens on Insight Timer passed 3 million.

It’s clear too that I have much still to deliver … below is a collation of my new output since the last blog and, if anyone is wondering, this level of output consistently over five years is how you get to 3 million listens.


Opening Up in a Lock Down

So in the last blog, I said I aimed create a new ambient track called Ocean’s Rise, a new guided meditation as well as at least two more podcasts. The so called ‘lock down’ meant that rather more than this popped out.

You can listen to Soul Entanglement here, as well as the follow on guided meditation called Soul Talk that wasn’t planned … and see what else came along below.

Soul Entanglement

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path

Soul Talk

by Tom Evans | The Soul-full Path

Three More Ambient Tracks

Siren’s Call features the voice of Norwegian artist, Siri Opli – along with some dolphins – calling our hero from the book, Shen, across the sea to her. The dolphins are calling from a planet 55 light years away.

Oceans Rise was an amazing co-creation where Piers Ward, my guitar teacher, asked some ‘questions’ to which Belén Prado, my native American flute teacher, provided some answers. I acted as producer to create an ambient background for their amazing music to sit in. Listen to the result here.

Lagrange uses a pseudo-surround sound effect to swirl from both left and right as well as to the front and back. A must listen with headphones on and a return to a solo performance.

The Art of Winefulness

I have had the notion of writing a book on winefulness for some time. It occurred to me that a guided meditation would provide a welcome bit off light relief during these times.
I have also collated and curated ten meditations to help people get through lock down whilst also opening up.

Check out Meditations for the Lock Down

Enlightened Conversations …

The Zone Show podcast is well and truly out mothballs. This moonth has seen two conversations with Insight Timer meditation guides, Keziah Gibbons and Pablo Arellano.

Keziah Gibbons gives us a Tarot reading for our time and Pablo Arellano explains how music opens the door to enlightenment.

A Message for Our Time

by Keziah Gibbons

The Note Whisperer

by Pablo Arellano

What’s Happening Next Moonth?

So next moonth, assuming we are all still here, I plan to create more ambient tracks, more meditations and to do more podcasts.

… but something else is stirring, I have oodles of esoteric information which has not really seen the light of day that initiate a new way of being.

My soul has told me that Now is the Time !

Join the Soulwaves Facebook group to keep up with what’s going on …

Postscript : Soul Entanglement and Soul Talk Watercolours

Since drafting this blog, the artist Siri Opli has just created these two art works inspired by these two meditations – both watercolours available from

Out of the Void

Out of the Void

In just one Moon orbit of the Earth, much has changed.

Like most of the planet, we are in self-isolation and in equal awe at how the virus is spreading but how such acts of compassion and humanity are also nicely ‘infecting’ the globe. This will be an amazing turning point for humanity, as foretold in Soulwaves – see below.

You can’t time these things (or can you?) but, after last moonth’s Super Moon when it was at perigee (closest distance), even the Moon is getting as far away from the Earth as possible. It’s a Micro Moon at apogee.


Changing Course

So just imagine if everything in Soulwaves is true. If so, we have less than 90 years to save humanity. Even if not true, if we imagine it is, then we could take different courses of action right now.

Out of the Void

So while all this madness is unfolding, something amazing has happened in my small world. From nowhere (or actually from the Void) five 12 minute ambient tracks have emerged and I edited them together into just over an hour’s worth of music. Listen to the podcast to the right and to the composition called Immersion below.

The Earth Mind

It is natural we are concerned at this time by our fellow humans but there is a bigger picture in play. The Earth herself is in the process of Ascension where she becomes self-aware – not just through us. We live in a biosphere where we are just one small component of it. We are just 1/10000th of the biomass.

What’s Next?

We have to be realistic about the threat humanity is under. I am 62 but relatively healthy and self-isolating in a rural setting. I don’t need to go out at all and can walk my dogs on 150 acres of golf course.

That said, like everyone, I could succumb and this could be my last blog …

If it isn’t, a new ambient track called Ocean’s Rise and a new guided meditation called Soul Entanglement will be produced this moonth – as well as at least two more podcasts.

Just in case I don’t make another orbit of the Moon, four meditations are in the Insight Timer content queue – stay safe and indoors everyone!

The Void and The Density

The Void and The Density

The MagicianThis ‘moonth’ has seen an unprecedented level of creativity, even for me.

Three podcasts, three new ambient tracks and one guided meditation just popped out of nowhere.

More specifically they came from the Void to the Density with me as the conduit.

This process is captured visually by The Magician in the Tarot and something I explore in my MAGIC of AHA course.

When we plug into The Void something special happens with time so we get more done with less of it – hence my increase in productivity.

When we act a channel in the Density, the quality of our output is also enhanced as you can hear in the track, The Void, below. It took less than an hour to create and post-produce – and the idea came ‘from nowhere’ and wasn’t even on my To Do list.

Get free access to the MAGIC of AHA course and loads of other goodies here …

Track 0 : The Void

The Void is the a track from the Soulwaves album, inspired by the book of the same name. It tells us of The Void, a place where the Council of the Light hang out, pulling the strings of incarnate souls in the Density (i.e. us).

They do this by manipulating soulwaves, the conscious fabric on which the three dimensional Universe sits.


What people are saying …

“The sound seemed to back and forth between my ears and that always produces some very strong energy movement. It almost feels like my brain is moving around in response to the sound and the energy it’s producing.”

“Ethereal…I felt as if I was floating in space. “

“Mystical & very beautiful. I was transported somewhere, not quite sure where but space comes to mind.”

Spreading the Wave #1 : Souldalas

When I published Soulwaves, I knew from the outset that it was more than just a book. It had the potential to start a movement. So it’s with great joy that the amazing artist, Siri Opli, has started to create Souldalas.

A Souldala is a mandala that captures the essence of your soul. Art speaks directly to your soul and my Souldalas are completely individual. They make a great gift for a loved one or just a treat for yourself. When you order your Souldala, I will send you five simple questions that allow my soul to tune into yours.

Get in touch with Siri to commission yours or gift it to a loved one …

Spreading the Wave #2 : Your Future History

I am doubly honoured that intuitive astrologer Louisa Tanner Munson, is using the title and a modified strapline from the book to brand her new service.

An astrology reading is nothing short of a potential personal (or business, product or service) future history.

Get in touch with Louisa to discover yours …

Check out the detail and insight from a reading Louisa did for me to discover what you might learn ….

FacebookWhat’s Happening Next Moonth?

I am creating the next ambient track, called The Grand Tour, where I am experimenting with ‘modes of music’, inspired by Soulwave’s central character, Shen, as performs his first of many circumnavigations of the globe.

Next moonth’s guided meditation is called Entanglement and it will explore how our soul operates across space and time.

On the Zone Show podcast, I will be interviewing Christine Miller about love and Katie Brockhurst about a new age for social media.

… there will be more !!

Join the Soulwaves Facebook group to keep up with what’s going on …