The Void and The Density

The Void and The Density

The MagicianThis ‘moonth’ has seen an unprecedented level of creativity, even for me.

Three podcasts, three new ambient tracks and one guided meditation just popped out of nowhere.

More specifically they came from the Void to the Density with me as the conduit.

This process is captured visually by The Magician in the Tarot and something I explore in my MAGIC of AHA course.

When we plug into The Void something special happens with time so we get more done with less of it – hence my increase in productivity.

When we act a channel in the Density, the quality of our output is also enhanced as you can hear in the track, The Void, below. It took less than an hour to create and post-produce – and the idea came ‘from nowhere’ and wasn’t even on my To Do list.

Get free access to the MAGIC of AHA course and loads of other goodies here …

Track 0 : The Void

The Void is the a track from the Soulwaves album, inspired by the book of the same name. It tells us of The Void, a place where the Council of the Light hang out, pulling the strings of incarnate souls in the Density (i.e. us).

They do this by manipulating soulwaves, the conscious fabric on which the three dimensional Universe sits.


What people are saying …

“The sound seemed to back and forth between my ears and that always produces some very strong energy movement. It almost feels like my brain is moving around in response to the sound and the energy it’s producing.”

“Ethereal…I felt as if I was floating in space. “

“Mystical & very beautiful. I was transported somewhere, not quite sure where but space comes to mind.”

Spreading the Wave #1 : Souldalas

When I published Soulwaves, I knew from the outset that it was more than just a book. It had the potential to start a movement. So it’s with great joy that the amazing artist, Siri Opli, has started to create Souldalas.

A Souldala is a mandala that captures the essence of your soul. Art speaks directly to your soul and my Souldalas are completely individual. They make a great gift for a loved one or just a treat for yourself. When you order your Souldala, I will send you five simple questions that allow my soul to tune into yours.

Get in touch with Siri to commission yours or gift it to a loved one …

Spreading the Wave #2 : Your Future History

I am doubly honoured that intuitive astrologer Louisa Tanner Munson, is using the title and a modified strapline from the book to brand her new service.

An astrology reading is nothing short of a potential personal (or business, product or service) future history.

Get in touch with Louisa to discover yours …

Check out the detail and insight from a reading Louisa did for me to discover what you might learn ….

FacebookWhat’s Happening Next Moonth?

I am creating the next ambient track, called The Grand Tour, where I am experimenting with ‘modes of music’, inspired by Soulwave’s central character, Shen, as performs his first of many circumnavigations of the globe.

Next moonth’s guided meditation is called Entanglement and it will explore how our soul operates across space and time.

On the Zone Show podcast, I will be interviewing Christine Miller about love and Katie Brockhurst about a new age for social media.

… there will be more !!

Join the Soulwaves Facebook group to keep up with what’s going on …

Starting a ‘Wave

Starting a ‘Wave

When you haven’t written a book, getting it actually published can seem like a bit of a mountain to climb.

When you do get it published, it can appear like another bigger and harder mountain appears – and that’s to tell people about it and to get them to read it.

In the lull between the editing and publication process, I spent much time meditating and dog walking, allowing ideas and memes to come to me as to how to go about it.

I kicked off four of the ideas this month and already the ‘wave is building and propagating around the world.

Wave #1 : Getting Readers Together

This is beneficial on many levels.

Readers get to meet other like minded souls and the book connects them actually using the intrinsic force of soulwaves. Readers can also connect with me and ask me anything, as can I of them. Hopefully readers will tell other people to become readers and to join the Facebook Group. This builds the ‘wave.

By far and away the best benefit of the group is going to be the moonthly waves that we start together. The first one will be propagating out on the next New Moon, the 23rd Feb.

This one will be an Abundance Wave!

Join the Group here if you want to catch it …

Wave #2 : Creating Ambience

In the tradition of Jeff Lynne and War of the Worlds, and lesser known but much better Snowgoose by Camel, I am embarking on creating a album of ambient meditative music inspired by my own book, Soulwaves.

I have found a new guitar teacher who is helping me with composition and the first track is really me just getting my head around Abelton.

It covers the first five chapters where our hero descends from the Void to the Density, ending up with him in his mother’s womb.

They will appear first in the private Facebook group, then on Insight Timer on each Full Moon – you can also listen to it here.

Wave #3 : Providing Guidance

And around each New Moon, I am releasing a guided meditation which explores how we can strengthen our connection with our soul.

This first track, Being Soul-full, is a gentle introduction and warm up.

Incidentally, it uses the background layer from next month’s ambient track. It warmed my soul when one Insight Timer meditator posed this question.

Tom Evans Composer

Meditation 1 : Being Soul-full

Wave #4 : Enlightened Converations

I have found podcasting is by far and away the best way to make soul-to-soul connections, without leaving your home.

My podcast, The Zone Show, was in mothballs while I moved house and finished off Soulwaves last year.

This year it’s back with a splash and my first guest was the amazing Joanna Penn – and I am guest #2 with my new co-host Jackie Roberts. You can watch our conversation in the video below (or catch it on The Zone ShowThe Zone Show).

A Gift That Keeps on Giving

A Gift That Keeps on Giving

Just over 10 years ago, I published my first non-fiction book called Blocks. To accompany it, I created a set of meditations. Little did I know then that would lead me down a completely different path.

This month, my meditations reached the 2.3 million listens point on Insight Timer. By gifting them away free, so much abundance has come my way to create a new level of freedom which has taken me to a place beyond my wildest dreams.

This energetic flow is a gift that keeps on giving.

Since creating those first few meditations, I have built up an amazing repository of materials. A small fraction of these materials have found their way on to Insight Timer but, up to now, much of it has been under lock and key behind a username and password which is unlocked by the exchange of money.

From today this all changes. My archive is now freely available to all.


Access my free resources here …


In Other News

One of my most popular meditations on Insight Timer, called Just for Today, has had just short of 600k listens. A meditator asked the other day for an extended version which you can now find here – called Just a Little Longer. This is also the first ever track where I have composed and created the ambient background music … more of this in 2020.

Also I am honoured to have been chosen by Insight Timer to provide the Daily Insight on Christmas Day. It will be available in 5, 10 and 20 minute versions and is called The Turning Point. If you are ready for a change in the next orbit of the Sun, it’s an example of another gift that will keep on giving.

p.s. The Turning Point got over 4000 people meditating on Xmas Day and is now available in the archive –

Soulwaves available for pre-order

Last, but by no means least, after 15 years and 15 other books, my first novel – Soulwaves – will be published on the first Full Moon of 2020.

It’s available for pre-order now in paperback, hardback and ebook.

The audiobook has been recorded and uploaded but I have no control of publication date – it is though trickling out to a few platforms like Google Play.

Listen to the channelling from Louisa Tanner Munson to find out why it’s being published on the first Full Moon of 2020.

Why was Soulwaves published on the 1st Full Moon of 2020?

Get in touch with Louisa here if you would like some similar guidance at

and note the artwork at the top of this blog is by the very talented Siri Stiklestad Opli –
Finding a Way

Finding a Way

While I have been busy creating the Soulwaves book itself, I have consciously done nothing about publishing it, other than to observe what is happening in the industry. So rather than me having to find the way to get it published, I’ve been allowing the paths to publication and marketing to find me.

I had already used Ingram Spark last year for the Big U and am using them again but this time also publishing a hardback version. I wanted something other than just ACX and iTunes for the audiobook though.

Thanks mainly to the wonderful Creative Penn podcast, from the prolific and supremely knowledgeable Joanna Penn, I’m using a new way to distribute the audiobook version.

Findaway Voices not only submit your audiobook to ACX/Audible and iTunes but over 40 other audiobook platforms. Before submitting Soulwaves (at nearly 10 hours long), I tested the system out with the audiobook version of The Germinatrix (at less than 1 hour long).

I had the usual tech issues to fix with ACX, my fault for rushing, but pleased to see the book out on so many places it has never been heard before. Note, I serialised it on Insight Timer over the last two years – well that method worked for Charles Dickens and H.G. Wells!

Listen to Joanna’s podcast with Will Dages of Findaway Voices

Listen to my first audiobook distributed by them – The Germinatrix

Also this month, I had a lovely heart-to-heart with wordsmith, Mariëlle Smith …



Proofing the Pudding

Usually initial proof read and recording of audiobook catches 99% of errors. As the first sample print books of Soulwaves arrived this month, it was clear I only caught 95% or so!

Thank goodness for print on demand and setting a pre-order date.

Perhaps as this is so big and expansive in plot – over billions of years of time and 150,000 light years in space – I have learned a novel such as this needs an additional proof read after the recording of the audiobook.

So December will be spent ironing out the wrinkles. You can however safely pre-order the book in all good online bookstores and it will be perfect by the 10th Jan 2020.



15 Books Later

15 Books Later

Fifteen books later, the book I started first has finally been written – and narrated.

It’s now off for typesetting as this blog gets published. The day after the book is done and it’s now kind of out of my hands, it’s almost like missing an old friend and there is a strange sense of loss.

I have been researching genres though and am delighted to zero in on Metaphysical and Visionary Fiction, where you find books like The Alchemist and Five People You Meet in Heaven.

Rather than my usual rush into a new project rapidly, I am treating myself to a breather. New plans kick off on the 1st November when we may be in, or out, of the EU – or more likely, one foot in and one foot out – which mirrors where I am with the book which is written but not published.

On which note, we’ve decided to go for a publication date of 10th Jan 2020, which is the first Full Moon – the timing of which appears often in the book.

Lessons Learned

  • The process cannot be rushed (even for a time bender)
  • The book is much richer in its third draft with intertwining plot lines
  • Audiobook production is the best proofreading process
  • The timing is impeccable with more and more ways to promote a book these days
  • Pre-marketing on the book’s progress and a pre-order date are key to warming up readers (and listeners)


What’s Next?

  • Being Soulful – a series of meditations to accompany the book
  • Getting beta readers and listeners
  • Long overdue rationalisation & streamlining of my old online courses
  • Creation and re-creation of said courses (and new ones) for online apps and a new and wider audience
  • Restarting The Zone Show podcast


Other News …

  • Being 999 – a meditation I recorded ages ago now up on Insight Timer & making waves
  • An Extended Akashic Journey – elongation of an old favourite also up on the app
  • More short stories from The Germinatrix also up on the app and pending release …
  • … the audiobook version of that book happening by stealth
  • Honoured to lead an 80 minute live guided meditation and awakening in Bristol this month
Small Steps Big Steps

Small Steps Big Steps

Soulwaves : The Audiobook

This month has been consumed by audiobook production – slotted in around loads of family support.

At 100 chapters and just shy of 100k words, there is no short cut. I am managing 10 chapters a week and am 70 chapters in at the time of this blog.

So it will be finished by mid to late October and the book will be out, at last, well before the end of the year. I can recommend the process to all authors. Not only do you get the audiobook from it but also you find errors not found by any proof reading process and, for a complex plot like this one, inconsistencies that need ironing out.

Enlightened Conversations

In the run up to publication, I’m slowly restarting the Zone Show podcast and also being interviewed myself.

Here’s a couple of conversations from this month.

… more coming soon.

Timeful Reflections

Writing this blog and this whole production process around this novel has caused me to reflect.

Why has this project taken so long when other books have just popped out in weeks or months? This one has taken years.

Is it just because it’s my first novel and I am learning my craft?

Am I still harbouring a fear or imposter syndrome?

Is all driven by some kind of divine timing?

… if you are an intuitive or a channel, please leave any insights below by way of comment.

Taking Hands off the Wheel

Taking Hands off the Wheel

Artwork by Siri Stiklestad Opli

The month of August has become a big handle turning exercise. September augurs more of the same.

The reason being is that 35 of the 100 chapters of Soulwaves are now narrated. I make no bones about it, it is a huge task and big ask, with no shortcuts.

While it might sound like a lot of hard work, it does feel I am taking my hands off the wheel and coasting down hill to a glorious destination. Apart from anything, I am really enjoying reading my own book back and remembering things I’d forgotten I’d wrote.

Reading a book out loud is simply the best and most thorough way to proof read a book. Here’s why:

#1. If I can read it out loud, a reader can’t read it ‘in loud’. It won’t scan well.

#2. I am spotting forward references I set up in earlier chapters I wrote many months ago that I can pick up and develop subtly in later chapters.

#3. You spot errors even the best editor/proof reader may not have spotted. I’ve found loads and suspect there are more.

August also saw two weeks off with some family support commitments. Due to ongoing support commitments, I plan to have the next third of the book narrated by the time I blog next and the final third completed by the end of October.

This will lead to print and ebook production in November which in turn means publication should be early December.

One of the tricks I use, which is also one I use in writing, is to record the very ending words first. This is the poem I wrote many years ago to describe the essence of what a Soulwave is. It wraps up the book but there’s no spoiler alert as it gives nothing away about the actual ending. Merely it describes how Soulwaves are the fabric of the Universe.

You can listen to it free on Insight Timer …

Soulwaves : A Poem on Entanglement

… also, you can listen to two new meditations on the app this month and a new short story from The Germinatrix and a musical mindful podcast.

Take Your Hands Off the Wheel

Count Your Riches

Moderating Your Mindberg

Mindful Beats With Tyson Baird

p.s. if all of this output seems quite a lot in just one month, it’s just an example of what happens when you take your hands off the wheel


Two Million Listens

Two Million Listens

Several blogs ago I set my stall our to post once a month as a bread crumb trail of what was going on in my life – the original purpose and format for a blog perhaps.

Something happened at the start of this month which means I should break with this tradition and sneak an extra blog in – my meditations on Insight Timer hit the 2 million listens mark, after three years.

What does this mean?

Firstly, what was something I played and experimented with has gone mainstream. People seem to enjoy each new meditation I post.

Secondly, I have hit a groove where there is no limit. I post two to three free pieces of audio a month – a meditation, a podcast and a short story. The sales revenue from Insight Timer courses mean I can relax and release more and more free stuff, which in turn helps with sales. After 15 years of pretty continual content creation, I have found my metier.

Thirdly, it means I can really devote the time my forthcoming novel Soulwaves requires to create a Big Splash.

Eternal thanks to the team at Insight Timer and all those souls who helped me get to this milestone.

See 1 Million Listens for some more background on the journey …



Now I should state that I am really not a fan of Formula 1. To me the prospect of watching paint dry is more compelling.

That said, I am a big fan of analogy and metaphor and the concept of taking a pit stop and changing tyres for a new road ahead seemed to be very fitting to this point in my path.

My pit stop has taken more than a few seconds though. This one has stretched from May right through to the beginning of August as two events unfolded. First, my editor has been going through my novel Soulwaves and the manuscript has now been batted back across the Pond and is in my hands. Second, we at last sold our house in Surrey and can now move full time into our new eco-home.

The observant will note that the timing of these two events cannot be coincidental … especially as it means I can retire, put my slippers on, watch day time TV and play golf when I want to (the eco-house happens to be on a golf course) …

… I could alternatively move up several gears !

Space and Time

An excellently detailed edit has given the novel a new depth and expansiveness. The space I have had away from it has given a new objectiveness. Authors often fear the suggestions of editors, perhaps because it reminds them of homework at school being marked. I have been relishing receiving the perspective of another human being and plan to take it all on board PLUS being I have a new found confidence to push the boat out still further.

So this new re-tyre-ment means that I can really devote myself full time to making the novel the best it can be. I have been fortunate to stumble across, by accident, someone who has made a cover I am really proud of. Now it’s time to make sure the inside of the book comes up to the same quality.

… as both space and time are themes I play with in the book, this only seems fitting.

What kind of tyres do I need?

Formula 1 teams bear a few factors in mind when selecting their tyres in a pit stop. They think about the conditions ahead, is the track wet or dry? They consider how many laps there are to go, and if they can possibly avoid yet another pit stop. They might not even fill the car entirely up with fuel to make it lighter.

For me, I know the road ahead and am fortunate that I am not in a race. The book has taken many years to form and if it comes out by the end of this year, I will have achieved more than I ever thought possible.

So the next few laps, probably until the end of August, will involve me editing the edits. For this I will need ‘wet’ tyres that help me stick to the track and not come off the rails. Going over five chapters a day is my aim.

Another pit stop will be then required, as I slip into a new gear. September will be the month of audiobook production – also the best proof read an author can do. If I cannot say a sentence out loud, the reader will not be able to read it ‘in loud’. This will need ‘dry’ tyres as it involves a lot of handle turning and consistency and the road is pretty straight and long, with no corners, just a beginning, some re-fuelling stops and an end.

October will be a time to pull in and hand the files over to the production team for publication. A new vehicle will be assembled with a whole range of new capabilities. This vehicle will have no wheels – it will be self-powered and able to levitate – much like the spacecrafts mentioned in the book.

Like the chariot in the Tarot, I will not be the driver, but the passenger, and will allow it to take me to new pastures in bounty-full lands. My hands will be off the wheel.


Cogs Are Turning

Cogs Are Turning

This month I did something I have never done before in the middle of a big project. I took a month off. Well not exactly, I packed up a house I’d lived in for 20 years and had a week’s holiday on a wide beam 64 foot long canal boat on the Kennet & Avon.

Part of the reason for a break (or is that brake?) from the project is that Soulwaves is being edited. I did however get a new iPadPro and used iMovie to create the trailer below for Soulwaves.

So I took a dose of my own advice, taking the foot well of the gas has given time and space for so many doors to open – and to open fully wide.

Onwards & very much upwards … more on this next month 😎