A Map of the Heart

A Map of the Heart

Line 1 : Meditations
These 10 meditations accompany my new book, The Authority Guide to Practical Mindfulness. Travel time is just 100 minutes stopping at each ‘station’ for 10 minutes over 10 days. Buy the book and ride this line for free!

Line 2 : Books
My books are inexpensive way to dip your toe into a more magical and less stressful world. They are available in print, for ereaders and many now as audiobooks.

Line 3 : Heart-full Living
This 15 day course will open your mind, or your minds more specifically, to a new level of being. A mind once opened cannot be closed. At the same time you improve your Third Eyesight, you will also be helping to restore sight in both eyes for someone in the developing world.

Line 4 : Self-study Courses
These courses are all advanced examples of practical mindfulness. Others call this magic and alchemy. There are loads of resources you are looking for more time, increased money flow or to write your book the easy way.

Line 5 : Talks and Workshops
Pretty much any of the materials on Lines 1 through to 4 can be delivered in a one-to-many environment. I do taster talks, 1/2 day and full day workshops and all attendees will come away with some goodies.

Line 6 : Awakening
If you are serious about your personal evolution, my 1-2-1 mentored program is like a deathless reincarnation or software upgrade for the soul. Travelling on Line 1 followed by Line 4 is a prerequisite for getting on this extra Special Line. Get in touch for an exploratory chat if you are ready to step into your magnificence and note there is only space for 12 people to travel on this line at any one time.

Line 7 : Chilling
Give yourself a real treat for 21 days. Each day you will get access to a new meditation which is exactly 13m33s long. This is ideal for new and experienced meditators and after 21 days you will discover that daily meditation is a nice-habit-to-have.

Minds of Manifestation

Vision BoardYou may have come across the idea of creating a vision board which pictorially represents and encapsulates your dreams. They are reasonably effective tools for delivery of our goals.

When it comes to manifestation, if any of our mind centres is weakened or out of balance, our goals can forever seem tantilisingly out of reach. What’s even worse is that some mind centres can completely nullify the actions of others. So, if you really want to conjure up your heart’s desires, it pays to be mindful about how all our internal mind centres interact with the Physical Plane.

Root chakraRoot
Our base chakra is the energy centre we use to communicate with the Earth Plane. It is what generates what we perceive as serendipities through the Earth mind. It also acts as a check and balance to ensure our actions are safe for us and ecological for the planet. If you find that your manifestations appear and then unmanifest, it is a sign that the energy flow through your root mind could be improved.

Sacral chakraSacral
Our sacral chakra provides for our needs. In times gone by, it would send out a signal that we are hungry and sense where we might go to hunt. These days it can be used to generate money and clients. If you bank balance needs a boost, energise this centre, be still of mind and allow what you need to pop along. Be open to receive in the most bizarre way and when you least expect.

Solar Plexus chakraSolar plexus
This is the centre of our intuition which can be expressed better as our ‘inner-tuition’. Ignore the messages from this centre and you will end up pushing water uphill. Follow its guidance and you will go with the flow. From an energetic perspective, you can use it to attract those of a like-mind to you for co-creation opportunities. It works a treat over social media!

Heart chakraHeart
It will come as no surprise that it through our heart centre that we attract people and opportunities that we love towards us. If you suffer from lack of external love or self-love, this centre will be weakened. It is an energetic centre that we can now take under conscious control. Applications of the Heart Ray include healing, softening tense situations and finding your soul mate and your soul purpose. See the blog below for more …

Throat chakraThroat
What we manifest through our throat is what we hold true. If we utter words like, “Life is tough”, then it will be. When you awaken, try exclaiming, “What a beautiful day to be on Planet Earth”. During the day, be mindful that your words hold power and what we say invokes a spell into the air. We can use this knowledge to talk to the wind and allow it to carry our wishes far and wide.

Third Eye ChakraThird eye
When it comes to manifestation, our Third Eye plays two roles. It can be used to direct our wishes to the relevant mind centre so it becomes responsible for actual manifestation. Its second role is to notice when our dreams have arrived. Maintaining a quiet mind, with only essential internal dialogue running, pays great dividends here. This allows the Third Eye to receive notifications back from our other mind centres as to when they have done their job.

Crown ChakraCrown
The crown chakra plays the opposite role from our root. When our mind is open, we can receive guidance and wisdom from the collective mind. This blog is being a typical example. When our crown is open and our root connected, we can then move our consciousness to our heart centre and run operations from there. We then become a conduit from the Above to the Below.

Living HeartfullyHeart-full Living

If you are interested in manifesting with all your internal mind centres, take the Heart-full Living course. It’s available with 1-2-1 mentoring or as a self study course. Your investment will also help restore eyesight to people in the developing world. It comes with a bonus visualisation called the Two Mind Transmutation which delivers your heart’s desires every time.

… and get Heart-full Living today

Related Posts

Applications of the Heart Ray

Applications of the Pineal Ray

Cataracts of the Third Eye

Streams of Thought

Streams of Thought

Thought StreamsAlbert Einstein was renowned for his thought experiments. The whole Theory of Relativity came from him musing whimsically about what it would be like to ride on a beam of light.

Now neuroscientists are not totally sure where our thoughts actually come from, or where our memories really hang out. Cosmologists and physicists are spending billions of dollars trying to find out why 96% of the Universe is basically ‘dark’.

Now it’s just a thought and a whimsy but wouldn’t it be kind of amusing if it was thought itself that formed the basis for all that dark energy, and that memories turned out to be a form of dark matter.

So just imagine for a moment if all the thoughts you have had since you became self-aware, including dreams and unconscious thoughts, were lined up as a ‘thought stream’, plotted against the timeline of your life. Then imagine that your life, and the lives of everything else that is living, is formed of what you experience as you ride down this stream of thought. Note that most of these ‘thoughts’ are just feelings and sensations and not the inner dialogue we think of as thought.

The Mind of God?

Together then, all life forms ride on thought streams that collectively form the fabric of the Universe. Single celled life may only be capable of tuning into thought forms that fuel the essential life processes. Complex animals such as all dolphins, and some humans, have neurological centres that can tune into ‘higher level’ thoughts like compassion, curiosity, creativity and love. All are aspects of course of the thought streams that emanate from the mind that some call God, which is why it it proclaimed God is omnipresent and in all of us. This could give us an agnostic model of God that all could embrace irrespective of creed, dogma and scientific leaning.

In passing, it is worth noting that not all what we think of as life, or conscious, may incarnate in the material plane. Furthermore, what we consider to be inanimate like the seas, the air and rocks and even scaling up to whole planets, moons and stars could also be ‘borne’ on discarnate thought forms.

The Fusion of Thought

Nuclear ProcessIn the same way that elementary particles can smash together and coalesce or shatter, thoughts can meet too and merge to form new thoughts. Thoughts also possess a wave-particle dualism. They can merely pass through as ethereal whispers on the wind or coalesce, densify and interact with the physical plane. Ask any alchemist.

Some share their journey together; others bounce off each other and go their separate ways; some annihilate each other in a puff of energy.

The Free Will Paradox

So as our thought streams merge with those of others, they can take off in different directions that give us a multifarious and seemingly random set of life experiences. This may solve the paradox that all is preordained yet we live in an illusion we call reality where it appears we have the free will to change anything.

Perhaps what we perceive as free will is merely our natural reaction to incoming, seemingly random thought streams.

Perhaps also, if you are not totally happy with your life’s direction and pace, you could jump off your current thought stream and start riding another one?

This blog is such an example and is only ‘just a thought’. Please add you thoughts to this meme by way of comment below.

Living in the Loving Zone

The Loving ZoneIt’s said that when you love the work you do, with people you love to be with, then you will never work as such again.

I am blessed with this kind of life and while out walking my dogs this morning, it ‘came to me’ that I had loads of tips and resources I could share, and with love, that could help others do the same.

#1. How do you enter the Loving Zone?

Listen to this sample chapter from the audiobook version of The Zone, to find the key to living a life you love – with people, and that special person, that you love.

[smart_track_player url=”https://audioboom.com/boos/2222727-the-loving-zone.mp3″ title=”Extract from The Zone : How to Get In It & Stay In It” artist=”The Loving Zone” download=”false” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” image=”https://www.tomevans.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/heart-square.png” social_gplus=”true” social_linkedin=”true” ]

#2. Ditching Your To Do list

Many people struggle under the weight of their To Do lists. This short video explains how, with the use of a To Don’t List, you can create a To Love list that you will just love to do !

#3. Moving to Heart-based Consciousness

It has been known for thousands of years that the heart is a centre of consciousness. Science is just about catching up. I’ve developed a programme called Heart-full Living which helps move the consciousness from the head to the heart, and other centres, as part of an awakening of dormant and nascent parts of our neurology. Watch this short video to find out more.

#3. Intention Marketing

I’ve been turning things up a notch or three the last few months working with someone I simply love working with – the amazing Jenny Littlejohn. Shortly after Jenny took the Heart-full Living mentored course, she came up with the brilliant system of Intention Marketing. Here, rather than marketing your goods and services, what you share with the world is your intention. If you are a heart-based business, like a coach, therapist or healer, I highly recommend you get in touch with Jenny (link below) and I hereby share my intention.

[smart_track_player url=”https://www.tomevans.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Sharing-My-Dream.mp3″ title=”How to Start Living Your Dream Today” artist=”Welcome” download=”false” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” image=”https://www.tomevans.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tombulb_200.png” social_gplus=”true” social_linkedin=”true” ]

#5. Why Love Never Dies

The love that we hold is stronger than many of us ever imagine. It is permanent and extends over space and up and down the timelines. In this interview with the amazing Dr Jamie Turndoff, discover how love never, never dies.

[smart_track_player url=”https://audioboom.com/boos/4591213-love-never-dies.mp3″ title=”Love Never Dies” artist=”Dr Jamie Turndoff” download=”false” social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” image=”https://www.tomevans.co/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/jamieTurndoff-222.png” social_gplus=”true” social_linkedin=”true” ]

Useful links

The Zone audiobook
Heart-full Living
Jenny Littlejohn’s Intention Marketing
Read Love Never Dies and get the free meditation

And I have the great pleasure in talking to Dr Jamie Turndoff live on her show very soon, Ask Dr Love, where I will be explaining more on how to find a life you love.

The Loving Zone

Five Reasons to Start Living Heart-fully

Heart chakraWe humans have an amazing, special and magical ability that we often take for granted. We can think.

From quite an early age, most people gain the ability to talk to themselves, and each other. As a result, from when we wake up in the morning until we fall asleep, our mind starts a-chattering. Many do not give this a second thought from one day to the next.

While the ability to think is an amazing feat for sentient star dust (i.e. Us) to pull off, it has resulted in the thought forms from our lower mind centres being swamped and overlooked. You will know what I mean if you have ever said, “I wish I’d trusted my gut” or “My heart was never in it”.

From an energetic perspective, this ability to think and talk comes about from a level of communication not yet recognised by many, if any, neuroscientists. For starters, not all thoughts emanate from our brain as it is as much a receiver of thought as it is a generator of thought. Our seven main internal chakra centres are also communication portals. It is the one right in the centre of our brain, the pineal gland or Third Eye, that picks up many external thought forms. It can be tuned in through the practice of mindfulness meditation.

The ability to talk involves intercommunication between this sixth chakra point and the fifth chakra point, the throat chakra. Around 1 to 2 million years ago, humankind got “The Word” and this magical ability of self-talk and language was conferred upon us. We are now on the cusp of the next stage in evolution where we become able to take conscious control of our heart chakra, as well as the chakra centres below. The result of this shift has a few prerequisites and many consequences.

What happens when we live heart-fully?

#1 : Loving what you do

Just imagine if each and every day you could wake up and do just what you love to do, with people you love. Think about what is stopping you from doing that right now and imagine if such barriers to doing this could vapourise.

#2 : Loving who you are with

Imagine a world where the people you want to be with turn up, just like magic. Whether it’s the perfect clients or business partners or friends or a soulmate you are looking for, imagine if they just found you.

#3 : Loving where you are going

If we are worrying about tomorrow, we lose focus on today and our efficiency drops. When we entrust our decisions to our heart and gut minds, we will rarely put a foot wrong. It is both a simpler and a safer way to be.

#4 : Loving who you are

All love starts with self-love. This is not love of a narcissistic kind but one where we love ourselves for who we are, what we do and what we can do for others. It is difficult to ask others to love us if we don’t start by truly loving ourselves.

#5 : Loving who you might become

It’s said that the only thing you can take with you is your evolution (and that the only thing you can really leave behind is your art). If the most amazing life is within your grasp, just around the corner, it would be silly not to take that next step – and another and another.

There is a version of you in the future who has achieved all your heart’s desires, and more. The only person in the world who might prevent you from being that person in the future is you right now.

Living HeartfullyHow and where do you start?

I have been fortunate to live a charmed life. I have been blessed with many gifts but also experienced many frustrations. When I switched to living heart-fully, years of turmoil and inner-struggle disappeared and a new world opened up for me. I want to share the secrets of what I have learned with others.

Two of the gifts I have received were an engineering mindset and the ability to channel. The former lets me build ‘stuff’ and the latter gives me access to information that I do not know. This is called claircogniscence.

Using the principles above, I was nudged into creating a chakra awakening programme that seems to switch people into a new mode of existence and awakens a new level of consciousness.

I’ve called it (or had it called for me), Heart-full Living.

Watch this short video with Hannah Smithson who was the soul who nudged me:

And start your next phase of evolution here …

Heart-full Living

Your Best Year Yet

Your Best Year Yet


As we embark on a new orbit of the Sun, it not only pays dividends to make plans for the next year ahead but also to reflect on what unfolded in the year just gone.

That was 2015

For me, 2015 was a year of generation where I produced this little lot :

To find out how I managed to create such output, listen to this podcast.

[smart_track_player url=”https://audioboom.com/boos/3981604-that-was-2015.mp3″ title=”In conversation with Gary Plunkett” artist=”That was 2015″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_email=”true” ]

This is 2016

To hear about what I plan for the 2016 on the back of all of this in what will be a year of consolidation, listen to this podcast.

[smart_track_player url=”https://audioboom.com/boos/4002418-this-is-2016.mp3″ title=”In conversation with Doug New” artist=”This is 2016″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Now it’s your turn …

And if you want to bend time, tune into your muse, discover your soul purpose, manifest enough money just when you need it, tap into light bulb moments, connect with your Muse, heal old ‘wounds’, meet the love of your life and much more, then checkout this special offer …
