You can listen to the first tale here called The Scroll – and I already have three more chapters written/downloaded. This won’t take as long as Soulwaves did!
It’s Powtoon Time
Big Thanks to Lea Woodward and Jackie Walker for pointing me earlier this year at the most fabulous animation tool called Powtoon.
It allows ‘numpties’ like me to put together pretty amazing trailers for product and book promotions – there’s just a few examples below of what you can do with it.
And even better still, they have invited me to do a animation series on how best to communicate a message in Just a Minute … watch the trailer here
Powtoon Application #001 : Product Promotion
I prepared this short trailer to promote my Bending Time ecourse
Powtoon Application #002 : Web Site Landing Page
Here’s a trailer for a new web site for the marvellously talented Sue Warwick
Powtoon Application #003 : Book Trailer
This is an example for a book trailer
Powtoon Application #004 : Presentations & eLearning
I even used Powtoon to build a whole Udemy training course based on an earlier book called Flavours of Thought. This animation is just one of 30 in the course which comprise over 160 minutes of animated content – phew !!
Related links:
Start Powtooning yourself today – use the coupon TOMEVANS to get 20% off too!
Mind Stretching Animations
Bending Time
Sue Warwick’s Soul Verses
Get your copy of This We Know
Flavours of Thought
Publish a book in a month
Last year I wrote and published a book I had no idea I was about to write. I started writing it on the 3rd September and it was ready for publication on the 17th.
It shot into the top 10 books in Philosophy on the UK Kindle store by the end of September and the amazing reviews tell of the impact it is having on readers.
Here’s how I it came to pass …
I was watching my lovely partner snoozing on the sofa and wondered how many other people were also asleep right at that time. I also wondered how many people who were awake were also really ‘asleep’.
I was presenting a workshop on creativity on the 27th September at Sadler’s Wells at the Transformational Media Summit and wondered if I could write a book with a big message – and get it published in time so I could use it as a case study for the journalists attending.
To print a title and author name on the spine, you need about 100 pages or so. This equates to around 10,000-12,000 words. My aim was to write a book that could be read in a single commute or sitting.
I have been studying how we perceive the passage of time and I know some psychological and physiological ways to stretch time so we can get more done in less linear time. See Bending Time to find out how you can do this too.
A short chapter can be written and read in one session. What I do is meditate before each writing session for 20 minutes and I can then generate around 1000 words in an hour or so. The chapters in this book were actually around 500 words long so they could be re-syndicated in a blog.
Before writing each chapter, I review the previous chapter so I don’t duplicate and I ensure continuity and fluidity over the whole book. I only edit massive faux pas but don’t try and proof read or edit the whole. Incidentally, I normally Mind Map my books but this time it just came from ‘nowhere’.
With epublication and print on demand, subsequent editions are easy. So when the 10,000 words or so are done and the base story is told, that’s time to wrap on this edition.
It’s impossible to mark your own homework so get professional, or a friend or colleague with an eye for detail, to read it and sanity check that it’s a Good Book and tells a solid story.
I use the CompletelyNovel print on demand service for my print books as it is so easy – and support is brilliant. Books normally arrive in 5 to 7 days. I uploaded it on the 17th of September and the box below arrived on the 20th in just three days!!
After finding a couple of other errors in the print books (so much easier than on screen), I uploaded it to the Amazon KDP platform and by the 21st September, it was available to download globally for less than the price of a cup of coffee. A few tweets and Facebook posts later and the reviews started flying in.
So That Was 2012 !!
Well that was a bit of a year !!
Before launching into 2013 (and taking a well deserved holiday in the sun), I thought it worth wrapping up the year on this blog with a bit of a summary of the journey I’ve been on this year.
Strangely, the only thing I had vaguely planned was to write Planes of Being but even then at the start of the year, the title and theme of the book weren’t fixed … roll on 2013 !!
What happened in 2012
New Books
Planes of Being
This We Know – unplanned and written and published in less than a month
Which lead to the world we would/could know series of interview interviews
100 Years of Ermintrude for Kindle
Bending Time
Goals of Learning
Creating Meditative Audio Recordings
New services
Bending Space | The Cube of Karma
Soul Part Integration
Light Up Your Business
Guest Blogging
Creativity Portal
Publishing Talk Magazine
So what’s planned for 2013?
Well not a lot as I am so looking forward to all the serendipities unfolding …
but I have a series of workshops planned for the last Thursday of each month – check out these happenings
… a book to co-author with the fabulous Vicki Wusche
… at least two new courses for Udemy
and the writing of next year’s opus on how to move to the next level of human evolution
So not much on really !!
Have a fabulous Xmas and stunning New Year
Writing and Publishing a Book in less than a Month
In September 2012, I wrote a book I wasn’t planning to write and published it in print and for Kindle in just 18 days, from start to finish.
Fellow author Jackie Walker did the same a week or so later!!
In this webinar, we describe the process we followed …
To find out what you can also achieve in less than a month, download our books here …
This We Know
Around the House in Eighty Days
and to find out how you can create as many hours as you need, check out
The Bending Time eCourse
The Bending Time Live Workshop