The Moon Wave
Riding a Moon Wave
While I have operated with the Moon phase in mind for many years, this year I am using it as the clock to which I time the creation and release of my new output.
[ image by the amazing Georgia Hofer ]
[ image by the amazing Georgia Hofer ]
Temporal Takeaway #1:
When we procrastinate, we often become creatively uncreative and engage in everything else other than what we really should be working on. This is often a sign that a fear is lurking in our unconscious mind.
Temporal Takeaway #2:
We are awake for around 60,000 seconds each day. This leaves around 26,400 seconds to sleep and half of that again to dream. If you seed your dreams and learn how to remember and analyse them, this is not wasted time but creative time.
Temporal Takeaway #3:
Nothing in nature beats to the seconds other than the thoughts of somebody who is watching a clock.
Temporal Takeaway #4:
When we get in tune with the Moon, we stop pushing water uphill and go with the temporal flow.
Temporal Takeaway #5:
Every year, we all travel together over half a billions miles through space around the Sun on a spaceship we call Earth. It kind of makes sense if we all got along.
p.s. this blog was posted live exactly at 7:40 GMT on the 3rd December, the 2nd quarter of the Moon Phase
Publishing in Tune with the Moon
Quarter 1 : First Tickings
Quarter 2 : Perceptions of Time
Quarter 4 : Temporal Alchemy
I wrote a few months worth of my mindful Just for Today messages and mind mapping the next book in my series on practical mindfulness, which is entitled “Managing Time Mindfully”. I had the light bulb moment that the book ought to be structured in four quarters each with 3 chapters – i.e. mimicking a clock face with its quarters and a year with its seasons.
The new structure will lead me to explore the very nature of time, and our perception of it, in a much more expansive manner than I had previously planned.
While mapping the chapters on Natural Time, a second idea came along that I ought to publish the next book on a New Moon. I realised in my exhuberance to publish the first introductory book in the series, Mindful Timeful Kindful, I had paid no attention to when I published it.
I imagine my delight and surprise when I found it was published on the 13th September – you guessed it, the last New Moon.
This blog is purposely timed for the exact time of October’s New Moon and my publishing plan for the next few ’moonths’ has been ’given’ to me. Each book will get to 1st draft for the New Moon prior to its publication. This of course is nicely self-fulfilling and what happens when we live timefully.
13th September 2015 : Book Zero : Mindful Timeful Kindful
11th December 2015 : Book One : Managing Time Mindfully
5th June 2016 : Book Two : Managing Money Mindfully
29th November 2016 : Book Three : Creating Ideas Mindfully
By the way, if you are wondering how I could even contemplate writing and publishing a book every three months, the secrets are revealed in the next book.
One of the factors which mitigates against us is the modern calendar. Our modern time systems are brilliant when it comes to allowing us to operate in a sophisticated society. We don’t want all planes to arrive at an airport just when they feel like it. It’s nice to be able to turn up to the theatre and for it to start on time, on the date that we’ve booked.
We should be minded though that seconds, minutes, hours, weeks and months don’t exist in nature, they are man-made. Likewise the names of the days of the week and the division between working week and weekend are arbitrary. Not everyone on the planet has Saturday and Sunday as their weekend, for example.
The varying lengths of the months are made up too. The only real time constants are the day and the year which are of course driven by the rotation of the Earth and its orbit around the Sun. Even these vary quite a bit and our 24 hour days and 365.25 day years are only averages. The tugging and pulling between the planets in our Solar System make everything a bit fluid and variable.
When we superimpose false deadlines inside our time system, it is often hard to be at our creative peak just at the perfect time. Of course, we can use tools and practices like meditation and mind mapping to help us out of our creative log jams. The best way by far to be superbly creative though is for us to schedule our creative tasks around the times where we are most productive.
Firstly, we can easily identify when we are most creative in the day. I am a morning person and I always write between 8am and 11am, as I am doing with this article right now. I also meditate before each writing session but that’s just a practice I use to tune into my Creative Muse.
The second trick I use is to give the days of my week my own names on which I focus on different aspects of my business. You can have some creative fun making up your own.
Once we get our days sorted, we can superimpose two other overarching slants on our creative output.
The first is to tune into the phase of the Moon. I have noticed I get much better results if I plan between the New Moon and Full Moon and act and deliver between Full Moon and New Moon. I also believe that it doesn’t matter if the Moon affects our creativity or not but that the oscillation between planning and action gives us space to breathe, reflect and measure how we are doing. There are more subtle divisions to use with the quarter phases of the Moon but this simple method is very workable.
By the way, if you don’t know what the Moon phase is, there are loads of free smartphone apps these days. I’ve also found that inspirational talks and workshops work well when timed on or around the Full Moon. New concepts and product launches on the New Moon seem to swimmingly too.
The second aspect to bear in mind is which season we are in. Only after writing my first three books did I notice that I had created them all in Spring. So now I plan and research my next book in Autumn and Winter and start writing it in earnest on the Spring Equinox.
Now if all of this sounds a bit wacky and you think I have lost my marbles, let me add some caveats. Firstly, each of us is free to tune into our own creative cycles. There is no creed or religion to follow here. Secondly, any system like this works exactly because it gives us a framework to follow. Our outputs are the only measure of its efficacy.
We should never limit our creativity either. My iPad is always to hand to capture words, speech, art, maps of my mind and images or even video, should the Muse call.
Now many vintners and farmers have twigged that the Moon has a significant affect on their crops. Sailors are very respectful of the Moon phase as their lives might depend on the height and power of the tide.
Astrologers are somewhat derided by their observance of the Moon phase. One day astrologers and astronomers will compare notes and find there is more common ground than they thought.
It’s the closest astronomical object to us yet, if you asked most people, they couldn’t tell you the current Moon phase – not least it’s distance from the Earth and in which direction it was moving relative to them. It’s almost too much in our faces. Any Martian would be able to tell you that the Earth has 13 lunar months a year and they are all about 28 Earth rotations long (that’s a day to you and me) – give or take one or two. Our man-made calendar obfuscates what is really going on … conspiracy theorists might tell you that this is on purpose.
Incidentally, you can find out the current phase of the moon here … or if you have an iPhone, get one of the many excellent apps like Moon Phase
And to understand how Moon Phases work, see this excellent exposition and explanation …
… or why not have a go at taking great photographs
If you synchronise your marketing (and sales) activities to the Moon Phase, you will find that everything flows with much more ease and customers and opportunities will start to find you … as if by magic. I’ve been doing this for about two years now and have virtually abandoned all other ‘formal’ types of marketing activity.
Now there are two reasons why this works. Either the Moon is having an affect on our consciousness or it’s acting as a big reminder in the sky that we should work through our concepts in a logical manner. If it works, it’s academic if it’s either, or both, of these in operation.
The diagram below shows how to do it:
Step 1 : from new Moon to 1st quarter : engage in brainstorming activities
Step 2 : from 1st quarter to Full Moon : brief the client, get them to buy into your dream or, for yourself, just imagine where this might take you
Step 3 : from Full Moon to Last Quarter : evaluate your options, market test your ideas
Step 4 : act on your marketing plan based on acquired knowledge from the last three steps
and Step 5 is to report back in the Comments here to tell me how you get on
If you want to know more about synchronisation with natural daily, lunar monthly and yearly cycles, get a copy of my new book, The Art and Science of Light Bulb Moments
If you think this is completely bonkers, just try it once before you make that call … if it’s wrong there is no harm done. If it’s right, you may find a whole new way of being and doing.