A Time for Refurbishment

A Time for Refurbishment

It always amuses me how life emulates art, and vice versa.

Artistically right now, I am taking an old structure and giving it a makeover. Well over 12 years ago, I created the Cube of Karma, inspired by the ancient glyph of the Cube of Space. Since January this year, I have dusted it off and it’s being given a new lease of life – with new features and a new outlook. I am realising that I have only just touched on its potential as a tool for human enlightenment and spiritual evolution.

Life-wise, our tired 1960s bungalow has now been stripped back to a shell.

This is a precursor to completely sealing it as an airtight box so it can become a low-energy eco-home. Bizarrely, or not, it looks like our 1st eco-home is being sold too which very conveniently funds the ‘eco-isation’ of the current house – a kind of ‘house karma’.

Externally to this art-life duality, Insight Timer are expanding the scope of their premium offering which means I can at last upload loads of long-format material. I have been asking them to do since I became a guide on the app back in 2016. This allows me to downsize on my own off-app hosting of materials. In turn, this means I can narrow my focus and produce more with less time and at reduced expenditure.


Halfway There

Halfway There

Soulwaves Insertions Meditations and MusicHalfway There

As we come to the end of June, I thought it a good time to take a stock check and a bit of a breather.

So, the second book in the Soulwaves Anthology came out in January and the third book is emerging slowly – only slowed down by a house move, which in itself has allowed the story to germinate and go places I wasn’t expecting.

What I am most pleased by is, even though I unexpectedly moved house, the publication of the meditations, music and lectures inspired by the numbers, and each Insertion, has remained on track.

How I do it

Each moonth, I create a new ambient track that goes live on the New Moon. I then extract the ambient layer and use that as the background to the guided meditation that comes out on the Full Moon but I listen to it while writing the script to really tune in. The following New Moon, in the Insertions Lecture, I explore the significance of the number from the previous moonth, with a guest or two.

The series meditations and ambient music tracks now last well over an hour each and the lectures over four hours. Each moonth, I am being more experimental and expansive with music and exploring more esoteric themes in the meditations – some of which I have never shared before.

… and there’s more.

Each day I publish a Just for Today meme, illustrated by Siri Opli – in the Soulwaves Facebook Group and on Twitter. Then a moonth later, I split them in two and record two new Just for Today-style meditations (using the relevant ambient music) which go live on Insight Timer. You can also listen to them in previous blog posts.

… and what’s more, you can now get a trial access to my new creative portfolio for 3 days.

Soundwise Access Options
In Thirteen Moons

In Thirteen Moons

soulwaves insertionsThe Last Thirteen Moonths

Thirteen Moon orbits ago, I finally published a novel that I started 15 years and 15 other books ago. Then, in the first lockdown, a book I hadn’t planned wandered along. It’s a set of shortish stories that are both prequels and sequels to that novel.

From today, Soulwaves : Insertions is available in print, ebook and audiobook on all the usual platforms.

And I am having a launch ‘party’ to celebrate which you can catch in the Soulwaves Group on Facebook – or on my YouTube Channel if Facebook isn’t your bag.

In the last thirteen moons, something more than just my first novel came along. It inspired a five hour album of ambient soundscapes and a four hour meditation series called the Soul-full Path.

This second book has a similar future vector.

The Next Thirteen Moonths

On each New Moon, starting today, I will release an ambient track which will form the Insertions Album – each track inspired by the numbers 1 to 12, as are the chapters in the book.

Each Full Moon will see the release of a guided meditative visualisation also inspired by the numbers 1 to 12.
And to wrap each ‘moonth’ up, starting with February’s New Moon, there will be a live lecture on the significance of each number and how we can use them in our lives.

Insertions Bundle

Tom Evans SoundcastsUnification

Towards the end of 2020, I got an email from the CEO of an app called Soundwise. It is something I had been looking for. It gives me a unified platform where I can host audiobooks, meditation series, albums, courses and a podcast.

What’s more listeners can sample content for free, invest in an individual item or subscribe to my whole portfolio – and interact with me and other listeners too!

So I made my pre-2020 content freely available at the beginning of this year … it was this act that encouraged the arrival of the post-2020 content delivery mechanism.

There’s a couple of other activities that I have unified at the same time.

The end of 2020 saw the last Zone Show Podcast episode and Soulwaves : The Podcast is replacing it. Instead of conversations about the zone, we’ll be more soul-lead.

Also, for the last three and a half years, I’ve been co-creating and sharing daily memes called Just for Today, with artist, musician and guide Siri Opli. For the next 13 moon orbits, they will track the numerological focus of that moonth. This moonth will all be about Unification and they will be published exclusively in the Soulwaves Facebook Group. This is the place to hang out if you want to catch the ‘wave.

Related Links :

My pre-2020 free stuff

Subscribe to my post-2020 premium content

Join the Soulwaves Group on Facebook for updates and to connect with Like Minds

What’s Next?

Something else rather special will be happening over the next 13 moon orbits.

I will be writing the third book in the Soulwaves Anthology. It’s called The Duadex and will bring together many of the strands and threads from the first two books in the series. It is being specifically written to be made into a film or TV series, ideal for James Cameron or Christopher Nolan to direct, or for Ridley Scott to produce … I don’t mind which.

More specifically, it will be serialised exclusively to subscribers to my new app, starting from Spring this year.

Comings and Goings

Comings and Goings

Time to Book Launch









In 2020, we saw the Barnards Castlestrange behaviour of Dominic Cummings ‘going’ to Barnard’s Castle – something we did slightly more legally and ethically in our new motorhome later in the year.

This last year also saw lots of things coming along for me. The long-awaited novel Soulwaves : A Future History that finally came along to the world in January.

Then a whole five hours of ambient soundscape inspired by the novel popped out of nowhere. I also had the notion that a few guided meditations might come my way. What I wasn’t expecting was a whole series called the Soul-full Path would turn up. It uses the ambient album as its background layer and rocks in at four hours long of guidance on how you can allow you path to be shown to you.

Somewhere along the way twelve podcast guests and ten other guided meditations came my way too!

The real unexpected arrival though was the prequel and sequel to the novel in the form of twelve short stories entitled Soulwaves : Insertions. Unlike the novel, which took 15 years and 15 other books before it came along, the stories were conceived and written in lockdown.

To cap everything off, when I was least expecting it, I was approached by the CEO of an app called Soundwise which allows me to collate all my audio outputs into one place. So that’s meditations, music, podcasts, courses and audiobooks all under one wrapper.

That’s what you call a real opening up during a so-called lockdown.


For the new to come along, some of the old often has to leave. 

Hopefully the arrival of this virus augurs the end of some of the Old Ways. Some tyrants have had their day, as has some abuse of planetary resources. For example, gone too is the idea of commuting as the norm.

So the desire to write much more non-fiction has gone. Writing fiction has replaced it – so in 2021, I aim to write the third book in the Soulwaves Anthology. The working title is The Duadex, picking up as it does from the last story in Insertions.

I do plan those to create an interactive and immersive guide on how to connect with your muse – and guides. It will include theory and practice on how to allow creativity to flow through you.

I’ve allowed The Zone Show podcast to go and be replaced by Soulwaves : The Podcast.

What is behind all of these goings is any fear associated with speaking my truth and sharing what I think. Fiction and metaphor is of course a useful tool here – hence the 11th story in Insertions which centres around COVID-38 in 2039.

Gone too is any notion of thinking small. It’s high time more peeps awakened to to their full potential. I have much to share in this regard.

A Cunning Plan?

So everything kicks off in 2021, on the 1st New Moon, when I am hosting a Virtual Book Launch at 7pm UK time on the 13th January. This is also when my new content on Soundwise starts to build, as the 1st track of the Insertions Album will go live to subscribers.

… sign up for the launch here, get a free sample chapter of the new book and I’ll notify you where you can watch and interact with the launch.

[activecampaign form=11]

Then on each Full Moon, starting on the 28th Jan, I will publish a guided meditation on each of the numbers 1 to 12. Each subsequent New Moon will see another track from the album PLUS a live lecture on each number.
Then, in Spring, the next installment of the Soulwaves Anthology will leak out – along with guidance on how you too can tap into the source of creativity.

Sounds like a plan?

Insertions Bundle

Soundwise Launch Offer
Sound Wisdom

Sound Wisdom

Have you noticed a change in the world in the last month at the macro-level? Well it has rippled down to me on a micro-level.

and see the end of my last blog on how I was open to be shown a way that I hadn’t imagined

Tom Evans on SoundwiseFor some time now, I’ve been a little frustrated at managing all my content, especially the audio content.

Much of it goes out via the wonderful Insight Timer app, some ends up being available from Audible, and the likes, and some of it comes out on my podcast.

Then, just last week, a blessing came my way by way of an app called Soundwise. This is especially as I am just about to launch my next book Soulwaves : Insertions.

Through Soundwise, I can aggregate my content into one place where its much more easily findable. I love too that there’s a desktop version available as well as apps for iOS and Android.

So the plan going forward is to use the existing channels for the free stuff but to put the new, premium content into Soundwise. What’s more there will be two ways to access it – Pay-per-item or Subscribe !

p.s. there’s also some freebies so you can dip your toe in the water …

Subscribers not only get access to the current portfolio but, over 2021 will get access to the following too, just as they are created:

  • The Soulwaves Insertions : Ambient album
  • The Soulwaves Insertions : Numerlogical Meditations
  • A new Soulwaves-dedicated podcast, with some amazing soul-full guests
  • Audiobook versions of my archive of non-fiction books
  • And, later in the year, the serialisation of the third book in the Soulwaves Anthology : The Duadex

The feature I love the most is the granularity of how listeners can give feedback and ask questions on each chapter, meditation or track.

Tom Evans Soundwise Bundle

Last Moonth’s Output

There was not much external output this moonth as I have been occupied narrating Soulwaves : Insertions … here’s a little something to both relax and expand into though.

A Calling

by Töm Evans | Soulwaves Ambient


by Töm Evans | Soulwaves Ambient

What’s Happening Next Moonth?

So next moonth, the ebook and print versions of Soulwaves : Insertions will hopefully be ready for pre-order.

And I’ve re-engaged with Piers Ward, my very talented guitar and musical composition teacher, and I hope the first track of the new Insertions Ambient album will be released.

… as mentioned above, it will be made available first exclusively to my new Soundwise subscribers – have a listen below for a sneak preview of the ambient layer of the first track (with a couple of poems from the book).

Alpha and Omega

by Töm Evans | Soulwaves Insertions