The Cascade of Creativity

cascade of creativityThe difference between people who have success with their ideas and people who just have brilliant ideas is their ability and propensity for getting things done.

Some people are naturals at making things happen and others seem to struggle.

To give some help to the latter people and insight to the former, it is worth considering where ideas come from in the first place and our role in making them happen in the Physical Plane.

Planes of BeingIt is postulated by scientists these days that what we see in the material plane is the tip of a multi-dimensional iceberg. This has been ‘known’ for thousands of years by metaphysicians. The Minor Arcana of the Tarot is an ancient model for how this ‘iceberg’ is constructed and operates. My book, Planes of Being, explores and expands on this in more detail.

In short, we are multi-dimensional beings experiencing a three dimensional existence, playing out along a forward-arrow of time. This is a pervasive illusion which we can learn to ‘see’ through by entering the meditative state.

What’s more, we are all connected by the dimensions above us and each higher ‘odd’ dimension is imbued with intelligence and consciousness. These ‘intelligences’ are seen by some as ‘beings’ but we can also think of them as discarnate aspects of ‘Us’ – as everything is connected.

Making Ideas Happen

When we have an idea, or light bulb, aha or eureka moment, what we have done is to tap into the 9th dimension also known as the Archetypal Plane. This is the Plane of Ideas.

The Archetypal Plane is connected via the 8th dimension, or Plane of Thought, to the 7th dimension known as the Creative Plane. Here the ideas can form into potentialities of what we can do with the idea.

The Creative Plane is connected via the 6th dimension, or Plane of Light, to the 5th dimension known as the Formative Plane. Here the creations form into a plan which is mapped out across time.

The Formative Plane is connected via the 4th dimension, of Plane of Time, to the Physical Plane or 3rd dimension. Here’s where the idea can come into what we refer to as existence.

When we experience a light bulb moment, what happens is we get information from all the planes at the same time. This can cause us to rush into the delivery of an idea before some elements are in place. For some, the idea just consumes them and nothing gets done.

Working with the Moon

If you want a handy and practical way to work methodically through the cascade of creativity, you can work with the Moon Phases. This video explains how …


The Magic of AhaIf you want to know more about how to have ideas on demand and how to make the good ones actually happen, then my self-study course, The MAGIC of AHA, shows you how.

What’s more, as the course helps you enhance your Third Eye sight, £20 of your investment will be donated to my EyeLove campaign. This will fund the removal of a cataract for someone in the developing world.

Learn about the MAGIC of AHA here …

And read this blog to find out more …

Cataracts of the Third Eye

Avoiding Mindfalls

Mindfall HeadHave you ever had the same thoughts running around and around in your head? Perhaps somebody upset you or crossed a boundary. Maybe you have a conversation looming that you were dreading or are rehearsing a speech or presentation.

These internal ’conversations’ can go on for days. Nothing you do can shake these thoughts from your head. This state is known as a mindfall.

Such mindfalls can be debilitating and can ruin your day. Eventually, if left ’untreated’, they can even lead to mental ’dis-ease’ such as depression or, on the flip side, even generate illusions and delusions of grandeur.

In this short video, I show how to use a single flavour to jump out of a mindfall.

Introducing the AlphaZed

Alpha & OmegaThe English language, as rich as it is, is somewhat lacking in one major respect. I propose that it is missing something to give it some real zest.

The Greek language has 24 letters and starts with alpha and ends with omega. It also conveys the notion that the alpha and omega are implicitly linked and that, along with all the letters intervening, they form a wheel or circle.

This cyclical nature can also be seen in the Major Arcana of the Tarot. The cards 1 to 21 are linked by the zero card of the Fool and come back on themselves thus completing the Wheel of Life. Even Rotary Clubs were seeded by this notion although many of the members would be horrified if they knew. Just write the letters of the Tarot in a circle to see how the word itself too has embedded rotation in it.

Each of the Tarot cards has correspondences with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, starting with Aleph and ending with Tav. It is no surprise then that the Hebrew language has a cyclical nature too.

Even in packs of playing cards, the Ace can be high or low, connecting as it does the King and Two together. The Earth is round(ish), we orbit the Sun in an ellipse, galaxies are spiral and revolve around a central super-massive black hole. Circles and cycles are everywhere in nature.

So why is our English alphabet so boringly linear? When you get to the end of a dictionary or telephone directory, there is nothing to encourage you to go around again. Even A to Z maps are mere indexes and lists of street names with no rhyme, reason or interconnectivity.

When pointed out, this is an obvious notion. What’s to be done about it? Should we even care?

The reason why we have an alphabet with 26 letters that came from languages with 24 and 22 letters respectively is the stuff of a PhD thesis. I will leave the research into its evolution to other more worthy and knowledgeable scholars. I suspect though that the problem was seeded by the rise of a left-brained dominant society where ‘man’ kind was bent on mastering the elements and taking control over nature – not working with it.

By way of example, when Julius and Augustus Caesar were in power, they wanted months named after them. As a result, September to December were rudely pushed out of the way and made to be the ninth to twelfth months respectively. Any student of even rudimentary French will know their names are derived from the numbers seven to ten. Julius got July named after him and Augustus, August. Some days were even robbed from February to make them months of equal length. Such is the power of ego over the natural course of things.

In the same way, the elongation of our alphabet has caused us to loose the connective-ness of things. Even the name alphabet related to A followed by B – alpha by beta.

So let’s zest it all up a bit and throw the proverbial cat amongst the pigeons. I don’t propose we go backwards and ditch letters in order to get back to earlier rose-tinted times. Onwards and upwards is the clarion call.

What’s needed is a 27th connecting letter between A and Z and a new name for the sequence of our letters.

I will propose something for the latter and send out a message to the Universe (well the readers of this article) to provide suggestions for the former by way of Comments below.

By giving our language another letter, we extend it and augment the Universal Thought Pool.

So what do you think the 27th letter could be? A squiggle, a sign, a glyph – answers and suggestions by way of Comments below, a Tweet or a Facebook post.

And now, let’s sort out our alphabet and give it a new name and some added zest. Like all these things, the answer is trivial when you think about it and staring us in the face. Let’s call it the AlphaZed !!

What goes around around comes around.

Flavours of Thought New Edition

I am so thrilled to announce that, less than a year since I wrote the original book, Flavours of Thought is now in its Second Edition.

The second edition of course includes all the ancient wisdom in the same contemporary context as the first but now there are some added juicy bits such as:

– Seven brand new Chef’s Special Recipes (as requested by Facebook Fans)

– a brand new section on Practical Floughtology which includes

– how to concoct your own recipes

– how to use the flavours in business with five new recipes

– three special recipes on how to create abundance

The Second Edition is available straight away in the Amazon Kindle Store

Amazon UK

Amazon US

Amazon DE – but in English, any publishers who would like to republish and translate, get in touch

The second edition print version is also available directly for orders placed on CompletelyNovel but will take a few weeks to ripple through the online publishing world – get the print version here


If you already have a copy of the first edition and want the new parts of the book, I will email them to you as an ebook absolutely free – yep, for nothing, nada.

All you have to do to keep everything in karmic balance is write a review on Amazon (or any other online book store or site), let me know when it’s up and I will wing it over to you. Can’t say fairer than that !!!

What People Are Saying About It

“It’s brilliant! I love the idea of thinking about thoughts in a way that encourages my intuition, without embroiling me in my intellect.”

“This book is intrinsically simple. Simple to read; simple to understand; simple to apply. Its simplicity is what makes it genius.”

“This book takes personal development it to a different level. No stuffy 50 year old theories that people still hang their hats on. Refreshing, thought provoking and inspirational.”

“I find it absolutely fascinating and I read parts of it every day. It inspires me and is already enabling me to make adjustments and to fine tune areas of my life that are in need.”

“Oh my, you are brilliant with your wit and insight.”

“This is a delightfully simple journey into self development that can be used to build a much larger and more powerful framework. I believe it hints at an even greater innovation for the personal development industry. I thoroughly recommend you read it and judge for yourself.”

“Through gaining an understanding of the flavours in my thought process and applying the recipes, I am now positively dealing with being hurt and rejected and using them to remove frustration and to find my soul path.”

“I have applied recipes to my business, to my writing and to the way I chose to live. I can now see that in every situation, I have a glass half full mentality where before there may have been despair.”

“I am completely blown away by the concept of just 21 flavours creating zillions of recipes to enrich your life. You take our basic thought processes simplify them, map them and then suggest ways recipes to open up new thought process.”

“This is one inspirational, magical and thought changing book that has the power to change your very being.”

“This is a unique, insightful and thoroughly enjoyable read. If there is a more accessible way of accessing and understanding these issues then I have not, as yet, come across it. Tom has opened up a perspective to our thoughts, emotions and behaviour that is insightful and compelling. Thoroughly unique and enjoyable I will certainly be using this book time and again to follow the recipes as given and to create some of my own.”

“Tom’s a master at taking a concept and pushing it … he’s done it simply and accessibly. Readers have no option but to wake up and taste differences in their lives in all manner of ways. My feeling it is a turning point for many readers.”

“Flavours of Thought is so easy to read I hardly knew I was reading it. I ‘woke up’ from it feeling refreshed, calm and ready to embrace my fulfilment.”

“This is a delicious recipe book, filled with fresh ideas for thinking outside of the box. On first pass, I bookmarked several ‘recipes’ that resonated with me quite deeply and on my second read I discovered the richness that comes from combining deceptively simple ideas! If you are looking for a new way to think about your goals, challenges and emotions in light-hearted yet effective way then Flavours of Thought will certainly whet your appetite!”

Flavours of Thought

“Truly, food for thought. I really enjoyed chewing over the contents.”

Flavours of Thought started as a chapter in the light bulb book and has spawned into a book in its own right. Not only that but the most amazing sequels to Flavours are coming along too … watch this space.

It is a book of transformation.

We go about our days not giving our thoughts a second thought. This is a real shame as our thoughts fundamentally changes the world around us.

In Part 1 of Flavours of Thought, our thoughts processes are divided into groups of three, namely Ethereal Whispers, Unconscious Murmurs and Directives. Each group is then further divided into seven flavours.

By thinking about our each of our thoughts as having one of these 21 flavours, a transformation happens. We start to realise we are not a slave to them anymore and they will yield to our will and direction.

Part 11 of the book, Recipes for Fresh Thinking, then shows how these 21 flavours can be combined into 21 sample recipes (there are billions of other permutations) to tackle common issues like self-anger all the way through to finding your soul path.

The simplicity of this book belies its power as it is crafted from ancient wisdom but in a modern context.

“This book is intrinsically simple. Simple to read; simple to understand; simple to apply. Its simplicity is what makes it genius.”

Published using CompletelyNovel

I have used the most amazing new site to publish the print version called CompletelyNovel. It took just a few hours to go from Word document to published book.

Their model is to allow readers to read the whole book online for free, much as you would browse a book in a bookshop – and you can do this here

This is one book you will want to own however though and you can get it here online and order it in bookshops …


Amazon UK

Amazon US

Book Depository

For those of you with ereaders or smartphones, the book is also available via the Amazon Kindle store for the Kindle, iPad, iPhone, Android and Blackberry.

Get Flavours of Thought on the Kindle Store

Get Flavours of Thought on the Kindle Store

In fact, the book has been written with the iPhone in mind and it is optimised for reading on the small screen.

See the Flavours of Thought Facebook page more recipes and new flavours.

List of Contents

Part 1: Flavours of Thought
– Strangeness: Ethereal Whispers
– Charm: Unconscious Murmurs
– Direction: Who’s Driving The Bus?
Part 11: Recipes for Fresh Thinking
– Starters: Recipes 1 to 7
– Main Courses: Recipes 8 to 14
– Desserts: Recipes 15 to 21
Postprandial: The Obvious

See what readers are already saying about it …

“Oh my you are brilliant with your wit and insight!” – Tim Johnson, Director of Strategy, 4Networking Ltd

“Anti-perception is an intriguing concept and just on of the may gems to be found in Flavours of Thought which is a delightfully simple journey into personal development. The book can be used to build a much larger and more powerful framework that I believe hints at an even greater innovation which surprisingly is not often found in the personal development industry. I thoroughly recommend you read it and judge for yourself.” – Bill Liao, Founder of

“It is the deceptive power in its apparent simplicity which allows Flavours of Thought to be easily accessible to both beginners and time served devotees of personal development work. The book is cleverly engineered and crafted to produce light bulb moments (or understanding) whether it’s being read cover to cover, dipped into randomly or as an aide memoir when required. I do all three …. often!” – Jackie Walker, Edinburgh

“It’s brilliant! I love the idea of thinking about thoughts in a way that encourages my intuition, without embroiling me in my intellect.” – Kuumba Nia, author of The Circle of One

“Through gaining an understanding of the flavours in my thought process and applying the recipes I am now positively dealing with being hurt and rejected and using them to remove frustration and to find my soul path. I have applied recipes to my business, to my writing and to the way I chose to live. As a result, I can now see that in every situation I have a glass half full mentality, where before there may have been despair. This is one inspirational, magical and thought changing book that has the power to change your very being.” – Mike Smith

“This book takes personal development it to a different level. No stuffy 50 year old theories that people still hang their hats on. Refreshing, thought provoking and inspirational.” – Anita-Clare Field

Email me at or contact me here if you would like advanced information or to book me for a private recipe session.