by Tom Evans | Nov 15, 2020 | Expanding, Timing
Have you noticed a change in the world in the last month at the macro-level? Well it has rippled down to me on a micro-level.
and see the end of my last blog on how I was open to be shown a way that I hadn’t imagined
For some time now, I’ve been a little frustrated at managing all my content, especially the audio content.
Much of it goes out via the wonderful Insight Timer app, some ends up being available from Audible, and the likes, and some of it comes out on my podcast.
Then, just last week, a blessing came my way by way of an app called Soundwise. This is especially as I am just about to launch my next book Soulwaves : Insertions.
Through Soundwise, I can aggregate my content into one place where its much more easily findable. I love too that there’s a desktop version available as well as apps for iOS and Android.
So the plan going forward is to use the existing channels for the free stuff but to put the new, premium content into Soundwise. What’s more there will be two ways to access it – Pay-per-item or Subscribe !
p.s. there’s also some freebies so you can dip your toe in the water …
Subscribers not only get access to the current portfolio but, over 2021 will get access to the following too, just as they are created:
The Soulwaves Insertions : Ambient album
The Soulwaves Insertions : Numerlogical Meditations
A new Soulwaves-dedicated podcast, with some amazing soul-full guests
Audiobook versions of my archive of non-fiction books
And, later in the year, the serialisation of the third book in the Soulwaves Anthology : The Duadex
The feature I love the most is the granularity of how listeners can give feedback and ask questions on each chapter, meditation or track.
Last Moonth’s Output
There was not much external output this moonth as I have been occupied narrating Soulwaves : Insertions … here’s a little something to both relax and expand into though.
What’s Happening Next Moonth?
So next moonth, the ebook and print versions of Soulwaves : Insertions will hopefully be ready for pre-order.
And I’ve re-engaged with Piers Ward, my very talented guitar and musical composition teacher, and I hope the first track of the new Insertions Ambient album will be released.
… as mentioned above, it will be made available first exclusively to my new Soundwise subscribers – have a listen below for a sneak preview of the ambient layer of the first track (with a couple of poems from the book).
by Tom Evans | Jul 19, 2020 | Expanding
So we are now the owners of a motorhome, kind of – she was called Bunty von Burstner. Unfortunately our first planned two week trip was cut short and ‘she’ is back with the dealer as ‘she’ kept going ‘fawlty’ – if she comes back next week, we are renaming her Basil as a result!
This blog was to go live while we were on our first jaunt – two or so weeks around the Cotswolds and Welsh Borders. It’s a reminder that, in life, there is no route, no plan, no need to get anywhere at anytime. Our ‘road’ has taken us back at base, awaiting news Basil has been repaired. Words have been had with the dealer and we are paying attention some other issues at home that required some TLC.
On a more positive note, seven of twelve short stories of the Soulwaves Prequel/Sequel have now been written that have gone many places already in space and time. This leaves the door open to make the next five go to even wilder places still.
Musically too, the synths will be playing very much a background role and the guitar coming to the fore – watch and listen to this space to see what emerges in the next blog.
Last Moonth’s Output
So this last moonth is one where I was aiming to slow down, what with the new motorhome, a few day trips out and all that !
But not only did I write those seven short stories for the Soulwaves prequel/sequel but I also created two more ambient tracks, one guided meditation, an off-the-wall podcast and published two audiobooks from the archive. My audiobooks now have their own playlist.
Incidentally, the ambient tracks now number 13 and the whole playlist is over 3 hours long and where I aimed to be at the end of 2020. Some good has come from the lock down!
Slowing down is obviously the new speeding up.
What’s Happening Next Moonth?
So assuming we get back on the road with Basil, I plan to use my trusty iPad for writing the next 2 or 3 stories and my guitar for recording melodies to go on top of new ambient layers – hopefully all inspired by the change of location leading to a change of perspective.
One of these new perspectives is to use classical tracks slowed down as the ambient layer provided by a great site called Chordify which allows the MIDI file to be downloaded – a new creative boost …
… also wondering how weird and way out I can make the remaining short stories !
by Tom Evans | Apr 23, 2020 | Timing
A ‘moonth’ ago, I wrote a slightly morose blog, as if it might have been my last one.
In uncertain times, I took actions as if there might be no tomorrow. Another moonth on and we can now see some of the trajectory, a sneak peek at a way out and a glimpse at a new world that might appear on the other side. Perhaps we will travel less, fret less, pay NHS workers more, value family and friends even more.
What is somewhat heartwarming is that without me creating anymore content at all, I have already left a significant legacy behind. This moonth, my listens on Insight Timer passed 3 million.
It’s clear too that I have much still to deliver … below is a collation of my new output since the last blog and, if anyone is wondering, this level of output consistently over five years is how you get to 3 million listens.
Opening Up in a Lock Down
So in the last blog, I said I aimed create a new ambient track called Ocean’s Rise, a new guided meditation as well as at least two more podcasts. The so called ‘lock down’ meant that rather more than this popped out.
You can listen to Soul Entanglement here, as well as the follow on guided meditation called Soul Talk that wasn’t planned … and see what else came along below.
Three More Ambient Tracks
Siren’s Call features the voice of Norwegian artist, Siri Opli – along with some dolphins – calling our hero from the book, Shen, across the sea to her. The dolphins are calling from a planet 55 light years away.
Oceans Rise was an amazing co-creation where Piers Ward, my guitar teacher, asked some ‘questions’ to which Belén Prado, my native American flute teacher, provided some answers. I acted as producer to create an ambient background for their amazing music to sit in. Listen to the result here.
Lagrange uses a pseudo-surround sound effect to swirl from both left and right as well as to the front and back. A must listen with headphones on and a return to a solo performance.
The Art of Winefulness
I have had the notion of writing a book on winefulness for some time. It occurred to me that a guided meditation would provide a welcome bit off light relief during these times.
I have also collated and curated ten meditations to help people get through lock down whilst also opening up.
Check out Meditations for the Lock Down
Enlightened Conversations …
The Zone Show podcast is well and truly out mothballs. This moonth has seen two conversations with Insight Timer meditation guides, Keziah Gibbons and Pablo Arellano.
Keziah Gibbons gives us a Tarot reading for our time and Pablo Arellano explains how music opens the door to enlightenment.
What’s Happening Next Moonth?
So next moonth, assuming we are all still here, I plan to create more ambient tracks, more meditations and to do more podcasts.
… but something else is stirring, I have oodles of esoteric information which has not really seen the light of day that initiate a new way of being.
My soul has told me that Now is the Time !
Join the Soulwaves Facebook group to keep up with what’s going on …
Postscript : Soul Entanglement and Soul Talk Watercolours
Since drafting this blog, the artist Siri Opli has just created these two art works inspired by these two meditations – both watercolours available from
by Tom Evans | Mar 31, 2019 | Expanding
Being Seen
This month I did something I have been meaning to do for ages, I had some new photography done for my site.
The wonderful Maria O’Brien of Haiga Photography popped over to my house on a glorious pre-spring day. You’ll find my mugshot on all main pages of the site now, as opposed to me hiding away down somewhere deep.
I am so pleased at what she did and am wondering why I spent so long just hiding behind my voice on meditations, audiobooks and my podcast. Time to be seen, as well as heard.
Here’s a few of the fun ones …
If you fancy some photos that show your essence, get in touch with Maria.
Being Heard : Podcasting Again
Now the first draft of Soulwaves, the novel, is in the can – more on that in the next blog – I dusted off The Zone Show podcast this month and started it up again.
In this episode, I chat to Jelena Adzic about her transition from meditator to meditation guide on Insight Timer.
You will hear from Jelena again in the next episode when she turns the tables on me when we talk about said novel … and the next page I am turning.
Being Heard Even More
I’m thrilled that my new 30 day course, Mindfulness for Busy People, is now live on Insight Timer.
The new course format has allowed me to collate meditations from many sources of mine into the app into one cohesive container. The course contains a mix of remastered existing meditations along with brand new ones that link the whole 30 day narrative together.
It’s ideal for both new and experienced meditations – discover a new way of busy-ness today
by Tom Evans | Jan 1, 2017 | Timing
Before embarking on another year, it pays dividends to reflect on the year just gone.
For me, 2016 was one amazing year and an example of how any formal goal setting can actually hamper our progress. So-called “SMART goals” are better than having no goals at all. Perhaps where they are not so smart after all is that they can lead us to manifesting the ego’s desires, rather than to follow the soul’s calling.
p.s. my two meditations, Just Imagine and Just Be, from my Meditations for Relaxation, lead us to a much better outcome all round.
This Was 2016
By way of example, this is what unfolded in 2016, all of which I had definitely not planned !
What’s Planned for 2017?
So, in retrospect, 2016 was one of my most successful and productive years yet. That said, and on reflection, I know now with hindsight I could have done things better. Knowing too that planning might not be ideal, how can I hope to improve on 2016 in 2017?
The key lies in setting goals based on what I’d like to learn, which is :
- How to take my meditations to a wider audience with speaking engagements and virtual presentation opportunities
- How to develop, deepen and mature the many co-creation opportunities that have come my way
- How to create meditations that help specific groups of people and address specific issues
- How to get my books on to the bestseller list
- How to monetise my new found skills as an interviewer and take my podcast from 200k listens to 2 million and beyond
Having a Meta-strategy
When we set ourselves a meta-strategy, what I have found happens is that all the resources we need seems to pop along just when you need them. By sharing your strategy with others, the perfect co-creators seem to pop along just when you need them too. So here goes …
My meta-strategy is to help awaken humanity, and the planet as a whole, to the next level of consciousness
There, I have said it – now your turn – pop yours in by way of comment below. You never know who is reading this who might be able to help you achieve it !!
p.s. if achieving any of the above appeals to you and you want to know how, I’d be delighted to help, get in touch !!
by Tom Evans | Dec 21, 2016 | Chatting
It’s traditional around this time of year for Three Wise Men to come from the East bearing gifts.
This year on the Zone Show podcast is no different, apart from two of them hailing from the West, namely Mitch Horowitz and Master Charles Cannon, with only Christopher Plowman coming from the East, specifically Bali in this case.
Thanks you gentlemen for sharing your wisdom and bringing such riches along.
A Time of Insight : show notes and useful links
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”A Time of Insight” artist=”Christopher Plowman” social=”true” image=”×300.jpg” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]
Living an Awakened Life : show notes and useful links
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”Living an Awakened Life” artist=”Master Charles Cannon” social=”true” image=”” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]
A Cosmic Philosopher : show notes and useful links
[smart_track_player url=”″ title=”A Cosmic Philosopher” artist=”Mitch Horowitz” social=”true” image=”×300.jpg” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_gplus=”true” ]
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