blogs, meditations, stories, music and podcasts
a moonthly journal of my creative outpourings, published on each New Moon
In Thirteen Moons
The Last Thirteen Moonths Thirteen Moon orbits ago, I finally published a novel that I started 15 years and 15 other books ago. Then, in the first lockdown, a book I hadn’t planned wandered along. It’s a set of shortish...
The Path of Ascension
In this delightful podcast, I am chatting to the intuitive channel, healer and amazingly tuned-in soul who goes by the name of Suzanne Ross. Topics we chat about: How there are no job titles quite yet for what Suzanne...
Comings and Goings
Comings In 2020, we saw the strange behaviour of Dominic Cummings 'going' to Barnard’s Castle - something we did slightly more legally and ethically in our new motorhome later in the year. This last year also saw lots of...
Preparing for Launch
So 15 years and 15 books ago, I wrote the first draft of Soulwaves : A Future History which was eventually was published on the 1st New Moon of 2020. Since then, the novel has inspired the creation of an album of five...
Do you agonize about how your endeavors will turn out? Are events and decisions from your past interrupting your present? When you are falling asleep at night, do the trouble-gremlins dance on your chest, preventing you...
Sound Wisdom
Have you noticed a change in the world in the last month at the macro-level? Well it has rippled down to me on a micro-level. and see the end of my last blog on how I was open to be shown a way that I hadn't imagined For...
The Cycle of Projects
So while the UK opened up, we managed to get a full three and a half week's of touring in a working motorhome - with no recourse to call out the RAC. And while I was away, I used the time to bring the Soulwaves : A...
The Paths of Return
The notion that we are following a Path of Return is an intriguing one. For starters, it implies we are not so much heading somewhere in our lives but perhaps heading back from where we came from. Along the way though is...
Going Wild
It's taken a while but at last our motorhome has a motor. So for most of this month, we are travelling around the UK with not much of a plan but to follow our instinct and find the Indian Summer. So we're heading North,...
Back to First Base
After two abortive road trips, and the vehicle spending over two weeks back at the dealer, our motorhome journey has been eventful and had more downs than ups. We've found though that the local Fiat garage can fix it and...
The Road to Nowhere
So we are now the owners of a motorhome, kind of - she was called Bunty von Burstner. Unfortunately our first planned two week trip was cut short and 'she' is back with the dealer as 'she' kept going 'fawlty' - if she...
A Summer to Love
This moonth sees an emergence as the easing of lock down begins. Some decisions have been made. No more private clients or 1-2-1 work for me, just creation of books, meditations and course materials - and the odd online...
Springing Forward
Another moonth later and spring has sprung. naturally with me, a whole bunch of new content has also emerged, which I’ve put into one place down the bottom of this blog. For many, lock down I am sure has been stressful....
Three Million Listens
A 'moonth' ago, I wrote a slightly morose blog, as if it might have been my last one. In uncertain times, I took actions as if there might be no tomorrow. Another moonth on and we can now see some of the trajectory, a...
Out of the Void
In just one Moon orbit of the Earth, much has changed. Like most of the planet, we are in self-isolation and in equal awe at how the virus is spreading but how such acts of compassion and humanity are also nicely...
The Void and The Density
This 'moonth' has seen an unprecedented level of creativity, even for me. Three podcasts, three new ambient tracks and one guided meditation just popped out of nowhere. More specifically they came from the Void to the...
Starting a ‘Wave
When you haven't written a book, getting it actually published can seem like a bit of a mountain to climb. When you do get it published, it can appear like another bigger and harder mountain appears - and that's to tell...
A Gift That Keeps on Giving
Just over 10 years ago, I published my first non-fiction book called Blocks. To accompany it, I created a set of meditations. Little did I know then that would lead me down a completely different path. This month, my...
Finding a Way
While I have been busy creating the Soulwaves book itself, I have consciously done nothing about publishing it, other than to observe what is happening in the industry. So rather than me having to find the way to get it...
15 Books Later
Fifteen books later, the book I started first has finally been written - and narrated. It's now off for typesetting as this blog gets published. The day after the book is done and it's now kind of out of my hands, it's...
Small Steps Big Steps
Soulwaves : The Audiobook This month has been consumed by audiobook production - slotted in around loads of family support. At 100 chapters and just shy of 100k words, there is no short cut. I am managing 10...
Taking Hands off the Wheel
Artwork by Siri Stiklestad Opli The month of August has become a big handle turning exercise. September augurs more of the same. The reason being is that 35 of the 100 chapters of Soulwaves are now narrated. I make no...
Two Million Listens
Several blogs ago I set my stall our to post once a month as a bread crumb trail of what was going on in my life - the original purpose and format for a blog perhaps. Something happened at the start of this...
Now I should state that I am really not a fan of Formula 1. To me the prospect of watching paint dry is more compelling. That said, I am a big fan of analogy and metaphor and the concept of taking a pit stop...
Cogs Are Turning
This month I did something I have never done before in the middle of a big project. I took a month off. Well not exactly, I packed up a house I’d lived in for 20 years and had a week's holiday on a wide beam...
Winding Down and Winding Up
The two pillars in the High Priestess card in the Tarot represent Involution and Evolution. Involution is like a winding down, or curling up, and it leads to evolution when it unfolds again. Reflecting on this natural...
Crossing Over
This month sees a couple of new crossings over. One of them was planned and the other unexpected and accidental. Crossing #1 : Non-fiction to fiction The first planned crossing is from non-fiction author to...
Being Seen and Heard
Being Seen This month I did something I have been meaning to do for ages, I had some new photography done for my site. The wonderful Maria O'Brien of Haiga Photography popped over to my house on a glorious...
My Biz My Way Part 2
This time last year I was invited by Judith Morgan to reflect on how I did my business my way. A year on, or another Sun orbit, I thought it worthwhile to reflect on how it all went. You can read the first...
The Turning Point
This January, I did something that I had not done for a number of years. I started out by taking my foot off the gas. Partly ticking off something from the bucket list and partly winding up my 60th year with some fellow...
Phases of Life
This month saw the unexpected passing of my mother-in-law. She has been in a care home for 8 years and wasn't ill (for once). She had had a happy day, laughing and joking and was chatting to my father-in-law watching TV...
Paths of Return
The Paths of Return This month has been nothing less than amazing ... and that's after a load of amazing months. It has been a time when many threads have come together and many seeds planted years ago finally...
A Blog Going Back to Basics
© gabrielle cole When blogs first came about, they were mainly designed to act as a chronological journal. Some still are but many, including this one, are repositories of articles, often categorised to make blogs easier...
The Slowest Book I’ve Written
In 2012, on September 3rd, I started writing what became my quickest book called This We Know. 14 days later, on the 17th September (that same year), a copy of the print version arrived in the post - and it was available...
One Million Listens
This month I reached a milestone which was not in my wildest of wild dreams and not on any To Do List, or set of goals. My meditations and podcasts on mindfulness have been listened to over 1 million times. When we hit...
How to Spot a Humangel
From time to time an angel reincarnates on the Earth plane. They are normally from the lower ranks. Clarence in It's a Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart is good example of one. They are known as Humangels. They come to...
A Podcast Pot Pourri
After somewhat of a hiatus, due to not one but two books being written, I've started podcasting again, as both interviewee and interviewer. Like buses you've been standing around waiting for, they seem to all come at...
My Biz My Way
This month I begin my 61st orbit of our home star on Spaceship Earth. This means I turn 60. Incidentally, that's a journey of over 35 billion miles around the Sun! It seems somewhat appropriate to mark the occasion with...
Live Meditations at the Wellness Day
I'm thrilled to have been invited to deliver several live meditations at the Wellness Day at G-Live ... find out what it's all about in this interview with Stacey Mcintyre ... ... and here's what I will be doing on the...
How to Master Time
Invest an hour of your time listening to this interview with Smita Joshi and I guarantee you will discover at least one tip which will give you that hour back ...
Another Quarter Billion Miles
The Earth travels over a half billion miles each year as it orbits around the Sun. So today, on the Winter Solstice, you can think of as being the end of one orbit and the start of the next. It's a good time to reflect...
Change Your Mind Change Your Time
The normal human mind is only capable of experiencing one thought at a time. If you think about the past or the future, your attention is diverted from what you are focussing on at any one time. As our mind is prone to...
21 Days of Meditation
My new 21 day meditation re-treat is a pebble I dropped in the pond a couple of months back. It is making some lovely ripples and waves. Here's a Tweet stream from Johan Falk in Sweden that describes the journey in a way...
A Quarter Billion Miles
The Earth travels over a half billion miles each year as it orbits around the Sun. So today, on the Summer Solstice, we're 1/4 of a billion miles into that journey. It's a good time to reflect on the journey so far and...
The Business of Mindfulness
My book The Authority Guide to Mindfulness explores how we can use the practice of mindfulness meditation for real world outcomes. Being a practical book too, it doesn't just talk about the subject but it comes with the...
At the end of last year, I had made a switch. Or more accurately a switch had been made for me. Instead of being an author who created meditations to augment his books, I became a full blown meditation creator and...
A Year for Stepping Up
Before embarking on another year, it pays dividends to reflect on the year just gone. For me, 2016 was one amazing year and an example of how any formal goal setting can actually hamper our progress. So-called "SMART...
Three Wise Men [2016]
It's traditional around this time of year for Three Wise Men to come from the East bearing gifts. This year on the Zone Show podcast is no different, apart from two of them hailing from the West, namely Mitch Horowitz...
Getting the Whole World Meditating
In Autumn 2015, my meditations got discovered by the Insight Timer app, and its marvelous community of worldwide meditators. I discovered that people seemed to really like them....